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Book Appointments & Health Checkup Packages
After birth, women and newborns need support and careful monitoring. As a result of the lack of quality maternal and newborn care, most maternal and infant deaths occur within the first six weeks after delivery.
How To Care for Newborn In The Delivery Room?
Right after birth, your baby's healthcare providers ensure a postnatal care in Hebbal, Bangalore like she is healthy and adjusting to life outside the womb.
They examine her muscles, heart rate, skin colour, breathing, and reflexes. The majority of babies are healthy and do not require special medical attention.
Keeping your baby close to your skin keeps them warm and lets you bond. In addition, you can start breastfeeding.
Your baby receives shots and eye drops to protect the newborn from health conditions that can harm them.
Through screening, you can determine if your baby has a severe but rare condition at birth.
Newborn Care Right After Birth
A healthcare provider checks your baby minutes after birth to ensure he's healthy and stable. They perform the following,
Make sure your baby can breathe: To help your baby inhale for the first time, your healthcare provider clears mucus from her nose and mouth. To help your baby breathe deeply, they may rub her back. Your baby should cry at birth to eliminate any extra fluid in her nose, lungs, or mouth. Although most babies don't cry after birth, a few do. In the beginning, she may take a few quiet breaths. Healthcare providers may provide extra assistance for babies with difficulty breathing after birth, such as premature babies (babies born before 37 weeks of pregnancy) and c-section babies. Cesarean births are surgeries in which a cut is made in your belly and uterus to deliver your baby.
Trim the umbilical cord with a clamp: Umbilical cords connect your baby to the placenta in the womb, carrying oxygen and food from the placenta to the baby during pregnancy. You don't need the umbilical cord now that your baby is born. During labour, your labour partner or baby's provider can clamp and cut the cord. Before tying the line, most providers wait 30 to 60 seconds for the blood from your placenta to flow into your baby. Delay cord clamping is the process of doing this.
Make sure your baby stays warm: As soon as the baby is born, it can become cold. During birth, a baby is wet from the amniotic fluid. To prevent your baby from getting out, your provider will dry them. Vernix is the substance that covers and protects the skin of your baby in the womb. It is a white, cheesy, waterproof substance. Vernix can help babies stay warm and prevent weight loss and jaundice by keeping their skin moisturised. A baby with jaundice looks yellow in the eyes and skin, and having a non-functioning liver causes it. It may be necessary to wait several hours before your baby gets a bath to protect the vernix on her skin.
Check your baby's Apgar score: A baby's Apgar score lets the provider know how well the baby is adjusting to life outside the womb. Your provider will perform Apgar at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth.
The acronym for Apgar is:
A – Activity. Your baby's provider checks the tone of their muscles.
P – Pulse. Your baby's provider takes their heart rate, and over 100 beats per minute are considered a strong heart rate.
G – Grimace; reflex. If your baby sneezes, coughs or faces a reaction to the bulb syringe, your provider checks your baby.
A – Appearance. A provider examines your baby's skin colour. Until a baby warms up, her skin may be pale or blue.
R – Respiration. When your baby cries loudly, your provider listens to their breathing.
Providers assign a score to each category based on a 0, 1 or 2 scale. After that, they add the numbers to get the final Apgar score. Babies with an Apgar score over 7 are generally in good health.
An infant with low Apgar scores may require special medical attention in a newborn intensive care unit (NICU). If a baby's heart or lungs fail, they may need oxygen or medicine to strengthen their heartbeat. Sometimes, premature babies have a low Apgar score due to a lack of development. Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals now.
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