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Consultant - Minimally Invasive Gynaecology

Manipal Hospitals, Hebbal

Myths And Facts About Fibroids

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Posted On: Jan 04, 2023

blogs read 3 Min Read

Fibroid Treatment in Hebbal Bangalore

Fibroids are primary tumors that develop in the uterine wall. Even though fibroids are not cancerous tumors, once someone hears about them, they automatically assume they have cancer. In general, they are benign tumors, which are usually quite common; according to reports, 20 to 30 women out of every 100 have fibroid tumors.

Fibroids are more noticeable in women 25 to 45 years old and in the reproductive age range. But nowadays several other factors, like improper eating habits, contribute to hormone imbalance, which can cause fibroid tumors in females. However, because they are focused on their careers, women today are delaying marriage and childbearing as well as working through family and professional stress, all of which contribute to hormone imbalance. Because of this hormonal imbalance, fibroids are increasingly being seen in girls as young as 17 to 18 years old. Even now, we are witnessing fibroid cases in the post-menopausal age group due to drastic hormonal imbalances.

Symptoms of Fibroids

  • In general, the symptoms are determined by the size and location of the fibroids. If the fibroids are located very close to the inner line of the uterus, then they are more troublesome. This can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, where the woman has a prolonged heavy flow with large clots, or it can make the cycle extremely painful. In this case, they may experience a menstrual cycle on an irregular basis, such as every 15 to 20 days, as well as prolonged spotting even after the process.

  • Fibroids may sometimes be asymptomatic if they are located far from the inner lining of the uterus. Accordingly, fibroids can be both symptomatic and asymptomatic. Symptomatic fibroids can result in several menstrual problems. Often, the fibroids can grow to the point where they press against the bladder and urine bag, making it more and more difficult for the woman to urinate or pass urine.

To know more, consult with the best gynaecologist in Hebbal, Bangalore.

Treatment of Fibroids

  • Not all fibroids require treatment or surgery. Most fibroid tumors do not require treatment if they are not causing any problems with the woman's menstrual cycle or if they are not growing in size. However, if someone has fibroids, they are recommended to undergo regular follow-ups with an expert to monitor the size of the fibroid.

  • Fibroids that are small and show no changes in size on regular scans (quiet fibroids) can be given fibroid treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore without surgery. Usually, these types of fibroids do not require any treatment. On the other hand, fibroid tumors that grow too quickly—by 5 to 7 cm in one year—are considered troublesome fibroid tumors and require treatment or sometimes surgery.

  • A woman can consider various medical management options, such as medicine or injection, and non-surgical management options, before deciding to undergo surgery. However, surgical treatments are also advised in case, the fibroid tumors are too large, causing too many menstrual problems, and leading to anemia.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Manipal Hospitals, Hebbal

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