A stroke, also known as a brain attack or cerebrovascular accident, happens when blood veins in the brain break or by a clot the flow of blood get interrupted to a specific area of the brain. Usually, the brain cannot store oxygen but to work properly it needs oxygen, hence, it is dependent on a network of blood veins to deliver oxygen-rich blood to it. Without the supply of oxygen and nutrients, the surrounding brain cells begin to die within minutes which leads to long-term disability, brain damage, or even death.
Symptoms of Brain Stroke
The symptoms of a stroke can range from little weakness to facial muscle or numbness on one side or total paralysis. Other symptoms include:
Difficulty in seeing.
Difficulty in speaking or comprehending speech.
A severe headache.
Sudden weakness.
Book an appointment at our Neurology Hospital in Hebbal Bangalore if you are having these symptoms.
Causes of Brain Stroke
Most causes of stroke or the leading causes of stroke are related to lifestyle changes such as:
Uncontrolled sugar or uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.
Uncontrolled and unchecked hypertension.
Blood pressure
Heavy smoking
Heavy alcohol intake.
Other causes which are not that common and rarely visible but can lead an individual towards stroke are:
A person with a strong family history of stroke.
A person born with some blood abnormalities such as the absence of haemoglobin.
Absence of certain blood thinning, and clotting factors in the blood.
Tips to prevent a Brain Stroke
Prevention mainly depends on cutting down the risk factor of the stroke, taking care of causes that can lead to stroke eventually, and also modifying the risk factor for the person who is already at threat of getting a stroke. Some preventive tips are:
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, good fitness level.
Checking blood sugar as well as blood pressure on a regular basis for the person who is having a family history of diabetes and blood pressure, checking blood pressure regularly once an individual cross 25 years of age.
Check weight regularly and if overweight reduce weight to a moderate level.
Cut down the carbohydrates (dairy products, sweets).
Stop smoking, and reduce alcohol intake.
If a person is having a strong family history of stroke, should check blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol level on yearly basis, and should maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent the probability of getting a stroke. To know more consult with our Neurologist in Hebbal Bangalore.
Post Stroke Rehabilitation
A crucial and important aspect of stroke treatment is rehabilitation. Depending on the severity of the stroke, recovering a normal quality of life is typically attainable with the correct help and the support of loved ones. A stroke might possibly change the life of an individual and leave them with long-lasting physical and mental problems. Specific therapies and support systems are frequently necessary for a successful recovery after stroke and those are as follows:
Physical Therapy
An individual may be able to regain their coordination and mobility. Keeping active is crucial, even though it could be challenging at first.
Support Groups
A person can deal with typical mental health problems that can develop after a stroke, such as depression, by joining a support group. Sharing common experiences and exchanging knowledge is valuable to many people who are dealing with the same.
Speech Therapy
Speech production or comprehension issues are helped by this. Communicating can be made simpler by practice, relaxation, and style changes.
Support from friends and family
After a stroke, close friends and family members should make an effort to provide comfort and practical support. It's crucial to inform friends and family of what they can do to assist.
Occupational Therapy
A person's capacity to carry out daily tasks including bathing, cooking, getting dressed, eating, reading, and writing may increase as a result of occupational therapy.
Consultant - Neurologist
Manipal Hospitals, Hebbal, Bangalore