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Male Hypogonadism
When sperm or testosterone is insufficient, men suffer from male hypogonadism, a condition characterised by a lack of the masculine hormone that plays a vital role in puberty. Male hypogonadism can be congenital or develop later in life due to injury or infection. Testosterone replacement therapy can treat some types of male hypogonadism.
The development of hypogonadism can begin during fetal development, at puberty or as an adult. Different signs and symptoms depend on the stage of the disease.
Fetal Development: Genetically male children may be born with,
Genital organs of women
Neither male nor female genitals (ambiguous genitals)
A male genital system that is underdeveloped
Puberty: In males, hypogonadism can delay puberty or prevent normal development. As a result,
Strengthening of muscles
Deepening of voice
Body and facial hair growth
Testicles and penis growth
Among its effects are:
Excessive arm and leg growth relative to the lower body
Breast tissue development (gynecomastia)
An individual with male hypogonadism does not produce enough testosterone in his testicles. Hypogonadism can be classified into two types,
Primary: A testicular problem causes this type of hypogonadism, also called primary testicular failure.
Secondary: Hypogonadism caused by this type indicates a problem with the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, which triggers testosterone production in the testicles.
If your sexual development, including pubic hair, muscle mass, and testes size, is consistent with your age, you will have a physical exam by your healthcare provider.
Hypogonadism can be diagnosed by testing your testosterone level. Blood tests are usually taken in the morning, possibly on more than one occasion, to determine testosterone levels.
A testicular disorder or pituitary abnormality may cause low testosterone if tests confirm that you have low testosterone. Among these studies are,
Semen analysis
Testicular biopsy
Hormone testing
Genetic studies
Pituitary imaging
Treatment Procedures
Testosterone replacement is usually used in treating male hypogonadism to restore testosterone levels to normal.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Types
Due to serious liver problems, oral testosterone preparations have not been used for treating hypogonadism.
Other options might include,
Applications of Gel on your skin
Injecting testosterone cypionate and enanthate
Cheek and gum
Through nostrils
Implantable pellets
The pituitary gland can be stimulated to produce sperm, restoring fertility, if this is the cause. Pituitary tumours may be surgically removed, treated with medication, radiated, or replaced with other hormones.
Ovaries Disorders
A female's reproductive system includes the ovaries. The uterus has two ovaries, one on each side.
Problems with ovaries include,
Ovarian cysts and PCOS
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian torsion
Primary ovarian insufficiency
Most of the symptoms include,
Missed, irregular or very light periods
Large or cystic ovaries
Hair growth on the chest, stomach, and back (hirsutism)
Gaining weight in the belly area (abdomen)
Oily or acne-prone skin
Thinning or balding hair like in men
Skin tags and small patches of excess skin in the armpits or neck
Under the breasts, in the armpits, or on the back of the neck, there may be dark or thick patches of skin
Diagnosis: Through blood tests and ultrasound, these problems can be diagnosed.
Treatment Procedures
The ovaries treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore depends on the number of underlying causes like age, symptoms, and overall health. Some of the treatment procedures include,
A change in your daily activity and diet
Having medicines that cause ovulation
Birth control pills (if you’re not planning for pregnancy)
Diabetes medications
Medications to treat other problems
Consult with a team of experts at Manipal Hospitals to know more about treatments.
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