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"Lipid disorders" encompass many conditions that affect blood lipids or fats.
Triglycerides and Low-density Lipoproteins (LDLs) are among these fats. Blood also contains "good" cholesterol and High-density Lipoproteins (HDL). Triglycerides and LDLs are typically increased in lipid disorders.
Below are the symptoms found in people with very high lipid levels,
A yellowish rash or yellow crease on the skin caused by fatty deposits around the joints and tendons (xanthomas)
Younger people with high cholesterol may experience white arcs around the cornea of their eyes (arcus senilis)
Yellow bumps inside the eyelids (xanthelasma)
Your musculoskeletal system can suffer stress and strain when you have too much body fat.
Causes of Obesity and Lipid Disorder
Genetics, lifestyle, and other underlying health conditions can contribute to lipid disorders leading to obesity.
Lifestyle and diet factors
Fast and convenient foods
Eating sugary foods
Genetic factors
Certain medications
A lipid profile or lipid panel is a blood test used to diagnose lipid disorders and obesity. Among other things, triglycerides, HDLs, and LDLs are measured. Also, your doctor checks your height, weight to find BMI.
A doctor during obesity and lipid disorders treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore may order additional tests if blood results indicate elevated cholesterol, such as thyroid and liver tests, to rule out underlying problems.
A doctor may order advanced lipid testing if they suspect a patient needs intensive treatment. Using this test, you can increase your chances of predicting the risk of heart disease by checking the level of lipoproteins in your blood.
Treatment Procedures
The treatment for obesity includes,
Increased activity
Dietary changes
Behavioural therapies
Weight Loss Surgery: Bariatric surgery may be an option for people with class III obesity. Surgery can be an effective yet severe solution to losing significant weight long-term. Instead of just changing your mind or habits, it changes your biology. The digestive system is altered in some way by all bariatric surgeries. In addition, they limit the number of calories you can consume and absorb. Your digestive system's hormonal factors also affect your metabolism and hunger.
Among the procedures involved in bariatric surgery are,
Gastric bypass
Gastric band
Gastric Sleeve
Duodenal switch
Treatment for Lipid Disorders: Depending on cholesterol levels, age, and underlying health conditions, treatment for lipid disorders may vary.
High cholesterol is usually treated by changing one's lifestyle. Among these changes are,
Reducing or eliminating saturated and trans fats
Eat more, brown rice, pasta, fruit, and vegetables, and follow a healthy diet
Losing weight by exercising moderately - at least 150 minutes per week
Quitting smoking and vaping
Reducing alcohol consumption
Health care professionals may recommend medication and lifestyle changes in combination to manage cholesterol levels. Cholesterol management medications include,
Cholesterol absorption inhibitors
Bile acid sequestrants
Fibrate therapy
Green and black tea
Consult with a team of experts at Manipal Hospitals to know more about treatments.
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