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Peripheral Angiography
In extremity angiography, arteries in the hands, arms, feet, or legs are visualised. Peripheral angiography is also known as peripheral angiography.
Angiograms are performed using x-rays and a dye to examine the inside of the arteries. The arteries carry blood away from the heart.
A summary of how the test is conducted
The test is performed in a hospital, and an X-ray table will be placed in front of you. The purpose of medicine is to help you sleep and relax.
The health care provider will often shave and clean an area in the groin.
Numbing medicine is injected into the skin over the artery.
An artery is punctured with a needle.
A thin plastic tube known as a catheter is passed through the needle and into the artery. The doctor moves it to the area of the body that is being examined. The doctor can view live images of the site on a TV-like monitor and see into the arteries.
Arteries are imaged using X-rays.
Specific treatments can be done during this procedure. These treatments include,
The process of dissolving a blood clot with medicine
A balloon is used to open a partially blocked artery
A stent is a small tube that is used to hold an artery open
A healthcare team member will check your pulse, blood pressure, and breathing during the endovascular surgeries in Hebbal, Bangalore.
Upon completion of the test, the catheter is removed. To stop bleeding, apply pressure to the area for 10 to 15 minutes, and the injury is then bandaged.
After the procedure, the arm or leg should remain straight for six hours. For the next 24 to 48 hours, avoid strenuous physical activities, such as heavy lifting.
Stent-Graft Placement
Recent developments in the field of interventional radiology have made it possible to manage thoracic aortic diseases through the use of aortic stent grafts.
The implantation of stent-grafts is now considered an option in addition to surgery for the treatment of descending thoracic artery aneurysms, ulcers, and fistulas, as well as for the treatment of mycotic aneurysms, posttraumatic aortic ruptures, and thoracic descending aortic dissections. Preoperative imaging is essential for determining the patient's eligibility, selecting the appropriate stent graft, and preparing for the procedure. The stent-graft treatment of long atherosclerotic aneurysms, lesions near arterial branch vessels, and dissections can have technical pitfalls, and adverse events such as endoleaks, stent migration or misplaced arterialic perforation, and vascular trauma may require specific interventions. However, adverse events happen in a minority of patients. Long-term results of the placement of a thoracic stent graft in suitable surgical candidates remain controversial. It is vital to note that short-term morbidity and mortality rates from endovascular treatment are comparable to surgery. Stent-graft placement is an effective and safe treatment for thoracic aortic diseases and is already the best alternative for patients unable to undergo surgery.
Peripheral Angioplasty and Stenting
The purpose of angioplasties is to widen narrowed or obstructed blood vessels that supply blood to the legs. In the arteries, fat deposits can build up and block blood flow.
An artery stent is a small, metal mesh tube that maintains the arterial lumen. Two procedures for reopening blocked peripheral arteries are angioplasty and stent placement.
The description
A medical balloon is used in angioplasty to widen blocked arteries. By pressing against the inside wall of the artery, the balloon opens the space and improves blood flow. A metal stent is often inserted across the artery's wall to prevent the artery from narrowing again.
Angioplasty can be performed in the following ways to treat a blockage in your leg,
Your heart's main artery, the aorta
Hip or pelvic artery
The thigh artery
Behind the knee, there is an artery
You have an artery in your lower leg
Before the procedure
Medicine will be administered to help you relax. You will likely be awake but sleepy.
Additionally, you may be prescribed blood-thinning medication to prevent the formation of a blood clot.
On a padded operating table, you will lie on your back and feel no pain after your surgeon injects some numbing medicine into the area that will be treated. Local anaesthesia is the term used to describe this process.
A tiny needle will then be inserted into the blood vessel in your groin by your surgeon. Through this needle, a tiny flexible wire will be inserted.
Your surgeon can see your artery through live x-ray images during the procedure. A dye will be injected into your body to demonstrate blood flow through your arteries. By using dye, it will be easier to identify the blocked area.
During the procedure, your surgeon will guide a thin tube called a catheter through your artery to the congested area.
During the next step, your surgeon will pass a guide wire through the catheter to the blockage.
Over the guide wire, the surgeon will insert another catheter with a tiny balloon on the end into the blocked area.
A contrast fluid is then injected into the balloon to inflate it. This way, the blocked vessel is opened, and blood flow to the heart is restored.
The blocked area may also be treated with a stent. Stents are inserted simultaneously with balloon catheters. Inflating, the balloon expands, and the stent is kept in place to open the artery. Consult with the best doctors at Manipal Hospitals to know more about treatments.
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