Most kidney diseases are diagnosed by expert nephrologists clinically or by some basic investigations but sometimes there are unexplained causes for kidney damage. In such cases, a doctor might recommend a Biopsy examination of the affected region. A renal biopsy is a procedure in which a small piece of tissue is removed from the kidney for examination under a microscope for the close observation of the cells from the tissue sample compared to normal healthy cells. This procedure helps diagnose and assess kidney disease.
While renal biopsy is a relatively safe procedure for diagnosis, there are some potential complications that can occur. These complications can be minor or major, and they can occur immediately after the procedure or may take weeks to show.
Consult a kidney hospital in Jaipur if you require a renal biopsy.
Minor Complications During or After a Renal Biopsy
Some of the considerably minor complications that can occur during or after a renal biopsy are:
Pain at the biopsy site is common and usually goes away within a few days.
Blood in the urine can occur sometimes but usually goes away on its own within a few hours to days.
Bruising at the biopsy site is also common and usually goes away within a few weeks.
Major Complications During or After a Renal Biopsy
Some of the considerably major complications that can occur during or after a renal biopsy are:
Bleeding is the most serious complication of renal biopsy. It can occur immediately after the procedure or weeks or months later. Bleeding can be mild or severe, and it can require intervention or surgery to stop.
Infection is a rare complication of renal biopsy. It can occur at the biopsy site or in the blood. Infection can be treated with antibiotics.
Damage to Other Organs
Renal biopsy can damage other organs, such as the liver, spleen, or intestine.
How to Prevent Renal Biopsy Complications
There are a number of ways by which we can help prevent renal biopsy complications. These include:
Stay Calm
Ensuring that you trust your doctor and stay calm throughout the procedure to avoid any unwanted injury.
Be Prepared
This includes ensuring that the patient has had adequate hydration and has taken all the necessary medications.
Using Aseptic Technique
This means using sterile equipment and following strict infection control procedures. This is to be observed by the doctor and support staff at the diagnostic facility or hospital.
Being Careful Not to Damage Other Organs
This can be done by using a fine needle with a small gauge and by taking care not to move the needle more than required. Endoscopically guided biopsy procedures are gaining acceptance partly due to this advantage.
Monitoring the patient closely after the procedure
This includes looking for signs of bleeding, infection, or other complications. A support staff at the hospital is trained to spot early features of complications which can help the patient avoid unnecessary pain.
Consult nephrologists in Jaipur if you need a safe renal biopsy or treatment for other kidney-related diseases.
Why A Renal Biopsy?
Renal biopsies are most commonly performed on patients with proteinuria, hematuria and decline in kidney function, which cannot be explained by other reasons.
Renal biopsies are usually performed under local anaesthesia, but they can also be performed under general anaesthesia.
Renal biopsies are usually performed by a trained nephrologist, but they can also be performed by other doctors, such as radiologists or urologists.
Manipal Hospitals Jaipur has some of the most advanced equipment for renal sciences and trained lab staff. Our diagnostic machinery is the best in class and we have the best doctors for kidney diseases working with us. To learn more about kidney conditions or to get your kidney health checked by an expert, visit your nearest Manipal Hospital today.