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Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Closure
VSD is a hole in the wall called the septum, separating the two lower chambers of the heart. In a normal heart, only the left side pumps blood to the body, and the right side to the lungs. With an abnormal opening between the ventricles, a large amount of oxygen-rich (red) blood from the heart's left side is pushed through the hole into the right side. This blood is pumped back to the lungs causing them to enlarge from the pressure. Over time, increased pulmonary hypertension may permanently damage the blood vessel walls. Book an appointment at Manipal to learn more about VSD closure.
Solutions in VSD Closure
Similar to ASD Closure, this minimally invasive procedure is performed in our fully-fledged Cath Lab where our cardiothoracic surgeons in Jaipur will make incisions in your chest and sew a patch of fabric or pericardium - the normal lining around the outside of your heart) over the hole to close it completely. The natural heart tissue will eventually grow over this patch and it becomes a permanent part of the heart. Some defects can be sewn closed without a patch. In fact, we also employ a new device to plug the septal defect in some cases.
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