Top Urology Hospital In Bangalore
Top Urology Hospital In Bangalore | Urology Treatment


Top Urology Hospital In Bangalore

In urology, medical conditions affecting the genital tract in both males and females are the focus of urology, a field of medicine. A urologist is a medical professional who specialises in the urinary system. It was once common for doctors to examine a patient's urine to provide insight into the patient's health in ancient times. The urinary system, including kidneys, bladders, prostatic glands, penis, and testicles, is today the focus of a vast field of medicine.

Best urology hospital in Jayanagar, Bangalore


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

A multidisciplinary strategy is applied to all urological conditions at Manipal Hospitals, Best Urology Hospital in Jayanagar, Bangalore. Urology division in Manipal hospitals specializes in Uro-oncology, robotic surgery, minimally invasive surgery, paediatric urology, reconstructive urology, and female urology. Its medical centre is outfitted with cutting-edge technology and equipment such as Lithotripsy devices for the treatment of kidney stones, Urodynamic devices for assessing complex voiding dysfunctions, Lithoclast and laser machines for the treatment of stones and prostate, and robotic surgery: for renal, prostate and ureter cancer, robotic surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. Book an appointment at the top urology hospital in Bangalore​​​​​.

Treatment & Procedures

Bladder Ladder Neck incision (B.N.I)…

There may be a need for a bladder neck incision (B.N.I.) or a urethrotomy in men with a decreased urinary stream or problems passing urine when they suffer from bladder neck stenosis or urethral strictures.

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BPH - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia…

This type of enlargement of the prostate gland isn’t associated with cancer but can lead to issues when trying to empty the bladder. This can be treated with surgery or medication. Minimally invasive BPH treatments such as the UroLift system and Green Light Laser Therapy are the preferred treatment options.

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Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are stone-like accumulations made up of minerals and salts.

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Partial and radical cystectomy

When you have bladder cancer that has spread into the bladder wall or has come back after initial treatment, your urologists may gently advise you to go in for its removal. Depending on the spread, they may suggest either a partial or radical cystectomy or bladder removal to treat the cancer.

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All techniques of urethroplasty

Urethroplasty is an open surgical reconstruction or replacement of the urethra that has been narrowed by scar tissue and spongiofibrosis (urethral stricture). There are over a dozen different types of methods to treat urethral strictures.

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Penile prosthesis

A penile implant is a modern option for men having a medical condition in erectile dysfunction(ED). At times, a penile prosthesis is implanted during surgery to reconstruct the penis when scarring has caused erections to curve, also called Peyronie's disease.

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Top Urology Hospital In Bangalore | Urology Treatment - Manipal Hospitals

Uroflowmetry measures urine volume voided over time. The procedure is useful in clinical conditions, such as frequency and urgency incontinence, voiding difficulty, hesitancy or difficulty in maintaining the urine stream.

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Transurethral resection of the…

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure to remove the prostate from the chest cavity after it has become enlarged due to an enlarged prostate.

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Comprehensive Stone Disease

Urinary Stone Disease is collectively known as urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones, and nephrocalcinosi, and indicates the presence of stones and calcification within the urinary tract. Urolithiasis is about the formation of stones in the urinary and bladder, nephrolithiasis is of kidney stones and nephrocalcinosi is of the calcium deposits…

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Bladder Cancer

There are different types of bladder cancers and these are diagnosed by the Urology department, with the use of telescopic examinations, namely cystoscopy. A biopsy is done to assess the nature of cancer. Treatments will be based on the type of bladder cancer found and this can involve medications being placed in the bladder directly followed by surgery,…

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Kidney Cancer

Tumors in the kidney need to be handled by specialists depending on the level of advancement of cancer when it is diagnosed. Early treatment can help patients live cancer-free lives.

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Testicular Cancer

This type of cancer is observed in younger men, mostly in their twenties or thirties. It could be indicated by bumps, lumps, hardened testicles or size changes. If diagnosed early, it can be treated successfully.

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best kidney stone treatment laser in jayanagar bangalore

Manipal Hospitals provide unparalleled care to all types of urological problems with a multi-disciplinary approach, Manipal Hospitals' urological department's scope of practice extends to Uro-oncology, robotic surgery, minimally invasive surgeries, paediatric urology, reconstructive urology and Female urology with cutting edge technologies and equipment like Lithotripsy machine- For best urology treatment in Bangalore related to kidney stones, Urodynamic system machine- For assessment of complex voiding dysfunction, Lithoclast and laser machine for stones and prostate, Robotic surgery: for kidney/ prostate and bladder cancer, Robotic surgery for Pelvic organ Prolapse. Book an appointment with us today to know more about the treatment options.


Best urology hospital in Jayanagar Bangalore

Facilities & Services

Manipal Hospitals has been the most comprehensive caregiver in the state for all types of urological disorder with treatments such as General Urology Services, Pediatric Urology, Treatment of Urological Cancers, Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgeries (Including single-incision laparoscopic surgery), Treatment of Urinary Continence in both males and females, Comprehensive Stone Disease, Laser Treatment for various Urological problems, Partial and radical cystectomy, All techniques of urethroplasty, Penile prosthesis, Kidney Transplant.


The physician will perform a genital exam plus a digital rectal exam to assess the prostate. This can include sonography of the kidneys, the bladder, and/or the prostate; or an imaging scan to visualize specific organs. The urologist at the top urology hospital in Bangalore may recommend an ambulatory, office-based procedure.

Lithotripsy is a surgical procedure used to remove kidney stones. It generally takes 45 minutes to an hour for the entire process to be completed. To treat kidney stones completely, the patient may require more than one session to treat kidney stones completely.

It is not. It is a myth that drinking beer can eliminate kidney stones, and the opposite is true, as beer increases your urine calcium levels, causing kidney stones to form. In addition to causing kidney stones, drinking beer over a long period may also cause indigestion.

Most urologists and other medical professionals at a top urology hospital in Bangalore believe kidney stones are one of the most painful diseases - only second to childbirth in terms of pain. Regularly, pain can be felt in the flank, testis, loins, and kidneys.

There is a wide range of costs associated with treatments for kidney stones in India, depending on the severity of the condition. Several factors will influence the cost of health care, including the city where you reside, diagnostic centres, hospitals, and equipment used by these health care institutions.

Spinach has a high oxalate content. It combines calcium in your urine to form calcium oxalate stones. Oxalate levels are high in cooked foods such as dal and tomatoes, and the use of these products should be restricted. Sweet potatoes are another fruit high in oxalate. To know more consult with the specialised doctors at a top hospital in Bangalore.

Urological conditions can be both simple and complex. But whatever be its nature, it reduces the quality of life. Manipal Hospitals stand for quick recovery through the least invasive, most appropriate and advanced treatment available. Contact us to know more about urological problems and book an appointment with one of our Urology specialists today.