Prostate cancer is most common among men in India. To increase awareness about this disease globally and understand its symptoms, the US administration declared September as "Prostate Cancer Awareness Month" in 2015. Prostate Cancer Awareness Month brings together people from all walks of life to learn about prostate cancer and how to prevent it. It's also a great opportunity for men and women to share their experiences with the disease and for friends and family members to offer support as they watch their loved ones go through treatment. At Manipal Hospitals, we have highly experienced urologists and oncologists in Jaipur to treat prostate cancer.
What is Prostate Cancer?
Prostate cancer is a disease that affects the male reproductive system. It is the most common type of cancer among men, with an estimated 1 in 7 men diagnosed with it at some point in their lives. In India, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer after lung.
Prostate cancer develops as the cells in the prostate gland grow abnormally to form a tumour that can spread to other body parts. The prostate gland is a small walnut-shaped male gland that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm.
While we haven't yet found the exact cause of prostate cancer, genetic factors and lifestyle choices may play a role in its development. To know more about Prostate cancer treatment in Jaipur, visit Manipal Hospitals.
Let us look at some factors that increase the risk of prostate cancer:
Men older than 65 are more prone to prostate cancer.
Family history
Having a blood relative like a parent, sibling or child diagnosed with prostate cancer increases your risk of developing the disease.
Pancreatic cancer is more likely to be aggressive and return after initial treatment in obese people.
Prostate cancer is often slow growing, but if not detected early, it can spread to other body parts and become life-threatening. The good news is that diagnosis of prostate cancer is possible early with the possibility of successful treatment.
Types of Prostate Cancer
There are two main types of prostate cancer Benign and Malignant.
Benign or Non-metastatic prostate cancer is the early stage of the disease where the tumour is localised to a particular region in the body system and is treatable with surgery or radiation therapy. Patients with this type of prostate cancer, if diagnosed in time and treated with the right therapy, can expect to live a normal life for many years after treatment.
Malignant or Metastatic prostate cancer is severe because the tumour has spread from the prostate to other body parts like bones, lymph nodes and lungs. Metastatic prostate cancer may be difficult to treat or cure if diagnosed at an advanced stage.
Most prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas, which develop from the gland cells that make the fluid in the semen.
Some rare cancer types that can start in the prostate are:
Small cell carcinomas
Neuroendocrine tumours
Transitional cell carcinomas
How does Prostate Cancer Originate and Spread?
We've all heard that changes to DNA can cause prostate cancer, but what does that mean?
A cell's DNA contains the instructions that a cell has to follow. The changes convey the cells to multiply more frequently than the normal cells.
As a result, the abnormal cells live much longer than the other cells. The accumulation of these abnormal cells forms a tumour that may grow and expand to nearby tissues. In time, some abnormal cells can break away and spread (metastasise) to other body parts. To know more, Book an appointment and consult with the experts.
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer may not have any symptoms in its early stages. But as prostate cancer grows, it can cause a variety of symptoms. Oncologists use these symptoms to diagnose prostate cancer.
Changes in the urinary tract can often identify prostate cancer. These changes include:
A frequent urge to urinate
Difficulty starting urination
A weak stream of urine
Hesitancy in starting or stopping urinating
Feeling that you have to strain or push to urinate
Leaking small amounts of urine
Pain or burning during urination
Occurrence of blood in the urine
Facing erectile dysfunction
Pain in bones
When To Consult A Doctor
Book an appointment with our best oncologist in Jaipur if the above symptoms persist beyond a few days. Manipal Hospitals is the finest cancer hospital in Jaipur and welcomes everyone to discuss their symptoms with the leading cancer experts on board. Consult with the urologist in Jaipur to have the best treatment.
Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
Prostate screening is a routine test that helps detect prostate cancer.
There are two methods for screening.
1. Digital Rectal Exam
The doctor checks the rectum for abnormal lumps on your prostate gland.
2. Prostate-Specific Antigen Test
This test measures how much PSA is in your blood. PSA is an enzyme produced by most prostate cells and can be used to diagnose prostate cancer. If there's an increase in the amount of PSA in your blood, it may indicate that you have prostate cancer or that it has spread outside the gland.
If doctors find an anomaly, they further use the below diagnosis tools to determine the presence of prostate cancer:
Prostate biopsy
Further tests are needed to determine the spread and aggressiveness of cancer spread.
Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Oncologists recommend a treatment plan that suits the patient's requirements depending upon the cancer spread and stage. Some treatment options are:
1. Surgery
Removing the prostate gland and surrounding tissues.
2. Radiation therapy
Radiation beams from outside the body or inside terminate the cancer cells.
3. Freezing or heating tissue
Cryotherapy is used to freeze prostate tissue or focused ultrasound to kill cancer cells.
4. Hormone Therapy
The use of medicines to stop the production of male hormones.
5. Chemotherapy
The use of chemicals or drugs to kill cancer cells.
6. Immunotherapy
The use of treatment to modify and trigger the body's immune system to attack the cancer cells.
7. Targeted drug therapy
The use of drugs to target any abnormalities in the cancer cells.
Prostate cancer is a disease that can afflict any male. It's essential to be aware of the symptoms, and if you think you may have prostate cancer, consult the best oncologists at Manipal Hospitals in Jaipur. We hope this blog enables you to understand prostate cancer and the steps you can take to ensure your health and well-being. Find more such blogs here.
Consultant - Urology
Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur