On 9th March every year, people across the globe acknowledge “World Kidney Day” just to spread awareness about kidney ailments along with the importance of maintaining the health of kidneys.
Every 1 out of 10 people approximately, has chronic kidney disease (CKD) globally. Continuous treatment and care are required for the entire lifespan of this weakening condition.
Kidney Disease is a chronic disease that does not spread by any contact.
What is CKD?
Chronic kidney disease is a health condition that primarily occurs when the function of the kidney deteriorates gradually over a longer period of months or years.
Filtering excess fluids and waste materials from the blood and even excreting them from the body of an individual as urine is considered the primary function of the kidney.
When the kidneys are entirely damaged, they might not function properly and lastly, it leads the body to accumulate fluids and toxins. To get the finest treatment for chronic kidney disease, arrive at the best nephrology hospital in Jaipur.
Stages of CKD
CKD has several stages that range from mild to severe.
There may not be any symptoms or signs at the initial stages, but as this disease progresses, some of the symptoms may include:
Weight loss, especially unintended or unusual.
Swelling in the legs and ankles
Risk factors for CKD
The most delicate organ of the body is the kidneys and these are thoroughly controlled by the entire body health of an individual. There are a variety of hazards or preceding health conditions that can be considered as the risk factors of CKD which include:
High blood pressure
Autoimmune Diseases
High salt intake
Frequent Alcohol consumption.
Certain Medications
How can an individual get knowledge if he/she has CKD?
Regular screening for kidney disease is highly important, particularly for those who are at greater risk because of illnesses that include diabetes, hypertension or high blood pressure, or an unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyle. Initial signs of kidney disease can be detected with the help of blood and urine testing, which allows for early treatment. If an individual is more than 30 years of age and has any of the risk factors, he/she must undergo frequent checkups. Manipal Hospitals Jaipur has comprehensive health check packages for you and your loved ones, to help detect a wide number of ailments.
Treatment Of CKD
CKD treatment is primarily depending on the various causes as well as the stages of the disease. In the initial phase of the disease, a transformation in lifestyle, that includes a balanced diet and healthy exercise, can be helpful to ease the development of kidney problems.
To treat the health issue of the kidney, proper dialysis or medications are highly important in necessary situations. Regular dialysis may help prolong life.
In case of Kidney failure, the patient requires intensive care and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, or CRRT, for the management of basic body function. One of the options for such patients is Kidney Transplantation.
Manipal Hospitals Jaipur has some of the best Kidney Doctors for the management of Chronic Kidney Diseases. Our staff comprises some of the best kidney doctors in Jaipur for Kidney Disease and Kidney Transplants. For more information on Kidney health management and screening, visit your nearest Manipal Hospital, or book an appointment online for expert consultation on the go.