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7 Ways For You To Sugar Detox and Keep Your Kidney Happy

Posted On: Dec 21, 2022

blogs read 5 Min Read

Sugar Detox Treatment in Kharadi, Pune

Sugar is sweet in taste but bitter for your body! Yes, excessive sugar intake may affect your body in numerous ways, hence it's essential to limit its consumption or opt for sugar detox whenever you feel that you have had too much. The secret to beating sugar cravings is to adapt your palate, maintain blood sugar levels, limit your consumption of processed food desires, maintain a healthy lipid profile, and stimulate brain and muscular activity. 

The items that are permitted on a sugar detox diet taste wonderful, keep you satisfied physically and emotionally and limit your daily intake of net sugar. To detoxify sugar from our systems, you'll need to have a strong sense of motivation and determination, and the dangers of sugar addiction will definitely motivate you to accomplish this.  

Keep scrolling to find out why sugar is required by the body, what are its types, how it impacts our kidneys, and the 7 ways to detox.  Visit the best nephrology hospital to get the best tips and tricks to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

Why Sugar is Required by the Body?

There are various kinds of sugar, and each one has a unique sweet taste. The body uses sugar as a source of energy. Each of these sugars, which come in a variety of forms, including "fructose," "glucose," and "sucrose," is handled by the body slightly differently.

What is the Impact of Sugar on the Kidneys?

Unless the blood sugar level is excessively high, sugar does not harm the kidneys. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes both frequently experience this. The kidneys begin to release sugar into the urine once the blood sugar level reaches 180 mg/dl. More sugar is excreted in the urine when blood sugar levels rise. This often doesn't pose a problem if your kidneys are healthy, but if you have diabetes, too much sugar can harm your kidneys.

The Hemoglobin A1C (HgbA1C) protein is a standard blood test used to identify diabetes and track blood sugar levels over time. More sugar is linked to this protein as blood sugar levels rise.

The kidney's blood arteries and filters can be destroyed by uncontrolled diabetes. The kidneys can no longer function properly at this time. When the kidneys' blood arteries are damaged, the kidneys are unable to adequately filter the blood, which causes more water and salt to be retained and waste products to accumulate in the blood. Get the best sugar detox treatment in Kharadi, Pune by consulting with the doctors at Manipal Hospitals.

7 Ways to Sugar Detox 

  • Replace Sugar

    • Honey, date syrup, honey, organic liquid jaggery, fruits (including seasonal fruits), and the addition of dry fruits, nuts, and spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. Never substitute aspartame or any other artificial sweetener from the same family for sugar. Experts have determined that when it comes to their negative impact on human health, artificial sweeteners are just as bad as sugar.

    • It's also not a good idea to pick "LOW FAT" products or granola bars produced with secret sugar substitutes. Nutritionists claim that they are dishonest marketing ploys.

  • Quit Soda and Drink More Water 

    • Quitting your soda habit is one of the finest ways to start your sugar detox. Sparkling water, unsweetened herbal tea, and plain water should be used in place of regular and diet soda.

    • The best option is usually to switch to hydrating liquids like water. Water is crucial for many reasons, but it also plays a key role in our body's detoxification process.

    • By adding lemon or cucumber slices or sparkling mineral water, you may spice up plain water.

  • Increase Healthy Fat Intake for Hunger Pangs

    • Increasing your consumption of healthy fats is a terrific next step in your sugar detox. Your appetites for sweet foods may be lessened as a result of this shift.

    • Avocado, unsweetened coconut products, grass-fed butter or ghee (barring a dairy allergy), nuts, and seeds are examples of healthy fats. With each meal, aim for 1-2 tablespoons of healthy fat.

  • Consume Fruits 

    • To boost your sugar detox, swap out desserts for fresh fruits. If you typically crave dessert after a meal, consider weaning yourself off of them by substituting fresh fruit.

    • Fruit includes natural sugars, but it also has minerals and fiber that can help slow down blood sugar absorption. Fruit, especially low-sugar, fruit like berries that are high in antioxidants, can be a nutritious substitute for dessert.

  • Include More Protein and Complex Carbs in your Diet 

    • Even if you're managing your intake of sweets, there's no need to fully reduce or eliminate carbohydrates. Your blood sugar can soar and drop because of refined, simple carbs like pasta, bread, and sugar. You can acquire a rich amount of nutrients from starchy veggies like winter squash and sweet potatoes.

    • Ensure that you have adequate protein at breakfast. You will set yourself up for a blood sugar roller coaster and cravings for the rest of the day if you break your overnight fast with sweets and carbohydrates rather than protein or fat.

  • Manage Stress 

    • You could seek highly appetizing items, such as sugary snacks, while you're under stress. Stress can also cause cravings by depleting your body of essential nutrients like magnesium and B vitamins.

    • Getting support is crucial if you want to manage your stress while detoxing. To ensure you receive the assistance you require, schedule a consultation with a functional health practitioner or a health coach. Alternatively, find a friend who can help you detox.

  • Sleep Well

    • Lack of sleep can trigger the desire for calorie-dense foods, which are typically sweet foods. One night of inadequate or unsatisfactory sleep can affect the next day's insulin sensitivity. Your blood sugar may become less steady as a result, and you may start to crave sugar and carbohydrates more frequently.

    • Uncomfortable side effects could result from limiting sugar intake. However, reducing added sugar has been shown to improve health and well-being in general. Making the required changes to one's diet, exercise routine, and sleep schedule can significantly aid a person in overcoming cravings and adopting a healthy lifestyle. You may also get in touch with the nephrologists in Kharadi to learn more about kidney health or for a consultation.

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