We are observing an upsurge in the number of new influenza virus cases in India. The new variant of the influenza virus called the H3N2 Influenza virus, which has similar viral-like symptoms is making people panic. The virus is transmitted from one person to another through droplets released in the air while coughing, sneezing, or simply talking to an infected person who is not wearing a mask. Pregnant women, young children, and elderly people are at high risk of getting infected. The risk rises because people think that they may be under the weather and will get better in a day or two, but when the situation worsens they report which is generally very late. During this time they end up infecting their friends, family, and other people around them. Lack of awareness has worsened the problem, but there is no need to panic. The need of the hour is to stay vigilant and report the symptoms immediately. Get infectious disease treatment in Jaipur with the help of the best team of experts in case you are facing any symptoms.
In this blog let’s find out what are H3N2 new influenza virus, its symptoms, and the treatment available for it.
What is H3N2 Influenza Virus?
The four types of influenza viruses that produce the contagious illness known as the flu are A, B, C, and D. The H3N2 subtype of influenza A is one of several strains of influenza A.
Symptoms of the New H3N2 Influenza Virus
The symptoms are very common that one observes in a viral, hence you must not overlook them and visit your doctor timely. Here are some of the common symptoms to look out for in case of the H3N2 Influenza virus:
High Fever
Throat Ache
Body Ache
Runny Nose
In addition to these symptoms if a person experiences discomfort or pain in the chest, difficulty in breathing, pain in the throat, or difficulty in gulping down food and water, then it is important to book a consultation immediately. Advanced diagnostics for infectious disease in Jaipur can help you avoid complications and will also save your loved ones from getting infected by you.
Treatment of H3N2 Influenza Virus
The H3N2 influenza virus typically causes an illness for five to seven days. While six to eight days are typically needed for recovery, some individuals even need 10 to 12 days. In some cases, it has been observed that the cough might persist longer even if there is only a small infection. Antibiotics and antivirals are prescribed by doctors in cases where the infection is severe. The course of the treatment may also vary a bit for patients suffering from other co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and obesity.
Precautions You Must Take
You again need to be on your best COVID-appropriate behaviour because only that will save you from falling ill and spreading the new influenza virus to your loved ones.
Wear a mask
Whenever you step outside your home you must wear a mask and inside your home too if anyone in your family is affected.
Wash your hands properly and frequently
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap. Use an alcohol-based sanitiser if soap is not available.
Do not touch your face
Do not rub your eyes, touch your nose and in general avoid touching your face as the chances are that you might transfer the germs to your body.
Keep your place clean
Clean the frequently touched surfaces like door handles, remotes, phones, fridge handles, lift buttons, railing at the stairs, and more with a surface disinfectant.
Ensure Respiratory Hygiene
While coughing and sneezing you must use a handkerchief, or sneeze into a bent elbow. If possible please wash your hands after coughing or sneezing even if you have used tissues.
Staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, and exercising are some other most common tips that are advised by infectious disease doctors as they strengthen our immunity which can help us recover faster and not fall ill in the first place. Avoid self-medication, and book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals immediately, if you observe anything amiss. Bookmark our blog section to read credible information on various health topics by doctors.