Functional Neurosurgery in Jaipur

NCS - Nerve Conduction Study

Nerve Conduction Test in Jaipur


  • Nerves control the muscles in the body by electrical signals and this impulse makes the muscles react in specific ways. NCS or Nerve Conduction Study is a non-invasive test which measures how well and how fast the nerves can send electrical signals.

Pre Procedure: 

  • There is nothing in particular to be observed before the procedure. There are no dietary restrictions also. It is advised to consult with the best neurosurgeon in Jaipur regarding the precautions.

  • Please avoid wearing any metallic jewellery/accessories/belts etc.

During Procedure:

  • You are settled comfortably in an area where your privacy is respected throughout the procedure. 

  • You are asked to lie down. All metallic objects, watches, jewellery etc. need to be removed.

  • The technician will place electrodes on the affected limbs after disinfecting with gel.

  • A very small amount of current is applied to measure the electrical signals in the nerve. 

  • You may feel some discomfort / slight pain depending on how strong the electric impulse is. Technicians will give as much gap between stimulations.

Post Procedure:

  • The technician will remove the electrodes as well as clean the gel well-using cotton & tissues.

  • Reports will be issued in an hour at the reception. Book an appointment today to have the best treatment.

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