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Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Diet Plan Of Mothers After A C-Section

Posted On: Dec 22, 2020

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obstetrics and gynecology clinic Jayanagar

Our mothers are superheroes and they take care of us with their whole heart and soul but they themselves don’t take the time to take care of themselves properly. When a woman gives birth to a baby, either vaginally or via a C-section, she goes through a lot of pain and they are at their weakest. This is why every new mom deserves special care and attention. When it comes to Cesarean delivery, the care of a mother is a little different than that of a normal delivery. Post-pregnancy care begins with a healthy diet. Here is a healthy diet plan for mothers after a C-section. Lactation is the process of the production and secretion of milk by the mammary glands.

Essential Nutrients Required for Mothers After C-Section

1. Energy 

The lactating mother needs more calories during breastfeeding. For this purpose, energy-dense food needs to be replaced by nutrient-dense food like nuts, milk, pulse, eggs, and fish.

2. Proteins

Proteins are essential for proper healing and growth of new bodily tissues as well as to provide strength to muscles which in turn helps in aiding regular bodily processes. Foods such as eggs, chicken, fish, and meats (for non-vegetarians) and milk, cheese, dried beans, peas, and nuts (for vegetarians) are rich in protein. Consult with the best gynaecologist in Jayanagar regarding your diet during pregnancy time.

3. Calcium

Calcium is one of the important minerals required during pregnancy and lactation. During lactation, calcium is essential for milk production and it also helps in promoting bone and teeth health and relaxes the muscles as well. Calcium also helps in the coagulation of blood and prevents harmful diseases like osteoporosis. Milk and milk products like yoghurt are great sources of calcium. Foodstuff like ragi, Bengal gram, soybean, amaranth radish leaves, etc., is prescribed as food items in the daily meal of a lactating mother.

4. Vitamins

Just as calories, proteins and calcium requirements are increased during lactation, vitamin requirements are also increased. Vit A, B1, B2, B3, C, folic acid, and Vit B12 are the major vitamins needed at this time. Vitamin C is a special vitamin required due to its immense ability to fight against bacterial infections and its ability to speed up the process of recovery. Food items such as papayas, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, broccoli, melons, and strawberries are rich sources of vitamins.

5. Iron

There is no additional requirement for iron during lactation. This is due to lactation-induced amenorrhea and thus mothers will not have any losses of iron through menstruation. The baby is born with enough reserves since milk is not a good source of iron. But iron-rich foods are important for the mother’s health.

6. Essential fatty acid

An intake of additional fat is recommended to meet essential fatty acid needs particularly DHA and long-chain fatty acids in the maternal diet is crucial for brain development.

7. Fiber

Constipation is a common problem after delivery for many women. It can put a lot of pressure on the wounds which can be dangerous as it may lead to the breaking up of stitches. Eating fibrous foods such as raw vegetables, and fruits in the form of salads can help ease the symptoms of constipation.

8. Fluids

Fluids help in dealing with dehydration, and constipation as well as smoothening bowel movements. The requirement for fluids increases, especially during breastfeeding as there is the loss of water is involved. Some of the best sources of fluids are soups, coconut water, non-citrus fruit juices, and water, of course, as well as other non-caffeinated drinks.

Foods To Eat After A C-Section

Galactagogues are substances used to induce, maintain, and increase milk production.  Foods Considered to be Galactagogues are:

  • Whole grains, especially oatmeal.

  • Dark, leafy greens (alfalfa, kale, spinach, broccoli).

  • Fennel

  • Garlic

  • Chickpeas

  • Nuts and seeds, especially almonds.

  • Ginger

  • Papaya

Foods To Avoid

  • Avoid the consumption of acidic food.

  • Avoid caffeinated drinks like tea/coffee very frequently.

  • Avoid alcohol consumption.

  • Avoid smoking.

  • Avoid junk food and fried food as they may cause gastric problems.

Visit Manipal, the obstetrics and gynaecology in Jayanagar to learn more about the diet plans.

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