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Book Appointments & Health Checkup Packages
After a surgical procedure, your baby receives postoperative care. Your baby's health history and the type of surgery the baby has will determine the type of postoperative care they need. Often, it involves the management of pain and the maintenance of wounds.
It is essential to begin postoperative care as soon as possible after post-operative care in Hebbal, Bangalore. In addition to lasting during your baby's hospital stay, it may also continue after they are discharged. A healthcare provider should inform you about any potential side effects and complications after the baby's procedure as part of their postoperative care.
Ensure you know what type of postoperative care your baby will receive before surgery. Having this time will allow you to prepare in advance. Depending on how your baby's surgery went and how well your baby is recovering, your doctor may revise some of their instructions afterwards.
Postoperative care for neonates
Before leaving the theatre, check the temperature.
Suppose the arterial blood pressure line (UAC or peripheral arterial) is to be continued once the infant is returned to the NICU. In that case, fluids must run at the appropriate pressure during the transfer.
Recordings every half hour for the first four hours following return to the NICU.
Continuously monitor and record the following hourly:
Blood pressure
Skin temperature
Pain assessment
Every four hours, take and record the temperature.
By orders, maintain ventilation.
Make sure arterial blood gas/capillary blood gas, FBC, and U&Es are performed as directed.
Fluids should be administered via IV as prescribed. Without a doctor/nurse practitioner/surgical team, the baby remains nil by mouth.
Ensure that the daily observation chart contains accurate inputs and outputs:
Discuss with the team if a fluid balance chart is needed.
An indwelling catheter may be an option.
Bleeding signs should be observed on wounds. Excess bleeding should be reported.
Administer pain relief according to the prescription.
Follow the instructions on the pill when administering antibiotics.
All procedures and treatments should be explained to parents.
Maintain a low level of stress for the family.
The condition and progress of the baby are kept in the hands of the parents.
An opportunity is offered to parents for them to speak with surgeons, doctors, or NS-NNPs.
The surgeons must have the parents' mobile numbers to contact them.
Post-operative Care at Home
After your baby leaves the hospital, you must follow your doctor's instructions. Don't forget to follow your doctor's instructions, feed your baby's medications as prescribed, and look for potential complications.
Do not overdo things if your baby has been instructed to rest. Physical activity shouldn't be neglected if your baby is allowed to move around. Slowly make your baby active once your baby returns to normal.
Your baby may need time to recover from surgery. You may need a caregiver to help with wound care, preparing food, keeping clean, and moving around. In the absence of a family member or close friend, ask your doctor for a recommendation for a caregiving service.
Feel free to contact your doctor if your baby experience any of these symptoms: fever, increased pain, or bleeding after surgery. Contact your doctor whenever you have questions or don't seem to recover as expected.
Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals now.
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