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Department of Cardiology

All About Coronary Angioplasty: Risks, Benefits, And Post-Op Care

Posted On: Mar 21, 2023

blogs read 4 Min Read

Cardiology Doctors in Kharadi

Coronary angioplasty is a medical procedure used to open blocked or narrowed arteries in the heart. Also known as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), it involves the use of a balloon catheter to compress the plaque and widen the arteries, allowing blood to flow freely. Coronary angioplasty is often used as a treatment option for individuals with coronary heart disease (CHD), which is caused by the buildup of fatty deposits (plaque) in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. In this blog, we will explore why and when coronary angioplasty is done, its benefits and risks, and how to prepare for the procedure.

When is Coronary Angioplasty Done?

Coronary angioplasty may be recommended if you have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Chest Pain

If you experience chest pain, your doctor may recommend a coronary angioplasty to help relieve the pain.

  • Heart Attack

If you have had a heart attack, your doctor may recommend a coronary angioplasty to open up the blocked artery and restore blood flow to the heart.

  • CHD

If you have CHD, your doctor may recommend a coronary angioplasty to open up the blocked or narrowed arteries and improve blood flow to the heart.

  • Blocked Stent

If you have had a stent placed in your artery, and it becomes blocked, your doctor may recommend a coronary angioplasty to open up the blockage.

Get the best treatment for any of heart-related disease at the cardiology hospital in Kharadi Pune.

Benefits of Coronary Angioplasty 

Coronary angioplasty is done for several reasons, including to:

  • Relieve Angina

Angina is a chest pain that occurs when the heart is not getting enough blood and oxygen. Angina is usually caused by CHD, which is often characterized by blocked or narrowed arteries. Coronary angioplasty can help to relieve angina by opening up the blocked or narrowed arteries, allowing blood to flow freely.

  • Treat Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when one or more of the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle become blocked. Coronary angioplasty can help to open up the blocked arteries and restore blood flow to the heart, reducing the risk of heart damage.

  • Improve Heart Function

When the heart is not getting enough blood and oxygen, it can lead to heart failure, a condition in which the heart cannot pump blood effectively. Coronary angioplasty can improve heart function by increasing blood flow to the heart muscle.

Risks of Coronary Angioplasty

As with any medical procedure, there are risks associated with coronary angioplasty. These risks include:

  • Bleeding

There is a risk of bleeding at the puncture site where the catheter is inserted.

  • Infection

There is a risk of infection at the puncture site.

  • Allergic Reaction

There is a risk of an allergic reaction to the contrast dye used during the procedure.

  • Blood Clots

There is a risk of blood clots forming at the site of the angioplasty.

How Does a Doctor Decide on A Coronary Angioplasty Procedure?

Here are some factors that doctors consider when deciding whether a patient should go for angioplasty or not:

  • The severity of the Condition

The doctor will assess the severity of the patient's condition and determine if the blockage in the arteries is significant enough to require treatment. This can be evaluated through diagnostic tests such as coronary angiography.

  • Symptoms

The doctor will consider the patient's symptoms, such as chest pain or shortness of breath, and how these symptoms are affecting the patient's daily life.

  • Medication Management

The doctor will review the patient's medication history and evaluate whether medication management alone is sufficient to control the patient's symptoms and condition.

  • Risk Factors

The doctor will assess the patient's risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and diabetes, and determine if the patient would benefit from angioplasty to reduce these risk factors.

  • Other Medical Conditions

The doctor will evaluate whether the patient has any other medical conditions that may increase the risk of complications during or after the angioplasty procedure.

  • Patient's Overall Health

The doctor will assess the patient's overall health, including age, physical fitness, and medical history, to determine if the patient is a good candidate for angioplasty.

At Manipal Hospitals, based on these factors, our cardiology doctors in Kharadi, Pune will determine whether an angioplasty is the most appropriate treatment option for the patient. Our highly experienced heart doctors will also discuss the potential benefits and risks of the procedure and answer any questions the patient may have. Ultimately, the decision to undergo angioplasty is a collaborative one between the patient and the doctor, taking into account the patient's unique circumstances and preferences.

Connect with Manipal Hospitals for consultation, or to know the cost of angioplasty in Pune. We invite you to explore our blog page for credible information on heart care, healthy lifestyle, and more. You can also listen to the doctors through our podcast to stay abreast with the developments in the medical world.

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