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Cancers, known collectively as head and neck cancers, usually begin in the squamous cells that line the mucosal surfaces of the head and neck (for example, those inside the mouth, throat, and voice box). These cancers are squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. Head and neck cancers can also begin in the salivary glands, sinuses, or muscles or nerves in the head and neck, but these types are much less common.
The main head and neck cancer treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Surgery or radiation therapy by themselves or a combination of these treatments may be part of the treatment plan.
Head and neck cancer symptoms vary according to where cancer began. Here are a few typical warning symptoms of head and neck cancer,
A lump in the mouth, jaw, or back of the neck
mouth sores
weakness or discomfort in the face
a sore neck
Having Trouble Moving the Jaw
Having Trouble Swallowing
Speech Issues
Hearing loss or ear pain
difficulty breathing
Throat Pain
Patches in the mouth or throat that are white or red
Loss of weight
It's crucial to consult your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms. A comprehensive evaluation should be performed even if these could be symptoms of less severe illnesses.
Identifying the tumour's stage is the first step in treating head and neck cancer.
Small and locally-confined, stage I and stage II tumours have not yet spread. Usually, they are treatable.
Cancers in stages III and IV typically have giant tumours or have migrated to adjacent lymph nodes. They often have a lower probability of recovery and more complex treatments, but most of them may be recoverable. Metastatic tumours, often known as cancers that have migrated to other body regions, are typically regarded as incurable but can sometimes be treated to lessen symptoms.
Your therapy will be based on the stage, age, general health, and the tumour's location.
The three main courses of treatment for head and neck cancers are radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy. Some patients may receive all three treatments.
During surgery, the goal is to remove the cancerous tumour and some surrounding healthy tissue during an operation. Types of surgery for head and neck cancer include,
Laser technology. This may be used to treat an early-stage tumour, primarily if it is found in the larynx.
Excision. This operation removes the cancerous tumour and some surrounding healthy tissue, known as a margin.
Lymph node dissection or neck dissection. If the doctor suspects cancer has spread, the doctor may remove lymph nodes in the neck, which may be done at the same time as an excision.
Reconstructive (plastic) surgery. If cancer surgery requires significant tissue removal, such as removing the jaw, skin, pharynx, or tongue, reconstructive or plastic surgery may replace the missing tissue. This operation helps restore a person's appearance and the function of the affected area.
For example, a prosthodontist may be able to make an artificial dental or facial part to help restore the ability to swallow and speak. A speech pathologist may then be needed to help the patient relearn how to swallow and communicate using new techniques or special equipment.
Depending on the location, stage, and type of cancer, some people may need more than one operation. Sometimes, it is impossible to remove cancer altogether, and additional treatments may be necessary. For example, surgery may be followed by radiation therapy ( high-energy X-rays ), chemotherapy (anti-cancer drugs ), or both to destroy cancer cells that cannot be removed during surgery.
Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals to know more about treatments with the help of best doctors in Hebbal, Bangalore.
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