A hernia is the bulging of an organ through the tissue or muscles that normally confines it. The disorder most commonly develops in the abdominal wall, when the intestine presses through a weak point in the wall. Inguinal hernias are the most prevalent type of abdominal wall hernia.
Abdominal wall hernia repair is one of the most prevalent forms of surgery. The hernia is removed by the surgeon using open or laparoscopic surgery. The surgeon makes an incision to expose the skin and carefully pulls the hernia back into position before closing the weak part of the muscle with stitches or a flexible mesh for support. The incision formed during laparoscopic surgery is small, resulting in faster recovery and much less scarring.
Symptoms of a Hernia
Laughing, shouting, coughing, stretching during a bowel movement, or engaging in physical activity may cause the lump to resurface after it has moved into the colon.
Swelling or a protrusion in the groin or scrotum are some signs of a hernia.
Pain at the bulging place becomes very severe.
Pain caused by lifting weights.
The size of the bulge increases with time.
A dull hurting feeling.
A sensation of fullness or indications of bowel blockage.
There are no bulges on the outside of the body in the case of Hiatal hernias. However, symptoms such as heartburn, indigestion, trouble swallowing, frequent regurgitation and chest discomfort may occur. At Manipal Hospitals, Hernia Repair Surgery is being done with the help of eminent doctors and their wide range of knowledge in generals surgery.
Precautions Before the Hernioplasty
Diagnosis of hernia is done a few days earlier before the actual surgery.
The doctor will inquire about any medications, vitamins or any herb the patient is intaking as the patient has to stop some before surgery.
The patient is given aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, clopidogrel, warfarin, and other blood thinner medications one week before Hernioplasty.
The doctor will discuss any bleeding disorders or other medical conditions the patients have.
The patient is advised not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the Hernioplasty.
The patient has to give blood samples taken in case they need a blood transfusion.
After Surgery
Hernioplasty requires a 23-hour or shorter hospital stay. The patients are discharged on the same day.
Due to the internal sutures and healing required, abdominal wall hernia surgeries may need a two-day hospital stay.
Expect moderate discomfort around the surgical site for the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure.
Walking is recommended, depending on the energy level.
Hernioplasty has a rapid recovery time, with most patients feeling substantially better within a few days.
Patients undergoing hiatal hernia repair may begin with a modified liquid diet and gradually progress to solid meals.
Feel free to contact us at our top general surgery hospital in Jayanagar, Bangalore in case you see any signs and symptoms of a hernia.