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Psoriatic Arthritis
This type of inflammatory arthritis typically occurs in patients who have Psoriasis. They are both chronic auto-immune diseases that affect the joints of the body. Depending on the severity, they are classified into the following types,
Polyarticular affects a minimum of 4 joints of the body or more.
Oligoarticular, which affects the maximum of 4 joints of the body.
Spondylitis affects the spinal column and connected hips and shoulders.
Treatment for Psoriatic Arthritis
Medications during Psoriatic arthritis Treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore such as NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, DMARDs, Biologics, etc., are usually the first approach to treating psoriatic arthritis. Simultaneously, exercises, cold and hot compression therapy, splinting, joint protection and conservation are the other approaches. Surgical treatment is the last resort to managing severely damaged joints. Surgery is performed to relieve the pain in the joints, enabling normal function or restoring the original appearance of the joint. Surgical approaches include the following,
Steroid injections
These are administered to the affected joint or joints to reduce the inflammation, redness and pain experienced.
Joint replacement surgeries (arthroplasty)
The severely damaged joints from psoriatic arthritis are surgically removed and replaced with metallic or plastic varieties.
Light therapy
This is an effective remedy for psoriatic arthritis as it can tackle the psoriasis skin plaques. Different light therapies are available for this, as listed below, and they must be all done under a doctor’s recommendation.
Narrowband UVB phototherapy: This includes exposing the body to UVB radiation. The eyes and genitals are covered whilst the rest of the body is exposed to UVB light for some seconds. This is done about three times a week for three months.
PUVA therapy: Here, the patient is exposed to UVA radiation and a medication called ‘Psoralen’. This enhances the sensitivity to the light on the body. The frequency of the treatment is between twenty to 25 exposures in a span of two to three weeks.
Excimer laser therapy: Here, narrowband UVB radiations are used to treat psoriasis in smaller areas of the body like the scalp or particular joints. The frequency is 25 exposures for effective treatment in two to three weeks.
This is a word that means swelling of the body's blood vessels. Depending on which blood vessels are affected, particular areas of the body are targeted. Changes also occur in the blood vessels, such as narrowing, thickening, scarring, etc. Treatment for vasculitis has to be immediate and the targeted organs treated soon, failure of which can lead to organ loss. The treatment varies with which area of the body is affected and the severity of damage based on which vasculitis is classified into chronic or acute.
Medications include steroids that help decrease inflammation, like Prednisolone and methylprednisolone. Also, some immune system drugs like Azathioprine and Cyclophosphamide can lower the action of the immune system cells, causing swelling.
Plasmapheresis is the transfer of healthy plasma into the patient’s body and the removal of the patient’s original harmful plasma.
Surgery includes vascular bypass surgery that helps redirect the passage of blood surrounding the damaged blood vessels. Also, the damaged organs may be repaired or replaced through surgery.
Vascular bypass surgery
Vasculitis sometimes leads to the ballooning the affected blood vessel, such as an artery that causes it to bulge up and is called an ‘aneurysm’. An aneurysm of blood vessels can be treated surgically, restoring blood flow. The affected blood vessels can also be reconnected to improve blood flow. This is called vascular bypass surgery, as the diseased artery is bypassed, and the surrounding arteries are reconnected. This is maybe done using the patient’s blood vessels (autograft) or another person’s blood vessels (allograft) or Teflon or Dacron-made arteries. Here surgical anastomosis is created by the surgeon by sewing the graft to the affected blood vessels with surgical suturing.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
This is an immune system disorder that targets different types of organs and organ systems of the body. Although the disease is systemic or widespread, it comes up in flares in periodic cycles from time and again with subsequent remissions. With no cure for the disease, management is possible with certain drugs that can help control it.
Immunosuppressive drugs such as Cyclosporine, Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide, etc.
Anti-malarial drugs like Hydroxychloroquine.
Biological agents like Ritumixab, TNF alpha inhibitors, etc.
Intravenous Immunoglobulins like Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, Eculizumab, etc.
Antidepressant drugs.
Anti-seizure drugs.
Topical treatment with Glucocorticoids helps in decreasing the topical skin lesions.
About one-third of patients suffering from SLE tend to get kidney damage called ‘Lupus Nephritis’. Although most patients can be managed with drugs, about ten per cent of them need periodic dialysis and sometimes a kidney transplant.
This is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune cells fight against the organs and systems of the body. It is a rheumatic disease in which the connective tissues of the body are affected, and there is too much collagen production in the connective tissues. The treatment involves the following approaches,
Immunosuppressants help in the dampening of the immune system.
Adequate dilation of blood vessels with blood pressure medications. This helps control Raynaud’s disease.
Phototherapy with UV light and lasers can help the appearance of the skin considerably.
Microstimia is a related scleroderma condition in which the patient finds it difficult to open the mouth and can be treated with Hyaluronidase injections.
Splints or other forms of aids assist the patient in performing daily chores.
Physical therapy can help move the body and manage pain effectively.
Bisphosphonates and other Calcium channel blockers can be used to treat ‘Calcinosis’.
Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals now to know more about various treatment with the help of best doctors at Bangalore.
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