Whooping Cough (Pertussis): Causes, Symptoms & Prevention

Department of Pulmonology (Respiratory and Sleep Medicine)
6 Min Read
Feb 14, 2025
Manipal Center of Pulmonary Medicine is the most advanced & state of the art tertiary care centre for lung diseases in Rajasthan. The Department has two top pulmonologists in Jaipur who are highly experienced and competent consultants to handle all adverse conditions in the field of pulmonary medicine. Manipal hospital is the best pulmonology hospital in Bangalore having a unique Interventional Pulmonary Department, Respiratory Care Unit, comprising 20 ICU beds, pulmonary functional laboratories, allergy testing laboratory and advance Sleep laboratory. The services include treatment of COPD, Allergic Disorders, Chronic Respiratory Failure, Asthma, Sleep Disorders, Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD), Lung Cancers, Laparoscopy Assisted Thoracic Surgeries, Congenital disease of lungs and all type of respiratory allergies.
Department of Respiratory and Chest Medicine at Manipal Hospital, the best lungs hospital in Jaipur, is a centre of excellence in the State of Rajasthan with world-class facilities and infrastructure. All procedures and tests of the chest and allergies are done as per international protocols. Manipal Hospital, the best Chest Hospital, Jaipur has a state-of-the-art department of pulmonary medicine with all the essential facilities required for a tertiary care centre.
PFT & Spirometry, FENO, 6 Minute Walk test
Advance Sleep Laboratory
All types of allergy testing ( Food allergy, Common Aero allergy, Drug Allergy )
Asthma is a lung disease that causes temporary narrowing of breathing tubes due to exposure to certain allergens or irritants in the environment. People dealing with asthma face difficulty breathing air in and out of their lungs. We cannot cure asthma but we can control it fully with proper medication & lifestyle changes. Untreated asthma can become severe and life-threatening. People can control and prevent asthma with self-care and medical treatment.
Symptoms of Asthma
Trouble breathing
Chest pain
Chest tightness
At Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur we provide the best respiratory care to all our patients.
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) makes it hard for you to breathe. Coughing up mucus is usually the first symptom of COPD. Your airways and air sacs lose their shape and become floppy, like a stretched-out rubber band. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause of COPD but it may also be caused by biomass fuel smoke exposure and environmental pollution. COPD is a preventable and treatable disease. You can avoid developing COPD by quitting smoking. Treatment can make you more comfortable. Some people have a rare form of COPD called alpha-1 (AAT) related emphysema which is caused by an inherited lack of a protective protein in the blood.
Signs and symptoms of COPD include constant coughing also called "smoker's cough", shortness of breath while doing day-to-day activities and producing a lot of sputum (also called phlegm or mucus). Taking proper medication, oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation & surgery are some of the ways to treat COPD.
Pneumonia causes inflammation and solidification of lung tissues. It is usually due to infection caused by aspiration of GI contents and inhalation of noxious gases. Pneumonia is a life-threatening disease but can be treated with proper antibiotics and other supportive therapies. Sometimes a patient may require ICU admission and ventilator support.
Signs & symptoms of pneumonia may include:
Difficulty while breathing (breaths are rapid and shallow)
A cough that brings up phlegm
Rapid/ fast heartbeat (tachycardia)
High temperature/ fever (38C/ 100.4F or above)
Chest pain
Interstitial Lung diseases(ILD)
This is a group of lung diseases that affect the interstitials of the lungs. The volume and capacities of the lungs start to decrease with time and patients feel difficulties in breathing and dry coughs, usually associated with autoimmune disease( connective tissue diseases) and sometimes exposure to allergens( hypersensitivity pneumonia).
ILD is a wide spectrum of diseases with multiple causative factors. Usually treated with immunosuppressive medication.
Allergy Asthma and Immunology
It is an allergic disorder caused by exposure to certain allergens and noxious particles. Most commonly occurs during a change of seasons.
Repeated cold
Watering of nose
Redness and irritation in the eyes
Loss of smell
Throat irritation and cough
If not treated properly asthma may develop with time.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Sleep apnea is a common disorder that people usually don’t notice. Sleep apnea should not be overlooked as it can interrupt your hard day at work and can lead to serious complications. The most common cause of OSA is obesity, other causes are craniofacial abnormalities and neuromuscular disorders.
Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea may include:
Waking up with a dry or sore throat
Loud snoring
Occasionally waking up with a gasping sensation
Feeling lethargic during the day
Sleepiness while driving
Morning headaches
Restless sleep
Forgetfulness and mood changes
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) can hurt your health and can also cause:
Heart attack and Blood Pressure
Lead to Weight Gain
Ageing of Skin
Diagnosis of OSA can be made by a sleep study (Polysomnography)
Polysomnogram (PSG) Study: This is the core sleep study test that will help the sleep medicine specialist to diagnose the main cause of a sleep disorder. During the study, a patient is monitored in the sleep lab with special equipment that records brain activity, breathing, cardiac patterns and LEG movements.
Treatment of OSA: Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) is the mainstay of treatment of OSA. The Department of Pulmonology has the best sleep medicine doctor in Jaipur who is an expert at solving the most serious and complex medical challenges faced by people with conditions that affect the lungs and breathing.
Bronchoscopy is a medical procedure during which a narrow tube (endoscope) is inserted through your mouth or nose to look inside your large airways. A bronchoscopy is performed to diagnose a condition like lung cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia, or ILD, or treat a medical problem such as a foreign object that is lodged in the airways and tumour debulking.
We perform the following bronchoscopic procedures: Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) Bronchial Washing TBLB (TransBronchial Needle Aspiration)TBLB (Trans-Bronchial Lung Biopsy)Conventional Endobronchial Biopsy and airway stenting.
Medical Thoracoscopy (PLEUROSCOPY)
Medical Thoracoscopy is an endoscopic procedure in which thoracoscopic is inserted between the ribs. To examine the pleural space. This procedure is useful to diagnose the cause and treat conditions like pleural effusions( fluid in the lung), pneumothorax ( air in the lung), Empyema( Puss in the lung) and lung cancer.
Allergic testing and Immunotherapy
Allergy testing is useful to diagnose the causative allergens( Pollens, food, drugs), and are responsible for respiratory allergy and asthma. There are two types of allergy tests:
Skin prick test- A very small and diluted amount of antigen injected into the skin by multiple tiny needles to diagnose the culprit antigen responsible for allergy and asthma in a person.
Serology-based test:- Invitro test takes a small amount of blood taken from the patient and puts it in an antigen detection machine. This machine identifies the responsible antigen.
Immunotherapy is an effective method of modifying or avoiding disease by influencing the immune system. It is like boosting the body's defence mechanisms. In Allergy Immunotherapy or desensitization therapy, the mechanism is regarded as a correction of the immune system towards how a no-allergic person would deal with the allergen. Allergy Immunotherapy attacks the primary cause of the problem and provides a patient benefit that is usually long-lasting. Immunotherapy is generally applied in multiple doses, most frequently as injections under the skin. Oral vaccines are also produced.
Pulmonary Function Testing
Pulmonary Function testing measures the lung capacity, and lung and chest wall mechanics to determine whether or not the patient has a lung problem. Pulmonary Function Tests are used for the following indications:
Screening for the presence of obstructive and restrictive diseases.
Evaluating the patient before surgery.
To know the response to treatment
There are multiple components of PFT.
Spirometry Test
6 min walk Test
CT Guided Lung Biopsy
A CT Guided Lung Biopsy is a test where a tiny sample of tissue (biopsy) is taken from the lungs & sent for analysis. Percutaneous CT-guided needle biopsy of mediastinal and pulmonary lesions is a minimally invasive approach for obtaining the tissue for histopathological examination. CT-Guided Tru-Cut Biopsy results are far better than FNAC.
Indications of lung Biopsy:-
To diagnose lung cancer, pulmonary Tuberculosis and ILDs.
Thoracic Surgery Unit
This department is running under the supervision of senior thoracic surgeons along with a team of respiratory physicians and a critical care team. It has fully equipped modern Operation theatres and equipment to perform thoracic surgeries.
Thoracic diseases like Tuberculosis, Lung Abscess, Cancer, Empyema, and Pneumothorax have been treated successfully in the units.
The Department of Pulmonology at Manipal Hospital, Jaipur, Lungs Hospital in Jaipur has performed various successful surgeries like Thoracotomy, Lobectomy, Pneumonectomy, Thoracoplasty, Decortication, VATS and many others to treat thoracic diseases like haemoptysis, Lung Abscess, Cancer, Empyema, Pneumothorax etc. with good surgical results.
Pulmonology Respiratory Sleep Medicine
Intervention Pulmonary unit(Broncos copy, Thorscopy, Lung Biopsy, airway stenting, intercostals tube thoracostomy, Thoracocentesis)
Well-equipped interventional pulmonary department with facilities for all types of bronchoscopies, thoracoscopy, lung biopsies, foreign body removal, Argon Plasma Coagulator ( APC ), Airway Stenting, tube thoracostomy, thoracocentesis.
Advance Sleep Laboratory
Pulmonary Function Testing & Spirometry, FENO, 6 Minute Walk test
Allergy testing and IMMUNOTHERAPY
CT Guided Lung Pleural Biopsy
Thoracic surgery
Pulmonary rehabilitation
Respiratory Intensive care unit.
All types of allergy testing ( Food allergy, Common Aero allergy, Drug Allergy )
State of Art Thoracic Surgery Department
Well Equipped respiratory ICU & HDU
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are noninvasive tests that show how well the lungs are working. The tests measure lung volume, capacity, rates of flow, and gas exchange. This information can help your healthcare provider diagnose and decide the treatment of certain lung disorders.
A medical specialist who is specialized to treat all diseases and ailments related to the lungs and respiratory system of a human known as a Pulmonologist/ lung specialist/Respiratory physician or Chest physician
COPD, Asthma, Tuberculosis, ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease), All type of Respiratory Failure, Lung Cancer, Sleep Apnea syndrome (OSAHS), Snoring, Pleural Effusions, Pneumothorax, Pulmonary infections, Pneumonia, Sarcoidosis, Hemoptysis (coughing out blood), Lymph nodes (glands)tuberculosis/ Masses in the chest and chest trauma.
It is important to understand how the doctor will determine if your disease is stable. The doctor should continue to monitor the condition throughout the years. You can monitor the progression of your disease by measuring your lung function through pulmonary function tests. Your doctor may also recommend exercise testing, such as a six-minute walk and imaging scans including a high-resolution CT scan may also be performed.
COPD is a preventable and treatable disease. To treat COPD:-
One should quit smoking.
Should take medications advised by pulmonologist on regular basis like - Bronchodilators through inhalation routes like puffs (inhalers), rotacaps or nebulizers and other medications
Avoid irritants exposure like chemical fumes, dust, heavy air pollution, second-hand smoking
Vaccination - Flu (Influenza) vaccine and Pneumococcal (Pneumonia) vaccine.
It is a procedure in which a tube is placed through the chest wall into the pleural cavity and connected to a water seal bag to drain large amounts of air, fluid or pus from the pleural space. Its indications are:
Pneumothorax (air in the lungs)
Hemothorax (Blood in the lungs)
Pleural effusion (Fluid/ water in the lungs)
Empayema (Pus in the lung)
There are a few things you should keep in your mind while asking questions to your doctor:
The very first question that comes to your mind is your prognosis which is a difficult question to answer. There are several factors that affect prognoses such as age, lifestyle choices and overall health.
Write your questions on any paper or on your phone, so you do not forget anything.
When you ask questions to your doctor, take notes if needed. You might be getting a lot of information, and it is easy to forget what was said. Write in short all the answers to your questions, so you have something to refer back to at a later date.
Ask for clarification if you don’t understand something, but if there is something you don’t understand, ask for clarification.
Warning signs are:
Wheezing or whistling sounds during respiration
Chest tightness
Cough with choking
Breathlessness initially on exertion but maybe during rest in severe conditions.
Difficulty in sleeping
You are producing any discolored mucus
If you notice any of the signs, visit the pulmonology hospital in Jaipur.
Symptoms of both Asthma and COPD are quite similar but there is a basic difference in both conditions:
Asthma is a genetically driven condition and triggered by certain allergen exposure while COPD is mainly caused by smoking and biomass fuel smoke exposure.
Asthma usually occurs at an early age while COPD in late age usually after 40 years of age
A person with Asthma usually remains asymptomatic between attacks while in COPD baseline dyspnea always presents.
Arrive at the top pulmonology hospital in Jaipur to know more about it.
It is a minor daycare or OPD procedure. A percutaneous needle is inserted into the pleural space and pleural fluid is removed either through the needle or a wide-bore catheter. Diagnostic thoracentesis is the removal of a small volume of pleural fluid, while Therapeutic thoracentesis is the removal of a large volume of fluid to give symptomatic relief to the patient. Our specialists st the finest pulmonology hospital in Jaipur recommend that patients who have a pleural effusion should undergo diagnostic thoracentesis to determine the nature of the effusion and identify potential causes. The procedure is performed using ultrasound (USG).
Interventional pulmonology is a branch of modern pulmonology in which multiple lung diseases are diagnosed and managed more efficiently by higher-end minimal invasive procedures by modern equipment like Bronchoscopy, Thoracoscopy, E-BUS, Bronchial biopsy, Pleurodesis, etc. Interventional pulmonology is a boon to diagnose and manage multiple lung conditions like ILDs, lung cancers, foreign body removal from lungs, repeated and large pleural effusions, recurrent pneumothorax, etc. Walk in to the best pulmonology hospital in Jaipur to get the best treatment.