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Adult congenital heart disease interventions include atrial septal defect closure, ventricular septal defect closure, PDA device closures, and pulmonary AVM closures.
Adult congenital heart disease (ACHD)
Congenital heart disorders are the most common type of birth defect. These can range from simple ones with no symptoms to complex types that are severe and life-threatening such as a hole in the heart that causes blood from the left and right sides of the heart to mix, or even a narrowed valve that blocks blood flow to the lungs and other organs. Where medication or treatment through minimally invasive procedures such as catheterisation or implantable heart devices don’t work, open heart surgery or in dire cases, a heart transplant is recommended. Visit Manipal, the best heart transplant hospital in Jaipur for the surgery.
Why Manipal Hospitals
The Centre of Excellence in Cardiac Sciences at Manipal Hospital is a comprehensive heart care and treatment solution for all adult congenital heart disease interventions including atrial septal defect closure, ventricular septal defect closure, PDA device closures, pulmonary AVM closures and so on. Our multidisciplinary team of cardiologists, endovascular specialists and cardiothoracic surgeons are one above their league when it comes to performing the most complex of cardiac surgeries including a heart transplant. Equipped with top-of-the-line dedicated intensive cardiac care units of excellence, our cardiology specialists in Jaipur are enabled to perform all adult cardiac surgeries in an environment of safety and responsibility.
Atrial Septal Defect Closure
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is commonly known as a hole in the heart, and a transcatheter repair is a procedure to fix it. The atrial septum is a wall that separates the right and left upper chambers in the heart (atria). Usually, a small opening between the chambers is present but seals in naturally as we grow up. In some children, it doesn’t and can cause problems such as high blood pressure in the lungs, congestive heart failure arrhythmias or even an increased risk of stroke, in adulthood if not treated.
Solutions in ASD closure
Most patients with ASD are candidates for this minimally invasive surgery. At Manipal Hospitals, our cardiothoracic surgeons are adept at performing this procedure by making a small incision on the right side of the chest. An endoscope with a 3D camera is inserted to provide a high-resolution image of the heart and the ASD on a monitor. The heart-lung machine is attached via a small incision in the groin, allowing the heart to be stopped for the surgeon to repair it. A soft retractor is then inserted through the incision, which gently opens the narrow space between the ribs, enabling the surgeon to insert the specialized minimally invasive instruments. A patch – either the patient’s own pericardial tissue or a synthetic graft – is then stitched onto the hole in the septum to close it.
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