Common Types Of Kidney Stones And Their Treatment With Lithotripsy

Department of Urology
3 Min Read
Aug 30, 2023
Urology is a medical field that focuses on the urinary tract and the reproductive system. Urologists work with patients to diagnose and treat conditions that affect these areas, such as kidney stones, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, and urinary tract infections. The urinary tract is the system that collects, transports, and removes urine from the body. The reproductive system is the organ group that helps to make sperm and eggs, which create new organisms. It also includes the organs that carry out the process of fertilisation. Urologists specialise in the urinary tract and reproductive system. They treat urinary tract infections, inability to control urination, blood in the urine, benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), painful bladder, bladder cancers, kidneys and prostate, erectile dysfunction (ED), kidney stones and pelvic organ prolapse. They also treat birth problems in the urinary tract.
Manipal Hospitals is the best urology hospital in Jaipur. Our team of experienced urologists helps patients to recover from a wide range of urological conditions, including kidney stones, incontinence, cancer, and more.
We provide the highest quality care for our patients. Our staff accomplishes this with state-of-the-art equipment, a focus on patient safety, and cutting-edge treatments backed by research. We have urology experts available for both adult and pediatric treatments.
This type of enlargement of the prostate gland isn’t associated with cancer but can lead to issues when trying to empty the bladder. This can be treated with surgery or medication. Minimally invasive BPH treatments such as the UroLift system and Green Light Laser Therapy are the preferred treatment options.
Urethroplasty is an open surgical reconstruction or replacement of the urethra that has been narrowed by scar tissue and spongiofibrosis (urethral stricture). There are over a dozen different types of methods to treat urethral strictures.
A penile implant is a modern option for men having a medical condition in erectile dysfunction(ED). At times, a penile prosthesis is implanted during surgery to reconstruct the penis when scarring has caused erections to curve, also called Peyronie's disease.
When you have bladder cancer that has spread into the bladder wall or has come back after initial treatment, your urologists may gently advise you to go in for its removal. Depending on the spread, they may suggest either a partial or radical cystectomy or bladder removal to treat the cancer.
Urinary Stone Disease is collectively known as urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones, and nephrocalcinosi, and indicates the presence of stones and calcification within the urinary tract. Urolithiasis is about the formation of stones in the urinary and bladder, nephrolithiasis is of kidney stones and nephrocalcinosi is of the calcium deposits…
Lithotripsy is a non-invasive procedure that uses high-energy shock waves or lasers to break down and eliminate bothersome stones in the kidney, quickly and effectively. During the procedure, a special machine called a lithotripter generates the shock waves that travel into your body and break apart the stones.
Uroflowmetry measures urine volume voided over time. The procedure is useful in clinical conditions, such as frequency and urgency incontinence, voiding difficulty, hesitancy or difficulty in maintaining the urine stream.
There are different types of bladder cancers and these are diagnosed by the Urology department, with the use of telescopic examinations, namely cystoscopy. A biopsy is done to assess the nature of cancer. Treatments will be based on the type of bladder cancer found and this can involve medications being placed in the bladder directly followed by surgery,…
Tumors in the kidney need to be handled by specialists depending on the level of advancement of cancer when it is diagnosed. Early treatment can help patients live cancer-free lives.
This type of cancer is observed in younger men, mostly in their twenties or thirties. It could be indicated by bumps, lumps, hardened testicles or size changes. If diagnosed early, it can be treated successfully.
What is Urology?
Urology is the medical field that studies the urinary tract and reproductive system. The urinary tract includes all the organs producing, storing, and releasing urine. At the same time, the reproductive system includes organs that produce eggs or sperm and support their development.
The female reproductive system is a series of organs that work together to produce and release an egg and provide a place for the fertilised egg to grow until it is ready to be born. The female reproductive system comprises the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina, labia majora and labia minora. The ovaries are a pair of glands in which eggs form. Fallopian tubes carry the eggs to the uterus, which fertilises the egg. The cervix allows the fluids to pass in and out of the uterus. The vagina allows sexual intercourse and channels menstrual flow. Labia Majora and Labia Minora are skinfolds to protect the vaginal opening from dryness and infections.
The male reproductive system is involved in the production, storage, and delivery of sperm.
The testes are the primary producers of sperm and testosterone. They sit within the scrotum, a skin sac that contains two testes. The penis delivers sperm to a female during intercourse. It has three cylinders surrounded by muscles that contract and relax to allow penetration during intercourse.
Manipal Hospitals has the finest urology doctors in Jaipur who offer services like:
Treatment of Prostate and other Urological Cancers
Stone Diseases
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Enlarged Prostate
Kidney Stones
Bladder Concerns
Urological Birth Problems
Pediatric Urology Conditions
Erectile Dysfunction
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Urinary Continence in both Men and Women
Kidney Problems
Diagnosis Facilities
Uroflowmetry measures the rate at which urine flows out of the body. It diagnoses bladder problems and incontinence. Uroflowmetry measures the flow rate using a special catheter that measures how much urine is in the bladder after voiding. This catheter has an inflatable balloon on its tip, and when you press your finger against it to stop the flow, it expands and then deflates as urine exits your body. The time it takes for this balloon to deflate is recorded as part of the test results.
A cystoscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of the bladder. A tiny camera goes into the bladder to observe any abnormalities or infections. Cystoscopy diagnoses urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and blood in the urine. It can also test for bladder cancer.
A biopsy removes a tissue sample from the body, and a pathologist examines it to determine whether there is any disease present or diagnoses the presence of cancer. There are two biopsies: an excisional biopsy removes a piece of tumour tissue, while an incisional biopsy takes a sample of cells between healthy cells. A urologist may perform a biopsy to check for conditions like kidney stones and cancer in the bladder, prostate, or testicles.
Treatment Facilities
Renal transplantation introduces a healthy kidney from a donor body to someone who needs a renal transplant due to kidney disease or failure. At Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, we offer laparoscopic donor nephrectomy and robotic recipient surgery to ensure that the donor has minimal pain. We also offer preemptive kidney transplants, highly antigenic kidney transplant surgery, re-transplantation and transplantation in HIV-positive patients, and ABO-incompatible kidney transplants.
PCNL is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a small incision in the skin to insert a thin tube called a nephroscope, allowing doctors to view the urinary tract to remove stones. PCNL treats renal and upper urinary tract stones by removing stones from the kidney, ureter, or bladder. PCNL helps patients experiencing kidney stone symptoms or chronic kidney stone problems.
Prostate surgery removes the prostate gland and surrounding tissue from the body. The surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdomen. Patients who have Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) may undergo Laser Prostatectomy (HoLEP), in which a laser removes only the part of the prostate gland that is causing problems, or conventional surgery (TURP), where surgeons remove all of the prostate glands and surrounding tissues. Patients with prostate cancer treatments may undergo Transrectal Ultrasound Scan (TRUS)_ biopsy, in which two tiny needles are inserted into the prostate to take samples for examination under a microscope; Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy, in which a robotic arm removes the entire prostate gland plus some of the tissue around it to prevent further chances of infection or relapse.
Endourology is a subspecialty that involves using small instruments and internal endoscopes to view the urinary tract and perform surgery. The term "endourology" comes from the Greek words for "inside" and "the study of." Endourology treats conditions like kidney stones, bladder cancer, and prostate cancer. It also diagnoses diseases like diabetes, which can affect the kidneys. Endocrinologists perform minimally invasive procedures using tiny instruments through small incisions in the body. Endourology is helpful for complex cases where traditional open surgery would be too risky or difficult to do to diagnose or treat a condition.
Laparoscopic urology uses a camera and small incisions in the abdomen to see internal organs. It treats urinary obstruction, kidney stones, and tumours. Robotic Urology uses robots to perform precision urological procedures. It is a boon for patients with previous urological problems.
Reconstructive urology treats congenital disabilities and injuries, corrects adverse effects of surgery, and reroutes areas of the urinary tract and reproductive organs. Reconstructive urology helps patients with myriad upper and lower tract reconstructive problems.
A partial cystectomy removes the partial bladder, while a radical cystectomy removes the entire bladder. A partial cystectomy can be partial in that it only removes part of the wall of the bladder, or it can remove only some of the inner lining and mucous membrane. A radical cystectomy removes all of these parts.
Penectomy removes the entire penis or part of the penis. Total penectomy involves the removal of the whole penis and scrotum, and partial penectomy removes only part of the penis. Total penectomies happen when no other options are available to treat cancer or fatal infection. Partial penectomies can treat disfigurement or cancer.
When bladder cancer has spread beyond the original cancer site or has returned after treatment, a partial or radical cystectomy is needed to treat it. A partial nephrectomy removes a part of the bladder if cancer has not spread outside the bladder wall. In a radical nephrectomy, surgeons remove the entire bladder and some surrounding tissue to treat tumours that have spread.
Doctors use radical orchiectomy to treat patients with prostate, kidney and bladder cancers. They also use the process to treat enlarged prostate. In radical orchiectomy, surgeons remove testicles from the patient's body.
Ureteroscopy (URS) is a minimally invasive procedure to treat abnormalities in the ureters. It identifies the cause of Hydronephrosis (kidney urine build-up), resulting in pain, infection, and kidney failure. URS also removes ureter stones.
Retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) is a minimally invasive procedure that removes kidney stones by using small incisions in the back. The surgeon uses a camera to access the kidney and remove the stone inside it. This surgery leaves minimal external scars, making it an attractive option for many people who want a less-invasive surgery. Visit Manipal Hospitals, the best urology hospital in Jaipur for treatment.
Urethroplasty is a surgical procedure to repair the urethra, a tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The process corrects a urethral stricture, a narrowing of the urethra, or treats urinary incontinence, an inability to control urination. The procedure happens under general anaesthesia and takes about two hours. The surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdomen to stretch the narrowed area of your urethra.
Lithotripsy is a shock wave therapy used to destroy kidney stones. It works by sending shock waves through the body that break up the stone into smaller fragments, which are then excreted naturally through urination. Lithotripsy devices are called lithotriptors. They create shock waves and direct them to a specific body area.
Patients with moderate to severe kidney stone pain undergo this procedure.
A penile prosthesis provides erections for men who have lost the ability to get an erection on their own. The device has two inflatable cylinders: one inside the body and one outside. There are two types of penile prosthesis surgery: open or minimally invasive. In open surgery, an incision in the groin area, whereas minimally invasive procedures use minor or no cuts.
At Manipal Hospitals, Jaipur, we provide holistic treatment of urological illnesses:
General Urology Assistance
Pediatric Urology
Female Neuro-Urology
Renal Transplants
Luminous Holmium120 watts Laser Machine
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
Ureteroscopy (URS)
Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)
Endoscopic Removal of Bladder Stones
Optical Internal Urethrotomy
Partial and Radical Cystectomy
Reconstructive Urology
Lap/ Robotic Pyeloplasty
Ileal Replacement of Ureter
Boari Flap
Augmentation Cystoplasty
Laparoscopic and Robotic urology
Radical Nephrectomy
Partial Nephrectomy
Radical Nephroureterectomy (Laparoscopic/ Robotic)
Radical Cystectomy with neo-bladder reconstruction
Radical Prostatectomy (Laparoscopic /Robotic)
Total or Partial Penectomy with Inguinal Lymph Node Dissection
Radical Orchiectomy and Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection
Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
Psychosexual Counselling
Intracavernosal Injections
Vacuum Erection Devices
Penile Implants
Prostate Surgery
Laser Prostatectomy (HoLEP)
Conventional Surgery (TURP)
TRUS Biopsy
Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy
Stone Clinic
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS)
Ureteroscopy (URS)
Renal Transplant
Preemptive Kidney Transplant
Re-Transplant and Transplantation in HIV-positive patients
ABO-Incompatible Kidney Transplant
The physician will perform a genital exam plus a digital rectal exam to assess the prostate. This can include sonography of the kidneys, the bladder, and/or the prostate; or an imaging scan to visualize specific organs. The urologist at the best urology hospital in Jaipur may recommend an ambulatory, office-based procedure.
Urologists at the urology hospital in Jaipur treat a variety of conditions. Some of them are:
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
Kidney Stones
Prostate and Bladder Cancer
Enlarged Prostate
Urination Problems
We recommend screening if you have symptoms that may indicate prostate cancer, such as frequent urination or pain in the lower back or pelvic area. In case of a family history of prostate cancer, we recommend screening from age 40 onwards.
If urine hesitancy is a consistent experience, it can be a bladder condition, enlarged prostate or other urology complications. We recommend visiting a urologist at the top urology hospital in Jaipur immediately.
Doctors recommend a kidney transplant for end-stage renal disease or complete kidney failure. Dialysis keeps the renal system working till the patient finds a suitable donor.
Urological conditions can be both simple and complex. But whatever be its nature, it reduces the quality of life. Manipal Hospitals stand for quick recovery through the least invasive, most appropriate and advanced treatment available. Contact us to know more about urological problems and book an appointment with one of our Urology specialists today.