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This procedure of kidney transplant treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore takes a healthy kidney from a deceased or living donor and transplants it into a patient whose kidneys have failed. Without functional kidneys, the body accumulates harmful amounts of waste and fluid, which is a life-threatening situation. Everyone has two kidneys, and it is possible to function normally with just one, this makes it easier for people to become living donors, especially among families.
A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that involves implanting a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor into a person whose kidneys are no longer functioning correctly.
When the kidneys lose their filtering abilities, dangerous fluid levels and waste collection in the body raise blood pressure and lead to kidney failure (end-stage renal disease). The end-stage renal disease occurs when the kidneys have lost around 90% of their normal function. To survive, people with the end-stage renal illness must have waste removed from their bloodstream via a machine (dialysis) or a kidney transplant.
A kidney transplant is a major surgery in which a person with renal failure receives a new kidney from a living or deceased donor. A successful kidney transplant is the closest thing to natural kidney function and is often regarded as the best effective treatment for ESRD, providing hope for longer, healthier life.
When compared to a lifetime on dialysis, a kidney transplant is frequently the therapy of choice for renal failure. A kidney transplant can help you feel better and live longer if you have chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease.
In comparison to dialysis, kidney transplantation is associated with,
Improved living quality
Lower death risk
less dietary constraints
Reduced treatment costs
Some people may benefit from a kidney transplant before the need for dialysis, a surgery known as a preemptive kidney transplant.
However, for some persons with kidney failure, a kidney transplant may be riskier than dialysis. Conditions that may preclude you from receiving a kidney transplant include,
advancing years
Severe heart illness
Cancer that is active or has just been treated
Dementia or a poorly managed mental illness
Abuse of alcohol or drugs
Any additional factor could jeopardise the capacity to correctly complete the procedure and take the drugs required following a transplant to prevent organ rejection.
Living-donor kidney transplantation is an option because only one given kidney is required to replace two failing kidneys.
If a suitable living donor is unavailable, your name may be added to a kidney transplant waiting list to obtain a kidney from a deceased donor.
The length of time you must wait for a deceased donor organ depends on your degree of matching or compatibility with the donor, your duration on dialysis and the transplant waitlist, and your predicted survival post-transplant. Some people find a match within a few months, while others may have to wait several years.
You will not be conscious during the procedure because kidney transplants are conducted under general anaesthetic. The surgical team checks your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen level throughout the procedure.
During the procedure
The new kidney is implanted into the body through an incision in the bottom section of one side of the abdomen. They are left in place until they produce issues such as high blood pressure, kidney stones, discomfort, or infection.
The new kidney's blood vessels are connected to blood veins in the lower abdomen, directly above one of your legs.
The bladder is attached to the ureter of the new kidney, which is the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder.
Contact with Manipal Hospitals to get detailed information regarding the treatments with the help of best doctors in Hebbal, Bangalore.
Home Hebbal Specialities Nephrology Kidney-transplantation