Menstrual Growth and Pubertal Disorders treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore

Menstrual Growth and Pubertal Disorders

Menstrual Growth and Pubertal Disorders treatment in Bangalore

Pubertal Disorders

Children's bodies go through puberty as they develop into adults. As a result of the body's increased hormone production, puberty causes physical and emotional changes. The beginning of menstruation, the development of breasts, pubic hair, and a growth spurt all affect girls during this time.

The average onset of puberty occurs between 8 and 13 years of age, although every girl grows and develops differently. It is considered a puberty disorder if these processes and changes do not happen as they should.

Causes may include the following,

  • Heredity

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal disorders

  • A genetic disorder

  • Pituitary or thyroid gland problems that affect hormone production

  • Growth-related chromosomal disorders

  • An eating disorder

  • Excessive physical activity

  • Infections

  • Tumours

  • A chemotherapy treatment

  • Injuries or other underlying medical conditions.


  • A lack of breast development by the age of 13

  • A lack of pubic hair by the age of 14

  • The time between breast development and the first period is more than five years

  • At age 16, the period has not started 

  • When girls are 7 or 8 years old, they begin to grow breasts, experience periods and develop pubic hair as part of puberty.

Types of Pubertal Disorder

  • Having Delayed Puberty: Puberty has not begun by the age of 13

  • In girls, precocious puberty occurs before the age of 7 or 8

  • Contra Sexual Pubertal Development: Fmales developing male characteristics

  • Premature Thelarche: Development of breasts without other signs of puberty

  • Premature Menarche: Periods begin before puberty appears

  • Early Adrenarche: The appearance of the pubic hair before puberty occurs.

Diagnosis and Tests

To diagnose during menstrual growth and pubertal disorders treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore, a detailed medical history must be taken, followed by a thorough physical examination, including a pelvic and breast examination if necessary.

A diagnostic test may include,

  • Hand/wrist X-ray for determining bone age

  • Checking for chromosomal abnormalities and hormone levels in the blood via blood tests

  • CT scan or MRI - to diagnose brain or pituitary gland problems

  • Thyroid testing

  • Ovaries and adrenal glands are examined with ultrasound.

Treatment Procedures

Puberty disorders are treated according to the individual's symptoms and underlying causes.

The following treatments may be used,

  • In cases where a disorder is likely to resolve on its own, observation and regular check-ups are recommended

  • The use of hormones

  • Anatomical corrections - by surgery

Children and families can receive counselling for the emotional and social challenges of puberty disorders.

Menstrual Disorders

Between puberty and menopause, women experience menstruation. "Menstruation" is called "menses" or a "period" because it is the flow of blood out of the uterus via the cervix and vagina. Menstrual disorders can disrupt a woman's menstrual cycle. There are a variety of symptoms associated with menstruation, such as painful cramps, abnormally heavy bleeding, and no bleeding at all.

Menstrual Disorders

  • Dysmenorrhea is painful cramping during menstruation

  • Premenstrual syndrome refers to a set of physical and psychological symptoms that occur before menstruation

  • An excessive menstrual period or prolonged menstrual bleeding is referred to as menorrhagia

  • Metorrhagia is an irregular period of bleeding, especially between expected periods

  • The absence of menstruation is known as amenorrhea

  • Infrequent menstruation is called oligomenorrhea. Light periods are referred to as hypomenorrhea

Treatment Procedures

Menstrual disorders can be treated in various ways, including,

  • If you experience cramp pain, you might find relief with acetaminophen (Tylenol) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve).

  • Menstrual periods can be regulated, and heavy bleeding can be reduced with oral contraceptives (birth control pills). The use of continuous-dosing oral contraceptives reduces or eliminates menstruation. Another option is progesterone injections (Depo-Provera). Progesterone intrauterine devices (IUDs), such as LNG-IUS (Mirena), are commonly recommended as first-line treatments for heavy bleeding.

  • Endometrial ablation can be performed surgically. It may be necessary to consider a hysterectomy when medical therapy fails.

Consult with the doctors at Manipal Hospitals to know more about treatments. 

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