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Histopathology treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore studies disease symptoms through microscopic inspection of a biopsy or surgical specimen that has been processed and put onto glass slides. The sections are stained with one or more stains to visualise different tissue components under a microscope. Staining reveals cellular details; counter-stains are utilised to generate contrast.
Pathologists have utilised hematoxylin and eosin staining for over a century. Cell nuclei are stained blue with hematoxylin, whereas cytoplasm and connective tissue are stained pink with eosin. Because of the long history of H&E, established methodologies, and massive data and publications, many pathologists believe that H&E will remain the standard practice for the next 50 years.
Because each ailment causes a distinct set of alterations in tissue structure, the histological study of tissues can aid in disease diagnosis. Because there are so many disorders, histology alone cannot generally give a diagnosis, yet the histological appearance is conclusive in some circumstances. A pathologist, for example, might see signs of a viral infection in the brain due to tissue damage and inflammation but be unable to identify the virus; identifying the virus may require immunohistochemistry for the viral protein or, more likely, the diagnosis would be confirmed by symptoms or serology. The presence of 'owl-eye' cells in the brain indicates a specific type of measles infection. Histopathology results are typically simply one component of the illness picture that the clinician is creating.
Although diseases are various, the body's responses are more constrained and fall into distinct categories. Inflammation, for example, may occur in response to an infection, as a result of physical damage, or as part of an autoimmune illness, in which the immune system assaults body components.
Infection can impact any body tissue, causing cell damage and inflammatory reactions. Viruses are often too small to be seen under a light microscope. Still, their existence may often be deduced from the alterations they cause in tissue, even if their identity must be confirmed using immunohistochemistry, serology, or molecular biology. Bacteria can be viewed under a light microscope with high magnification objective lenses; however, the number of bacteria present in tissue can vary significantly even within the same disease.
Inflammation is a normal reaction to tissue damage or illness. Acute inflammation occurs quickly and fades in a matter of days, whereas chronic inflammation can remain for months or years, usually due to the persistence of the initial trigger. Acute inflammation has a distinct histological appearance from chronic inflammation, and the distinguishing traits indicate the initiating cause.
Chronic inflammation
Chronic inflammation is evident in disorders with a protracted infection, mainly because the pathogen can evade the body's immune defences. Chronic inflammation resolves when the condition is removed, but leftover damage may still be visible in the tissues. Chronic inflammation is also seen in many autoimmune diseases; in autoimmunity, the target of the immune response is one of the body's proteins or cellular components, and thus the stimulus for inflammation cannot be removed. However, the condition may improve if the standard controls that prevent autoimmune reactions are restored. Consult at Manipal Hospitals to know more about treatments with the help of best doctors in Bangalore.
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