Monsoons are here! It's the time of the year when you want to go out, be carefree and enjoy the weather, but this could be dangerous. Yes, because the monsoon is also the time when the chances of getting infected with malaria and dengue are very high. Both malaria and dengue fever are more common during this season due to the high humidity and warm temperatures, which are favourable breeding grounds for these two mosquito-borne diseases.
Malaria and dengue are both mosquito-borne diseases that are prevalent in India. The vector for malaria is called Anopheles, and that for dengue is Aedes. Both these diseases cause fever, but there are other symptoms which can help you differentiate between the two.
The rainy season facilitates an increase in the number of mosquitoes. Hence, an increase in the risk of contracting Malaria and Dengue. Malaria can be caused by different types of parasites, while a virus causes dengue. Both these diseases can lead to severe complications if not treated on time. Count on Manipal Hospitals for Dengue and Malaria treatment in Jaipur.
What is Malaria?
A parasite called Plasmodium transmitted via the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito causes malaria. Malaria is particularly dangerous for pregnant women as it can cause miscarriage or stillbirths.
Malaria Symptoms
The symptoms of malaria include:
Weakness and fatigue.
Symptoms usually appear between 8 to 14 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. However, symptoms can be mild or severe. Malaria may cause several months of illness if not treated correctly and adequately!
Book an appointment with one of our highly experienced infectious disease doctors immediately if you have any new or ongoing fever symptoms over 101°F (38°C). Fever alone doesn't always mean you have malaria; other illnesses also cause fever. Our doctor will test blood samples for malaria and other possible causes of your symptoms before diagnosing you with malaria.
What is Dengue?
Dengue occurs when an infected female Aedes mosquito carrying the dengue virus bites a person. It causes high fever, severe headache and joint pain in adults, while children may also develop rashes on their bodies during this period.
Dengue Symptoms
Dengue symptoms include:
Pain in muscles and joints
Nausea or vomiting
Diarrhoea (sometimes bloody)
Abdominal pain
Loss of appetite and fatigue
The virus can also cause a rash which is sometimes called "breakbone fever" because of the severe bone and muscle aches it causes.
Some patients with dengue may experience bleeding from the nose, mouth or gums; this occurs in about 1 out of 4 cases of dengue illness.
Dengue can occasionally lead to complications such as bleeding into various organs (like the brain) that require hospitalisation. These are seen mostly in children under five years old and adults over 60 who contract the disease for the first time; however, they are scarce in other age groups.
The number of blood platelets that form clots in your bloodstream drops drastically in severe dengue. In rare cases, the condition leads to internal bleeding, organ failure, and death.
One should see an infectious disease specialist in Jaipur immediately after experiencing symptoms of dengue. Any delay could be a threat to life.
Tips to Stay Protected from Mosquitoes This Monsoon
Empty and clean outdoor containers that can hold standing water.
Clean out drains and request authorities to ensure sanitary drainage.
Don't leave water sitting in birdbaths, planters or other containers.
Don't over-water lawns and gardens.
Don't let water sit in puddles.
Check indoor plants for standing water.
Indoor plants are a source of mosquito breeding.
If you have indoor plants, keep them away from windows and doors, air conditioners, water sources, drains, sinks and toilets.
Also, ensure your indoor plants don't touch the toilet or shower floor while growing, as they may be contaminated by mosquitoes breeding there.
It is best not to use houseplants that can hold water in their leaves.
Keep swimming pools well-chlorinated or covered if not in use.
Chlorine levels should be at 1-3 ppm (parts per million) in swimming pools.
The pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.8.
Add chlorine daily if you use the swimming pool regularly; weekly for infrequent use; monthly for seasonal use; quarterly for sporadic use; and annually when not used at all.
Change water in bird baths weekly.
It is still essential for you to keep your bird bath clean. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. These eggs can hatch and grow into mosquitoes when the water temperature changes.
Change the water in your bird bath regularly during the rainy season to kill any mosquito eggs that may be there. If you have a pet bird, keep it covered, so it doesn't drink from dirty puddles or ponds where mosquitoes reside and lay their eggs.
Mosquitoes are most vigorous in the early daybreak and late afternoon.
Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants
Wear socks
Wear shoes
Dark and bright colours like red or yellow draw mosquitoes.
So it's best to wear light colours that will help you blend in with your surroundings.
Use mosquito repellent on exposed skin and clothing according to the product label directions.
You should apply them to exposed skin or as per the product label directions. While they're effective at keeping mosquitoes away—and therefore protecting you from disease—they can be irritating to some people's skin, so use caution when applying them to children or infants.
Make sure doors and windows are tight-fitting and in good repair
Repair or replace window screens with holes or tears so mosquitoes cannot get inside your home. Repair any torn window screens in your home.
Make sure the doors of all rooms have tight-fitting door sweeps.
Treatment of Dengue and Malaria
Dengue Treatment
The critical thing to remember about dengue is that it's not contagious. You cannot pass the virus on to other people, so you do not need to go to the emergency room for treatment. Dengue needs rest, fluids and medicines as per the patient's situation.
Malaria Treatment
Malaria treatment needs the prescription of drugs to kill the parasite that causes malaria. Internal medicine doctors prescribe the proper treatment depending upon:
The malaria parasite which has infected the patient
How severe the symptoms are
Age of the patient
If the patient is pregnant
Internal medicine doctors at Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, diagnose, manage, and treat various conditions including dengue and malaria. Get in touch with our expert doctors for dengue and malaria treatment in Jaipur. To know more about internal medicine problems and recommendations, read our blog or listen to our podcast.