10 Effective Tips to Relieve Period Pain Naturally

Dr. Arti Mahla
4 Min Read
Mar 07, 2025
Obstetrics deals with childbirth and the care of newborn babies. Obstetricians specialise and work closely with nurses and other medical professionals to provide safe and effective care for both mother and child during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Gynaecology deals with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the female reproductive system. It also includes the study of pelvic floor disorders, which are problems associated with the muscles around the bladder and rectum. Obs Gynae specialises in the care of women. The Obs Gynae provides medical care for women from adolescence through menopause. They provide prenatal care and childbirth in addition to routine gynaecological services. We have the best gynaecologists and obstetricians in Jaipur to help women from puberty to old age by offering routine examinations, screenings, pregnancy care, and other complications. Consult our Best Gynecology Hospital in Jaipur if you need treatment and care for gynaec issues.
Manipal Hospitals have the best gynecology hospital in Jaipur. We have a dedicated centre of excellence in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, offering comprehensive care for women and newborns and multispecialty disciplines.
Our team of gynaecologist in Jaipur is known for advanced treatments like fertility management, genetic disorders screening, and gynaecological cancer management. The state-of-the-art facilities include dedicated clinics for fertility, menopause, and women's wellness. Manipal Hospitals is India's leading healthcare chain known for its ethical approach and patient-oriented services.
A non-stress test (NST) is a common prenatal test used to check on a baby's health in the womb.
Obstetric ultrasound uses sound waves to produce pictures of a developing embryo or foetus within pregnant women, as well as the mother's uterus and ovaries. It does not use ionizing radiation and has no known harmful effects.
Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, which can cause pain, itching, unusual smell or discharge. There can be multiple reasons behind this but the most common is an imbalance of the yeast and bacteria in the vagina. The use of soaps, sprays and clothing can further irritate the skin if it's not treated timely.
A Pap Smear or Pap Test is a vaginal exam that screens for cervical cancer. This is done by taking a swab to collect cervical cells to be examined for abnormal growth and other indications of precancerous /cancerous cells. It’s a simple procedure that takes approximately 5 minutes.
An IUCD or Intra-uterine Contraceptive Device or coil is a T-shaped implant impregnated with copper or hormones that is placed in the uterus (womb) to prevent pregnancy. This is a safe and effective non-permanent method of female contraception.
This is a procedure that involves extracting a small piece of tissue from the cervix to facilitate lab testing for cervical cancer and precancerous conditions that could threaten the health of the patient in the future. Biopsies are largely pain-free procedures that do not require advanced recovery times.
Constantly buzzing with a stream of women and babies coming in to meet our gynaecologists, our outpatient and inpatient unit is equipped to diagnose and treat a range of gynaecological conditions that do not require surgery or hospitalization. From screening tests, ultrasound scans and mammograms, to high risk pregnancy management, pain and bleeding…
The surgical removal of the uterus is called a hysterectomy. It is performed when the uterus is afflicted by uterine fibroids, cancer, uterine prolapse (moving out of position), adenomyosis (abnormal thickening of uterine walls), endometriosis and other abnormalities in the uterus that threaten the patient's health. Typically, a hysterectomy is a last…
Cancer can be preventable and appropriate tests can detect any possibility of the disease in women. A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is a screening procedure for cervical cancer. It tests for the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells on your cervix which is the opening of the uterus. During the routine procedure, cells from your cervix are…
Preparing a woman for pregnancy is a crucial part of family planning, where a specialist ascertains fertility, as well as the risks of pregnancy and childbirth. Consulting a gynecologist before attempting to have children can dramatically improve the experience of pregnancy and childbirth.
For those who seek to postpone having a baby, or just stop having one, our family planning services unit is the right place to come to. Our gynaecologists advise you on the best possible contraception and sterilization options.
Postnatal care (PNC) is the care given to the mother and her newborn baby immediately after the birth and for the first six weeks of life. Women could also go through hormonal changes that could affect their mental health, or they could have lactation issues.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal condition afflicting women in their childbearing years. This fertility disorder can affect your ability to have a baby. But fret not, our PCO Clinic comes as a boon for women with PCOS. Our expert gynaecologists and infertility specialists are able to discern this common disorder, conduct various tests, and…
Puberty is the process a girl’s body goes through as she develops into an adult. Some of the common puberty disorders treated at Manipal Hospitals by our gynaecologists include Delayed puberty – puberty hasn't started by age 13; Precocious puberty – puberty begins too early, before age 7 or 8 in girls; Contrasexual pubertal development – development…
Sometimes, a woman’s cervix – the lowest end of the uterus – may be weak to carry a pregnancy through because it opens up easily leading to a miscarriage. Cervical cerclage is a surgical procedure in which sutures or synthetic tape is used to reinforce the cervix especially in women with a short cervix.
Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look inside your uterus in order to diagnose and treat causes of abnormal bleeding. Hysteroscopy is done using a hysteroscope, a thin, lighted tube that is inserted into the vagina to examine the cervix and inside of the uterus.
We understand that women are naturally predisposed to several changes in their body in their lifetime – starting from menstruation and childbirth to menopause and age-related gynaecological health issues. This is why our dedicated and specialized Well Women Clinic seeks to address all their conditions with responsibility and consideration. Our Well…
At one point, endoscopy during pregnancy was believed to endanger the foetus in the womb. Therefore it is generally discouraged endoscopy during pregnancy and, if absolutely necessary, recommended that procedures occur during the second trimester.
A tremendously specialized medical field, genetics is about heredity and certain risk factors involved in the genes. Every child inherits genes from both of their biological parents and these genes in turn express specific traits.
Also known as diagnostic laparoscopy, this is a surgical diagnostic procedure used to examine the organs inside the abdomen and reproductive organs. It's a low-risk, minimally invasive procedure that requires only small incisions.
Basically a prenatal test in which a sample of the chorionic villi is removed from the placenta for testing, Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) ing (CVS) is a prenatal test that is used to detect birth defects, genetic diseases, and other problems during pregnancy.
The field of robotic surgery has developed rapidly, and its use to treat gynaecologic conditions has grown exponentially. Harnessing their skills to operate this state of the art machine, gynaeco surgeons at Manipal Hospitals operate the robot arms to perform some of the exacting gynaecological surgeries way beyond what a human hand could possibly…
Menopause is a natural part of ageing when a woman stops having her monthly period. It is a normal process marking the end of a woman's reproductive years. However, some women cannot handle menopause well because of a few irregularities in their menstrual cycle such as early menopause either as a result of a surgical intervention such as removal of…
Advanced medical technology has revolutionized the healthcare world by making surgeries easier to perform and more comfortable for patients. Cryosurgery is one of them. Also called cryotherapy, it is the use of extreme cold produced by liquid nitrogen or argon gas to destroy abnormal tissue.
Perimenopause is early menopause and can begin eight to 10 years before menopause sets in when the ovaries gradually produce less estrogen. It usually starts in a woman's 40s, but can start in the 30s as well. At this stage, many women can experience menopause symptoms in spite of still having menstrual cycles during this time, and can get pregnant.
Medical research confirms that 70-80 percent of women will develop uterine fibroids in their lifetime. Fibroids are benign growths of muscle cells and tissues and pose no risk of turning cancerous. However, in some women, especially during menopause, fibroids can cause a variety of health conditions that include heavy or prolonged periods, bleeding…
For couples who find it difficult to get pregnant due to certain infertility issues, our Infertility Clinic is a boon. Endowed with the qualifications and experience to treat infertility issues, the infertility specialists at our Clinic examine and study the underlying complications in couples hindering their chance at having a baby. The Clinic is…
All our women and child clinics are highly competent to conduct various tests and perform procedures that do not require hospitalization. Some of these include Cervical (Cone) Biopsy. Colporrhaphy or surgical repair of the vaginal wall, Colposcopy to detect cervical cancer signs, Dilation and Curettage (D&C), Endometrial Ablation, Endometrial or Uterine…
Each pregnancy is different even if it’s your tenth. We understand this perfectly and strive to meet the individual needs of your pregnancy and your newborn’s. Our obstetric care team is one of the finest in the country and supports you to understand your pregnancy and preferences.
Women often neglect their health in their endeavor to care for their family’s wellbeing. Steadfast in our belief that all women especially after 35 should have an annual check-up we conduct routine tests through the year, backed by comprehensive assistance and counselling. In addition to performing these vital screening tests, we also review women’s…
This is one of the foremost tests in assisted reproduction that gives hope to millions of couples who want to have a baby. Follicular study and monitoring are done to study ovarian follicles that are used to identify ovulation of egg. It is an ultrasound scan done inside the vagina to study the ovaries, uterus and uterus lining. A follicle scan should…
What are Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conditions?
Being one of the most trusted gynecology hospital in Jaipur we treat all Obstetrics and Gynaecology conditions like:
Irregular Periods
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Ovarian Cysts
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Ectopic Pregnancy (Pregnancy outside the womb)
Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramps)
Dyspareunia (Painful Intercourse)
Ovarian and Cervical Cancer
Sexually Transmitted Infections.
High-risk Pregnancy Management
Pain and Bleeding
Cesarean Section
Medical Termination of Pregnancy
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Polycystic Ovary
Puberty Disorders
Menstrual Disorders
Diagnostic Facilities
A Cervical Biopsy removes cells from the Cervix to diagnose cervical cancer and other diseases or conditions. Cervical Biopsy involves a wire loop or a surgical instrument called a Colposcope. The colposcope allows the doctor to see the surface of the Cervix and take a sample of tissue for examination under a microscope.
A Non-Stress Test is a prenatal diagnostic procedure to check for fetal well-being and determine if there are any problems with the baby's or mother's health. The doctor places electrodes on the mother's abdomen and monitors the baby's heartbeat. The test takes a few minutes and is entirely non-invasive.
USG Scan uses ultrasound waves to image internal organs. It detects the presence of fluid-filled cysts, tumours, or other bodily abnormalities. The test is performed on pregnant women by an obstetrician or radiologist who will look for signs that the fetus is developing as expected.
Pap Smear helps to detect cervical cancer by taking a sample of cells from the Cervix and examining them under a microscope. The Pap smear is the leading diagnosis tool for detecting precancerous and early-stage cervical cancers before they cause symptoms or spread to other body parts.
HPV Test helps to detect Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which can lead to cervical cancer and other cancers. It can also cause genital warts. HPV has more than 100 types, some harmless, while others can lead to cancer. Nearly all sexually active men and women will get at least one type of HPV. While most people who get HPV never develop symptoms or health problems from it.
Colposcopy evaluates cervical lesions with the aid of a colposcope. The procedure requires a patient to lie flat on her back with her feet in stirrups. The doctor uses a speculum in the Vagina, allowing for direct visualisation of the Cervix and applies a solution which causes abnormal cells to turn bright.
Hysteroscopy examines the inside of the Uterus for abnormalities by inserting a thin tube into the Vagina and passing it through the Cervix into the Uterus. Hysteroscopy can look for uterine abnormalities such as fibroids, polyps, or tumours.
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) is a prenatal diagnostic test involving a sample of Chorionic Villi, which are tiny finger-like projections that develop from the placenta. The test diagnoses genetic disorders in fetuses, such as Down syndrome.
A procedure that involves monitoring follicular development in assisted reproductive technology (ART). The procedure uses ultrasound to identify and measure individual follicles as they develop within the ovary. This technique allows doctors to evaluate how many eggs have been released from each follicle to determine whether there is enough material for fertilisation.
An Anomaly Scan is a non-invasive test performed during pregnancy to determine if there are any abnormalities in the fetus. It uses ultrasonography to identify the fetus's size, shape and position, as well as its heart rate and movements. Doctors usually recommend Anomaly Scan between 18 weeks and 21 weeks of pregnancy.
A Viability Scan is an ultrasound that pregnant women can undergo during the first trimester of their pregnancy. This test observes the fetus' heartbeat and how far along the pregnancy is. A viability scan gives viability of pregnancy and ensures the fetus is healthy.
Doppler Studies work by sending high-frequency sound waves into the body and measuring their echo, allowing doctors to detect any abnormalities in blood flow, which can indicate that there are problems with the Placenta or Umbilical Cord.
Fetal Echo Studies are a non-invasive way to see the fetus. It uses sound waves to create images of the fetus. Doctors use the results to diagnose abnormalities or confirm a healthy pregnancy. A Transabdominal Scan uses an ultrasound wand placed over the belly button, while a Transvaginal Scan uses an ultrasound probe in the Vagina. Both scans allow doctors to see inside the Uterus and view the fetus's anatomy, including its spine and heart.
Amniocentesis diagnoses genetic abnormalities in the fetus. During the test, doctors insert a needle into the Uterus to withdraw some amniotic fluid from around the fetus and analyse for Chromosomal Abnormalities.
Get the finest treatment with the help of top gynaecology doctors in Jaipur.
Treatment Facilities
The IUD is a small T-shaped device used as a contraceptive method. It is also known as the Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD). The IUD prevents sperm from entering the Uterus by killing them before they reach the Uterus. The IUCD releases copper ions into the Uterus, which kills any sperm that may be present there. It also prevents an egg's fertilisation by inhibiting implantation into the Uterus's wall.
Hysterectomy treats abnormal growths by surgical removal of a woman's Uterus. This procedure relieves symptoms associated with the Uterus, such as heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, or pressure that cause significant problems for the patient. Doctors also recommend Hysterectomy if a woman has an abnormal growth within her Uterus that could lead to cancer.
Sterilisation is the permanent contraception method for females. It is a surgical procedure which completely prevents pregnancy. The procedure involves cutting and sealing the fallopian tubes to prevent eggs from reaching the Uterus. Sterilisation can happen via laparoscopic or open surgery.
The Cerclage supports the Cervix when there is a risk of preterm labour or in cases where there has been a previous cesarean section (C-section). It can also help if other risks are associated with the pregnancy, including Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta. Cerclage involves placing stitches around the lower part of the Uterus in order to keep it closed. These stitches will remain in place for about two weeks. This procedure aims to prevent premature birth, which can lead to serious health problems for both mother and child.
Puberty disorders are a group of conditions that cause the onset of puberty to be delayed beyond 13 years or brought on before eight years of age. Delayed onset of puberty beyond 13 years may occur when the pituitary gland fails to secrete enough luteinising hormone (LH) to stimulate the ovaries or testes. Precocious or early onset before eight years may result from a tumour in the brain's hypothalamus region, which secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).
Doctors understand the condition to recommend the treatment.
PCOD is a condition that can result in infertility. PCOD stands for Polycystic Ovary Disease, meaning that the ovaries produce too many hormones. PCOD can cause irregular periods and make it difficult to get pregnant. PCOD often impacts women who have problems with their weight or metabolism. It may also result from hormonal imbalances, stress, or chronic illnesses like diabetes or hypothyroidism. The treatments for PCOD include birth control pills, medications and lifestyle changes.
Hormone Therapy treats menopause-related complications that may include hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. Hormones manage these symptoms by replacing the hormones that are decreasing during menopause. Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT) is the most common hormone therapy, which uses estrogens to reduce the symptoms. Hormone therapy can be taken orally (pill form), transdermally (patch), or vaginally (vaginal ring).
Cryosurgery destroys suspicious cells or tissue in the Cervix using liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide. Cryosurgery treats precancerous lesions and cancers of the Cervix. In this minimally invasive procedure, a thin tube is inserted into the Vagina and guided through the Cervix to the area of concern. A freezing agent is then injected through this tube into the tissue, causing cell death and destruction of any suspicious cells or tissue.
Manipal Hospitals is the best gynaecology hospital in Jaipur, with world-class facilities like:
General Gynaecological Services
Outpatient Gynaecological Services
Inpatient Gynaecological Services
Emergency Gynaecological Services
Cancer Screening
Family Planning Services and Sterilisation
Menopausal Clinic
Post Natal Care
PCO Clinic
Well Women Clinic
Genetic Counselling
Robotic Surgeries in Gynaecology
Fibroid Clinic
Infertility Clinic
Obstetrics/ Pregnancy Services
High-Risk Pregnancy Management
Pathological Lab
Blood Bank
Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery
Gynecologic Oncology.
A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in women's reproductive health. Obstetricians care for women during their pregnancy and just after the baby is born. They also deliver babies. An ob-gyn is trained to do all of these things. Get treatment at the best obstetrics & gynecology hospital in Jaipur.
Fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the Uterus. They can be present in women of any age, but they are most common in women over 40.
Large fibroids can lead to infertility and miscarriage, as well as heavy bleeding during periods. Smaller fibroids do not usually cause any problems at all.
Symptoms of fibroids include painful periods, heavy bleeding between periods, pain during sex, and urinary incontinence (inability to control urine).
Female sterilisation is a permanent form of birth control that is sometimes reversible.
Sterilisation is one of the most effective forms of birth control. It involves surgically removing the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which prevents eggs from being released.
Reversal surgery is possible. However, it has limited chances of success and needs the best gynaecologists and obstetricians in Jaipur.
PCOD affects women and girls. Women with PCOD have high levels of male hormones (androgens) in their blood, which can cause problems with ovulation and hormone production. Several treatment options are available for PCOD, including diet changes and medication.
However, it is essential to note that some women may not need any treatment if they do not have any symptoms or if the symptoms are mild. A gynaecologist in Jaipur will make a thorough diagnosis for the required treatment.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) affects the Uterus and fallopian tubes. An infection of the reproductive organs causes it. PID can result from a sexually transmitted disease or a non-sexually transmitted bacterial infection. Lower abdomen pain, irregular periods, and vaginal discharge are common. PID can lead to infertility if not treated properly.
The best gynaecologist hospital in Jaipur offers comprehensive treatment for PID and other gynaecological diseases.