Best Psychiatry Hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore
Best Psychiatry Hospital in Bangalore


Best Psychiatry Hospital in Hebbal | Psychology Hospital in Bangalore

The psychiatry department at the best psychiatry hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore, offers comprehensive mental health services to address the diverse needs of patients. We provide age-specific treatment plans to ensure that each individual receives the most effective care tailored to their developmental stage and specific challenges. The team draws upon a holistic approach to build a personalised treatment plan that meets your needs. We have a dedicated ADHD Clinic where services like psycho-educational assessments, psychotherapy and counselling, medication management, neuropsychological assessments, and a range of other specialised services are offered.

Best Psychiatry Hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

You should choose Manipal Hospitals Hebbal, Bangalore, for the following reasons:

  • Top psychiatrists in Bangalore with specialised training in diagnosing and treating a wide range of mental health conditions

  • Availability of outpatient consultations, inpatient care, psychotherapy (including CBT), medication management, and other evidence-based treatments

  • Specialised programs for various conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and substance use disorders

  • Collaboration with other medical specialities within the hospital to address all aspects of mental and physical health

  • Family therapy, group therapy, and rehabilitation services to support patients in their recovery journey

  • Our state-of-the-art facilities and compassionate approach ensure that every patient receives the highest standard of care. 

Treatment & Procedures

Family Counselling Services

Family counselling services in Hebbal, Bangalore, offer therapeutic support aimed at helping families improve communication, resolve conflicts, and address various challenges. These services cater to diverse family structures, including married couples, blended families, single-parent households, and same-sex couples. Family counselling can be particularly…

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Paediatric Psychiatric Care

Pediatric psychiatric care in Hebbal, Bangalore focuses on treating young people with mental health disorders through a comprehensive range of services. These services include early intervention, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation, all aimed at addressing the unique mental health needs of children and adolescents.

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Marriage Counselling Services

Marriage counselling services in Hebbal, Bangalore, offer valuable support to couples looking to improve their relationship by providing them with essential tools and skills. These services are designed to help couples communicate effectively, resolve conflicts constructively, and strengthen their bond, especially if they are experiencing difficulties…

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Individual, Group, Couples, and…

Family therapy treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore, is a specialised form of therapy where family members work together with a trained therapist to explore and address their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This type of therapy is particularly beneficial for families experiencing challenges such as communication breakdowns, conflicts, or other relational…

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Best Psychiatry Hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore

Our Expertise

1. Anxiety disorders

Anxiety Disorders encompass a range of conditions marked by intense anxiety about future events and fear in response to immediate stimuli. They include Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobias, Social Anxiety Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, Panic Disorder, and Selective Mutism, each characterized by distinct patterns of anxiety and fear responses. e Disorders

2. Depressive Disorders

Depressive Disorders are marked by persistent low mood and apathy, impacting thoughts, behaviour, and well-being. Individuals may experience sadness, anxiety, emptiness, hopelessness, guilt, irritability, anger, shame, or restlessness.          

3. Bipolar disorder

 Bipolar Disorders are marked by alternating periods of depression and elevated mood. During mania, individuals may feel unusually energetic, happy, or irritable. During depression, they might experience crying spells, negative thoughts, and poor eye contact, among other symptoms.

4. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders(OCD) 

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders involve persistent, unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that drive repetitive behaviours (compulsions). These patterns disrupt daily life and cause significant distress.

5. Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders are characterized by enduring maladaptive patterns of behaviour, thinking, and inner experience that persist across various contexts and significantly deviate from cultural norms.

7. Brief Psychotic Disorder

Brief Psychotic Disorder is a short, non-recurring episode of psychosis, marked by a sudden onset of symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or behaviour, or catatonic behaviour.

8. Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a disorder marked by persistent delusions and hallucinations, leading to abnormal social behaviour and difficulty distinguishing reality. Common symptoms include false beliefs, confused thinking, hearing voices others don't, reduced social interaction and emotional expression, and lack of motivation.

9. Delusional Disorder

Delusions characterize Delusional Disorder as the primary symptom. These delusions, a form of psychosis, can be "bizarre" or "non-bizarre." Non-bizarre delusions are fixed false beliefs about situations that could realistically occur, such as being followed or poisoned.

10. Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders are a group of conditions involving abnormal eating habits. These include Binge Eating Disorder, where individuals consume large amounts of food quickly; Anorexia Nervosa, characterized by minimal eating and low body weight; Bulimia Nervosa, involving binge eating followed by purging; Pica, where non-food items are consumed; and Rumination Disorder, where food is regurgitated.

11. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 

 ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by difficulties with attention, hyperactivity, or a short attention span, often accompanied by easy distractibility. Symptoms typically begin between ages six and twelve, persist for over six months, and cause issues in at least two settings (e.g., school, home). In children, attention problems can lead to poor school performance, and ADHD affects both adults and children, with varying symptom presentations.

12. Substance Use Disorders

Substance Use Disorders involve the use of substances like alcohol, nicotine, or drugs, leading to significant clinical impairment or distress.

13. Trauma-Related Disorders

Trauma-related disorders can develop following exposure to traumatic events like sexual assault, warfare, or traffic collisions. Symptoms may include recurring nightmares, re-experiencing the trauma, disturbing thoughts and feelings, mental or physical distress, attempts to avoid trauma-related cues, and changes in thinking and emotions. These symptoms persist for over a month after the event.

14. Couples Counselling

Couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy designed for individuals in relationships to address various issues, including recurring conflicts, feelings of disconnection, affairs, sexual problems, and difficulties arising from external stressors like extended families.

15. Anger Management

Anger Management is a therapeutic program focused on preventing and controlling anger. It involves using anger constructively, often arising from frustration or feeling thwarted. Anger may also be a defensive response to fear, vulnerability, or powerlessness. Programs view anger as a motivator linked to identifiable reasons, which can be logically analyzed and addressed.

16. Adjustment Disorder

An Adjustment Disorder occurs when an individual struggles to cope with a specific stressor or major life event. Psychotherapy is commonly recommended as a treatment for managing and overcoming the difficulties associated with this disorder.

Psycho-Educational Assessments

Psycho-educational assessments are essential tools for understanding cognitive, emotional, and behavioural functioning. These assessments help diagnose and plan interventions for various psychological conditions. The importance of age-specific treatment plans cannot be overstated, as children, adolescents, and adults each face unique developmental challenges and require tailored approaches.

Psycho-Educational Assessments for Children:

  • Intelligence Quotient Testing (IQ): Measures cognitive abilities to identify strengths and areas for improvement

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Testing: Evaluates symptoms of ADHD to develop appropriate interventions

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Testing: Identifies characteristics of autism to facilitate early intervention and support

  • Specific Learning Disability Testing: Diagnoses learning disabilities to create personalised educational plans

  • Social Maturity Assessment: Assesses social skills and emotional maturity

  • Screening for Mood-Related Disorders: Identifies issues such as anxiety, school refusal, social anxiety, selective mutism, depression, and phobia to provide targeted therapy.

Psycho-Educational Assessments for Adolescents:

  • Intelligence Quotient Testing (IQ): Assesses cognitive abilities in adolescents to guide educational and career planning

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Testing: Establishes ADHD to develop management strategies

  • Specific Learning Disability Testing: Identifies learning challenges to support academic success

  • Screening for Mood-Related Disorders: Evaluate issues like anxiety, school refusal, social anxiety, selective mutism, depression, phobia, behavioural issues, and anger management to provide appropriate interventions

Psycho-Educational Assessments for Adults:

  • Intelligence Quotient Testing (IQ): Measures adult cognitive abilities to assist in career development and personal growth

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Testing: Establishes ADHD to improve occupational and personal functioning

  • Specific Learning Disability Testing: Identifies learning difficulties affecting work and daily life

  • Screening for Mood-Related Disorders: Evaluates generalised anxiety, social anxiety, depression, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anger management, and stress management to offer tailored therapeutic approaches.

Psychotherapy and Counselling

At the best psychiatry hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore, psychotherapy and counselling are critical components of mental health care, offering support, coping strategies, and treatment for various psychological issues. Tailored age-specific approaches ensure that interventions are developmentally appropriate and effective.

Child Psychotherapy and Counselling:

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT): Helps children manage mood-related concerns by altering negative thought patterns

  • Play Therapy: Provides a safe environment for children to express emotions through play and games, aiding in emotional and social development

  • Behaviour Modification: Addresses behavioural concerns through structured interventions and positive reinforcement

  • ADHD Coaching: Offers strategies to manage ADHD symptoms and improve focus and behaviour

  • Mindfulness-Based Therapy: Teaches children techniques to manage impulsivity, anxiety, and anger

Adolescent Psychotherapy and Counselling:

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT): Assists adolescents in dealing with mood-related disorders by changing harmful thought processes

  • ADHD Coaching: Helps manage ADHD symptoms through practical strategies and organisational skills

  • Lifestyle Modification: Encourages healthier eating and sleeping habits to support overall well-being

  • Family Counselling: Addresses family dynamics and communication to improve relationships and support systems

Adult Psychotherapy and Counselling:

  • Acute Short-Term Therapy: Focuses on addressing current problems and finding immediate solutions

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT): Treats mood-related disorders such as depression, anxiety, OCD, and phobia and helps with stress and anger management as well as sleep disturbances

  • ADHD Coaching: Provides strategies to manage ADHD symptoms in daily life and work

  • Mindfulness-Based Therapy: Uses mindfulness techniques to alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression

Medication Management

Medication management is a vital aspect of psychiatric treatment, ensuring that patients receive the right medications at the correct dosages to manage their conditions effectively. Our team of psychiatrists works closely with patients of all ages to monitor medication efficacy and make necessary adjustments as and when necessary for optimal results.

Neuro-Psychological Assessments

Neuropsychological assessments are crucial for understanding cognitive impairments and planning appropriate interventions. These assessments are particularly important for adults experiencing cognitive decline or other neurological issues.

Neuro-Psychological Assessments for Adults

  • PGI Battery for Brain Dysfunction: Evaluate the presence of cognitive impairments to guide treatment plans

  • Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination: Assesses various cognitive domains to identify deficits and plan interventions

Other Services

The psychiatry department at the best psychiatry hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore also provides specialised services for adults to address unique life challenges and emotional needs. These services include:

  • Surrogacy Evaluations: Offers psychological assessments and support for individuals considering surrogacy

  • Counselling for Expecting Parents: Provides emotional support and guidance for parents-to-be, helping them prepare for the changes and challenges of parenthood.

Grief Counselling: Supports individuals coping with loss, helping them navigate their emotions and find ways to heal.

Best Psychiatry Hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore

Facilities & Services

Here are some of the facilities and services provided by the best psychiatry hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore in the field of psychiatry:

  • Outpatient Services: Provides consultations and assessments for individuals experiencing mental health concerns. This includes evaluation, diagnosis, and personalised treatment planning.

  • Inpatient Care: Offers inpatient psychiatric care for individuals requiring intensive treatment and monitoring for acute mental health conditions.

  • Psychotherapy: Provides various forms of psychotherapeutic interventions tailored to individual needs, including cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy, and supportive counselling.

  • Medication Management: Expertise in prescribing and managing psychiatric medications to alleviate symptoms and improve overall mental health.

  • Psychiatric Emergency Services: Offers immediate assistance and stabilisation for individuals in acute psychiatric crisis or distress.

  • Specialised Programs: Includes specialised treatment programs for conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, and ADHD.

  • Integrated Approach: Collaborates closely with other medical specialities within Manipal Hospital to provide holistic care, addressing physical and mental health aspects.

  • Family and Group Therapy: Provides support through family therapy sessions and group therapy programs to enhance understanding, communication, and support among patients and their families.


The mental health specialist will first gather general information about the patient's mental health, review the patient's medical history, and conduct a physical examination. Based on the doctor’s findings, further treatment or diagnostic procedures are recommended.

Our expert psychiatry team treats several mental health issues and offers age-specific treatment. These conditions include anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, specific learning disabilities, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more.

Depression, anxiety, dementia, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are some of the most common mental health disorders. To get rid of these, visit the best psychiatry hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore.

Psycho-educational assessments require a series of tests and evaluations. They help us understand your cognitive, emotional, and behavioural functioning. For children, this includes tests like IQ testing, ADHD assessments, and autism spectrum disorder testing. Adolescents undergo similar evaluations, including screening for mood-related disorders. Adults are assessed for conditions like generalised anxiety, depression, and cognitive impairments. The process includes interviews, standardised tests, and sometimes questionnaires, providing a comprehensive overview to guide treatment.

Some of the causes of mental health disorders are childhood abuse, neglect and trauma, loneliness or social isolation, poverty or debt, long-term stress, bereavement, discrimination, or genetic dispositions. Arrive at the psychiatry hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore to know more about it.

Over time, with proper coordination among patients and psychotherapists, mental health disorders can be greatly subdued or eradicated. Some are harder to treat than others but improvement is almost always imminent if time and effort are put in. Get the best treatment at the top psychiatry hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore.

Medication management involves the careful selection and monitoring of psychiatric medications to treat mental health conditions effectively. Our psychiatrists assess the patient’s condition, prescribe appropriate medications, and closely monitor their effects to ensure optimal outcomes. Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to adjust dosages as needed and manage any side effects, ensuring the best possible treatment plan.

Most people who are stressed don’t realize it until it starts manifesting physically in their bodies as other illnesses. Yearly health checkups or even discussions with a therapist can help prevent major illnesses in the future

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with diagnosing, treating, and preventing mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders. An M.D. or D.O. who focuses on mental health, particularly substance use disorders, is known as a psychiatrist. 

There are numerous psychiatric drugs available for a variety of diseases and disorders. Psychiatrists at the finest psychiatry hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore frequently recommend medication to help clients manage the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and ADHD. 

Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with diagnosing, treating, and preventing mental illness.

There are many mental disorders, but some of the more common ones are anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, and Schizophrenia which are treated in Psychiatry.  Get the best treatment at the leading psychiatry hospital in Hebbal, Bangalore.

A psychiatrist is a medical professional who is qualified to identify and manage a variety of mental diseases. These include bipolar disorder, eating problems, sleeplessness, and depression. Additionally, certain symptoms like anxiety or suicidal thoughts are treated by psychiatrists. 


Contact us to know more about psychiatric problems and book an appointment with one of our specialists today.
