Our everyday activities of food & drink consumption and body metabolism lead to the production of several waste products in the body. Kidneys are vital organs that filter out waste and unwanted minerals and fluids from the blood via urine production. Kidneys are bean-like shaped, located below the rib cage on both sides of the spine, with each kidney roughly the size of a fist.
Replacing a kidney that is not functioning properly with a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor is known as a Kidney Transplant. Call Manipal Hospitals if seeking the best kidney transplant team in Jaipur.
Kidney failure is the inability to filter toxic waste accumulated in the body. This accumulation may lead to electrolyte imbalance, water retention and other complications in the body. Circulating body wastes may affect other organs too, and overall pressure on vital body organs can become life-threatening.
Conditions and Factors which may Lead to Kidney Failure are:
Uncontrolled Diabetes
Uncontrolled high blood pressure.
Repeated infection in the kidney.
Immunological damage to the kidney.
Genetic disorders that develop cysts within kidneys
Doctors can help manage kidney failure via dialysis or kidney transplants.
All About Dialysis
Dialysis is a medical process conducting waste processing similar to the work done by healthy kidneys. Medical experts can perform dialysis at a hospital or home with the dialysis unit's help. Patients can decide the place for dialysis in consultation with the doctor based on their medical requirements.
In hemodialysis, artificial filters remove waste and toxic fluids from the blood. Doctors access the blood vessels via a minor surgery to ensure blood passes via the artificial filters. Depending upon the patient's health condition, a doctor may decide on the frequency of hemodialysis numbers in a week. Each dialysis can last about four hours or more.
In peritoneal dialysis, the filtering or removal of wastes from blood happens inside the body. A catheter fills the abdomen area with dialysate. Dialysate draws the excess fluid from the blood into the dialysate.
While dialysis is possible, kidney transplants offer patients a better life and the liberty to live the life they want. At Manipal Hospitals, expert doctors work closely with patients to help them decide the best treatment for them. Book an appointment to learn more about Kidney Transplantation in Jaipur.
What is a Kidney Transplant?
Transplanting a healthy kidney inside the body when the patient's kidneys no longer do the filtration work as needed via a surgical procedure is known as Kidney Transplant. A successful kidney transplant enables patients to enjoy regular activities and pleasures of life like having normal food, water, and travelling without fear of dialysis appointments are a few things, which are not possible with regular dialysis therapy. Medical research shows that patients who undergo a kidney transplant live longer than patients on regular dialysis.
A healthy person can donate one kidney, without any health impact as a single kidney is capable of managing the filtration needs of the entire blood volume of a person. One healthy kidney can replace two failed kidneys.
While about 90% of kidney donations come from family members & relatives, the remaining 10% of contributions come from deceased donors.
The new kidney is transplanted in the lower abdominal region close to the other kidneys of the body, and attached to the bladder using one of the ureters in the body. In the case of children, the blood vessels of a new kidney join the largest artery in the body, the aorta and the most prominent vein in the abdomen, the inferior vena cava. Removal of old/ failed kidneys prior to kidney transplant is considered in selective cases.
At Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, the overall success rate of transplants is at par with the best industry standards. Our post-operative care is one of the best in Jaipur.
Factors to decide a good Kidney Match
The medical experts at Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, evaluate all the possibilities before deciding upon a right kidney that can be transplanted. Some of these evaluations are:
Blood type
The blood type must be the same or compatible with that of the patient. The non-compatible blood type donations are known as ABO-incompatible kidney transplants. They need additional treatments before and after the transplant to reduce the risk of rejection.
Tissue type
The tissue type test ensures minimal chances of the body rejecting a new transplant. The test is known as human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing and compares the genetic markers.
Antibody test
A sample of the patient's blood is mixed with the donor's blood sample to determine if antibodies in the patient's blood may react against the antigens in the donor's blood. This test is known as Crossmatch, and a positive crossmatch needs additional treatment before and after the transplant to reduce the risks.
The Nephrologist in Jaipur Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, help patients evaluate donations from family members, relatives and loved ones. The doctors also help with paired donations that help match a compatible donation from an unrelated person instead of an incompatible donation that may work for a different patient.
The paired donations often form a long chain that helps several patients. In case a compatible donation is not immediately available, the staff at Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, helps the patients to enrol their names on the waitlist for a deceased donor kidney.
Donor Surgery
Manipal Hospital Jaipur offers advanced retroperitoneal laparoscopic donor nephrectomy rather than donor nephrectomy via an open approach as offered by the majority of centres. Surgery via an open approach delays donor recovery & gives a large incision compared to laparoscopic surgery. The retroperitoneal approach helps with better graft quality, faster recovery, no visible stitches & donor can be discharged within 2-3 days of the surgery. Donors can resume all their daily activities within a week.
Recipient Surgery
At Manipal Hospital Jaipur, we offer stentless & tubeless kidney transplants. Conventionally recipient surgery is performed with a large open incision & multiple tubes after the operative procedure. This delays patient recovery & increases the chances of urinary infection. The patient needs to be admitted again for removal of tubes. Hospital stays can be long because of repeated episodes of infections. With our team's expertise, we discharge the recipient after 7 days without any need for stitch removal, tube removal or stent removal.
While a patient on dialysis needs more diet restrictions, even those who receive a kidney transplant need to make positive changes to their nutrition, the nutrition experts at Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, create a nutrition plan that is as per your requirements and lifestyle. The nutrition experts also answer all queries regarding food. Some standard nutrition guidelines for patients who have undergone kidney transplants are:
Maintain a healthy weight to minimize the risks of heart disease and diabetes.
Track your calories with a restriction on sugar and fats per the guidelines received from the nutrition expert.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. Some patients are on a five-serving-a-day diet.
Ensure sufficient fibre in your daily diet.
Consume low-fat milk and dairy products.
Consume lean meats like fish.
Consume plenty of water and fluids.
The team of experts helping patients recover recommends an activity and exercise plan as per the requirements of every patient. Some guidelines are as follows:
Be regular with your exercises to continuously improve your physical and mental health.
Everyday walking is encouraged.
Thirty minutes of moderate exercise for four to five days a week.
Recommended exercises are walking, strength training with low impact, swimming and cycling.
Discuss changes in your exercise routine with your doctor.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I donate a kidney to my family member if our blood types are different?
With advancements in technology, we at Manipal Hospital Jaipur are successfully performing blood group mismatch kidney transplants. The kidney transplant team at Manipal Hospital Jaipur consists of blood transfusion medicine specialists, who help to achieve a similar outcome of transplant as of blood group match. We are proud to share that the kidney transplant team at Manipal Hospital Jaipur has successfully performed more than 15 blood group mismatch kidney transplants. The foremost benefit of blood group mismatch transplant is that it reduces the waiting time to find blood group match donors for swap or cadaveric transplants & its results are at par when compared to blood group match transplants.
2. What is the waiting period for a transplant as I do not have a living donor?
The waiting period can last from a few months to a few years as the waitlist is often long and needs a matching kidney.
3. What is better, a donation from a deceased or living donor?
A living donor for a kidney transplant does not require a patient to wait, as in the case of a deceased donor transplant, which must go via the waitlist process mandated under government guidelines for organ donation and transplant.
4. My father has a kidney problem. What are my chances of having kidney failure?
Most of the lifestyle-related kidney diseases like diabetes & obesity are not hereditary in nature but few kidney problems run in families, so it depends on kidney failure.
5. Will I need to visit a separate hospital for surgery?
No, Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, is a multi-speciality hospital and has the availability of the best expert to conduct a kidney transplant and monitor other possible complications under one roof.
Kidney Transplant Hospital in Jaipur
Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, has a dedicated nephrology centre of excellence with an expert team of nephrologists, urologists, infectious disease specialists, transfusion medicine specialists & radiologist. The nephrologist and urologist guide a patient and diagnose and treat a wide array of kidney problems.
Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, is a leading name in India for Kidney transplants. It is the best kidney hospital in Jaipur under the supervision of India's top experts like Dr Jitendra Goswami, Dr. Jyoti Bansal, Dr. DR Dhawan and Dr. Shyam Sunder Nowal.
Dr. Jitendra Goswami
- MBBS - JLN Medical College, Ajmer - 2005
- MD - SP Medical College, Bikaner - 2008
- DM - IKDRC - ITS, BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad
- FASN - Fellow of the American Society of Nephrology
- MRCP - UK Nephrology (SCE)
- Fellow Clinical Nephrology - The Ottawa Hospital (Canada)
- Fellow International Society of Nephrology
Dr. Jyoti Bansal
- Gold Medalist in MS (SMS Medical College) - 2012
- MBBS - RNT Medical College, Udaipur - 2008
- MS - SMS Medical College, Jaipur - 2012
- DNB- IKDRC - ITS, B J Medical College, Ahmedabad - 2015
Dr. D.R. Dhawan
- MBBS - SP Medical College, Bikaner - 1999
- MS - SP Medical College, Bikaner - 2003
- DNB - Mulgibhai Patel Urological Hospital (MPUH), Nadiad - 2011
Dr. Shyam Sunder Nowal
- MBBS - SP Medical College, Bikaner
- MD - RNT Medical College, Udaipur
- DM - SMS Medical College, Jaipur
Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, is the best kidney transplant hospital in Jaipur, with India's leading experts and multi-speciality facilities and experts across specialities to handle any complications that may arise from the surgery. Contact us today, we have an excellent success rate in kidney transplant surgeries and offer optimal care to our patients.