Chronic widespread pain syndrome or fibromyalgia is characterised by a constellation of chronic syndromes, including widespread pain, tenderness (sensitivity to touch), fatigue, stiffness, and sleeplessness. It bears a resemblance to many diseases like arthritis, hypothyroidism, and fatigue syndromes; hence, it is a difficult disease to diagnose and treat. Symptoms are present for a duration of more than three months and are associated with conditions like depression, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, etc. Top anesthesiologists in Hebbal has encountered that the pain is mostly present in the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues. Some patients suffer from chronic widespread pain throughout their lives, and hence their quality of life is affected.
Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Widespread pain involving both the upper and lower body.
Dull aching pain that sometimes gets worse with activity.
Stiffness of muscles and joints.
Tingling and numbness in hands and feet.
Multiple tender areas or tender points.
Sleeplessness, irregular sleep patterns, waking up tired and un-refreshed.
Cognitive difficulties (fibro fog) or inability to concentrate.
Causes for Fibromyalgia
The causes of fibromyalgia are still unclear. It is believed that the main cause of fibromyalgia is sensitisation where the brain receptors develop a memory of pain and become sensitised which can cause an increased reaction to both painful as well as non-painful stimuli. This can lead to an amplification of pain signals.
Genetic Component - Fibromyalgia tends to run in families.
Infections - Certain infections tend to aggravate the disorder.
Emotional stress or psychological triggers.
People with chronic diseases like osteoarthritis, depression, anxiety, and chronic backache are more prone to fibromyalgia.
Physical and emotional traumas or serious injuries.
Risk factors & Associated Conditions
Females are the most commonly affected.
You are more likely to develop fibromyalgia if you have a family history of the condition.
Also, Anxiety, headaches, temporomandibular disorders, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Treatment and Procedures
At the best anesthesiology hospital in Hebbal, the treatment deals with the management of the symptoms, including pain management and the well-being of the patient. Non-pharmacological treatments:
A healthy diet and exercise plan.
Physical therapy - stretches and exercises, strengthening of muscles and joints.
Stress management as well as good emotional health can alleviate the symptoms of pain.
Good sleep hygiene.
Yoga, meditation, and cognitive behavioural therapies.
Pharmacological Measures
Over-the-counter Medications - pain relief medications like paracetamol and NSAIDS.
Antidepressants help with symptom alleviation.
Anti-seizure medications also provide benefit.
Interventional Pain Management
Myofascial pain can be treated with trigger point injections, intravenous lignocaine infusions, and ultrasound-guided nerve blocks, all of which are beneficial in resistant cases.
Fibromyalgia has no permanent cure, but symptoms can definitely be taken care of and pain can be controlled for a good quality of life.