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Obstetric ultrasound uses sound waves to produce pictures of a developing embryo or foetus within pregnant women, as well as the mother's uterus and ovaries. It does not use ionizing radiation and has no known harmful effects.
Pre Procedure
You must drink plenty of water before the test as your bladder has to be full for the scan.
Eat well prior to the scan to ensure that the foetus is active.
Please inform the doctor about your medical history.
Please bring your past medical records/CDs.
Consult with our team of gynaecologists in Jaipur to get the finest treatment.
During Procedure
The entire procedure usually takes about 30 minutes. It is performed by the treating doctor with a nurse assisting at all times.
Before the procedure, you will have to remove any jewellery or other objects that may interfere with the procedure.
You are settled comfortably in an area where your privacy is respected throughout the procedure.
You will have to lie down on a procedure table or bed.
The gel will be applied to the abdomen to provide better contact between the skin and the scanner.
The gynaecologist in Jaipur moves the scanner in various positions. Obstetric ultrasound is best if the fetus is examined in different positions to optimally visualise the foetal parts. Pictures are sent instantly to a nearby monitor.
The doctor may have to push quite firmly at times in order to see the deeper structures.
The excess gel is wiped off gently after the scan.
You may empty your bladder after the scan.
Post Procedure
There are no restrictions post the procedure.
As the desired foetal positions may not be obtained in one sitting multiple sittings will be required to complete the examination. Visit the top gynaecology hospital in Jaipur for the treatment procedure.
Home Jaipur Specialities Obstetrics-and-gynaecology Usg-scan