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Carpal Tunnel Release
The painful disease known as carpal tunnel syndrome is treated and cured by a surgery called carpal tunnel release. Previously, doctors believed that repetitive wrist or hand motions, typically at work, were the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome. They now understand that some people just have smaller carpal tunnels than others, suggesting that it is most likely a hereditary propensity (something that runs in families). Injury, such as a sprain or fracture, or repetitive usage of a vibrating instrument can also result in carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, it has been associated with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, thyroid disorders, and pregnancy.
The carpal tunnel is a small opening in the wrist through which the median nerve and tendons that control your fingers travel. The transverse carpal ligament runs across the top (or inside) of the wrist and the wrist bones on the bottom together create the carpal tunnel. The swelling of the tissues inside the tunnel may put pressure on the median nerve when this area of the body is hurt or constricted. If left untreated, this results in discomfort, loss of function, and numbness and tingling in the hand. In most cases, symptoms develop gradually and may worsen over time. The thumb side of the hand typically experiences them the worst. The overall flow of a carpal tunnel release procedure is as follows,
Typically, you will be requested to change into a medical gown and take off your clothes, or at the very least your shirt
For this treatment, local anaesthesia is typically utilised to numb the hand and wrist
A 2-inch wrist incision is made by the surgeon during an open release procedure. After that, the carpal ligament is sliced and the carpal tunnel is widened using standard surgical tools
An endoscopic carpal tunnel release requires two half-inch incisions from the patient. One is on the palm and the other is on the wrist. Then, they make an incision and install a camera that is connected to a thin flexible tube
Your doctor is guided by the video while they place the tools and sever the carpal ligament through the other incision
The incision(s) will be sutured by the surgeon
To prevent you from moving your wrist, your hand and wrist will either be bandaged tightly or placed in a splint
You will be observed after the procedure for a brief period before being released to return home. The requirement for an overnight hospital stay after a carpal tunnel release procedure is quite uncommon.
Dupuytren's Contracture
The abnormal thickening of the fascia, a layer of tissue beneath the skin, in the palm of your hand near the base of your fingers is known as Dupuytren's contracture (also known as Dupuytren's disease). This region may become a hard lump or thick band as it thickens. One or more fingers may begin to curl, pull inward or outward, or curl (contract) over time toward your palm.
Most frequently, the ring finger and little fingers are afflicted. It frequently affects both hands. Occasionally, feet may also be harmed.
Dupuytren's contracture may be treated with,
Surgery: The most typical kind of therapy for severe patients is this one. When your hand's function is limited, you could still accomplish it. The surgeon during plastic surgery in Hebbal, Bangalore creates an incision in your hand during Dupuytren's contracture surgery and removes the thickened tissue. Your fingers' range of motion may be enhanced by this. Contractures can recur in humans. They could need surgery once again.
Adrenal Shot (injection): A steroid injection may assist to reduce the discomfort of a lump. In some circumstances, it could prevent the deterioration of your condition. You could require more injections.
Radiation Treatment: The nodules are subjected to low-intensity X-rays. In the early stages of the condition, this is most efficacious. It can soothe the nodules and aid in preventing contractions.
Infusion of Enzymes: The surgeons doing this newer, less intrusive surgery are specifically trained. A medication is injected by your doctor to numb the hand. The enzyme is then injected into the tissue lump. The enzyme melts and breaks down the strong bands over several hours. When the surgeon snaps the chord, generally the next day, this enables the fingers to straighten.
Aponeurotomy with a Needle: To numb the hand, medication is injected into the region. The diseased tissue is divided by the surgeon using a needle without requiring to make any cuts.
Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals to get detailed information regarding treatments with the help of team of experts in Bangalore.
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