Globally the number of patients suffering from diabetes is on the rise. As per WHO, more than 400 million people are affected by diabetes. India has the second largest population of diabetics in the world and this lifestyle disorder is spreading its grip faster than ever.
Diabetes or the Sweet Disease of Sugar as most people call it, What is it?
When we eat food, the body absorbs nutrition from it, and the sugar levels in the blood rise. The body needs a certain level of sugar levels in the blood to keep well, and if the sugar levels go above it, insulin helps lower them to a normal range. Diabetes is a metabolic condition where the body loses its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. This can happen due to multiple reasons, which may or may not be reversible.
Insulin is a hormone that regulates sugar metabolism (Glucose). When the circulating sugar levels go above the body's requirement, insulin triggers a metabolic response by which the sugars (glucose) are converted to glycogen (A reserve) so it can be stored or utilized as body fuel later. When you have diabetes, your body may stop producing insulin, the body cells might not be responding to it as they should, or your body may not be producing enough of it. To know more about diabetes, visit our diabetes and endocrinology hospital in Kharadi.
Type 1 Diabetes
When the body is failing to produce as much Insulin as is required to maintain blood sugar levels in the normal, healthy range. This could be due to Genetic Disorders, Hereditary Factors, or Congenital conditions, where the pancreas of the patient is not developed properly. This type of diabetes is most commonly found in young patients. Type 1 diabetes can occur in older patients as a result of an autoimmune disorder, where the body’s immune cells or defense mechanism fails to identify itself and attacks the insulin-producing cells.
Type 2 Diabetes
When the body fails to respond in a healthy and normal way to the Insulin produced in the body. A condition when the body resists Insulin and as a result, the sugar levels are left unregulated. It accounts for roughly 90% to 95% of cases. The patients are generally of advanced age, and or obese body type.
Diabetes Gestational
A rare type of diabetes that has come to light is Gestational Diabetes. It is a medical condition wherein the blood sugar level increases during pregnancy. This form of diabetes can also affect a baby's health, apart from being detrimental to the health of the mother.
Diabetes-related high blood sugar if left untreated can harm your Kidneys, Nerves, Eyes, and other Organs. In severe cases, patients may suffer adverse health impacts and might require medical intervention.
You can prevent diabetes and lead a healthy life even after being diagnosed by it under the supervision of an expert doctor and by making mindful lifestyle choices.
November 14 is marked as World Diabetes Day, it is also an opportunity to spread awareness about the disorder. Keep scrolling to learn more about symptoms, risk factors, preventive care and treatment options. Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals today to know more about diabetes treatment.
What factors raise the Risk of Diabetes
Following are a few factors that increase your chances of contracting diabetes:
Sedentary lifestyle and excessive sugar consumption.
Exposure to virus-based diseases.
Physical adversity (such as surgery or illness).
Having a family member who has type 1 diabetes.
Women with Polycystic ovary syndrome are at risk.
A pancreatic injury (such as by infection, tumour, surgery or accident).
Autoantibodies, or antibodies that erroneously attack the tissues or organs of your own body.
Symptoms of Diabetes
The severity of diabetes symptoms is directly influenced by circulating blood sugar levels. Symptoms may vary from patient to patient. It has also been observed that the symptoms of type 1 diabetes appear suddenly and are more severe.
Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes can both cause the following symptoms:
Visual blurriness which is not constant.
Frequent urge to urinate.
Being parched even after adequate water intake.
Unexplained weight loss or gain.
Mood swings.
Having wounds that take a long time to heal.
Recurring infections- including vaginal, skin, and mouth infections.
Consult with our experienced diabetologist in Kharadi, Pune if you are experiencing the above-mentioned symptoms.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetes
Testing for diabetes can be done using a variety of techniques. Random, pre and post-prandial, or fasting blood sugar tests are the common tests to diagnose diabetes. HbA1c is a test done to check the blood sugars attached to hemoglobin, as a means to test diabetes. Urine routine microscopy is one of the additional tests for diabetes diagnosis.
While patients with congenital conditions cannot reverse their genetics, there are ways to lead a normal life even with diabetes. Insulin therapy, combined drug therapy, slow-release insulin patches and wearable insulin microdosing devices are some of the many options for the management of the condition to lead a normal life. At Manipal Hospitals Kharadi we have some of the best Endocrinologists and Diabetes Experts to guide you through diabetes management and care.
Prevention Tips to prevent Diabetes
Diabetes is considered more of a lifestyle disorder given its prevalence in the obese population of growing countries. Making modifications to one's diet, and daily routine, and adopting other healthy habits is the first line of defense to prevent most lifestyle disorders.
Keeping your blood sugar as close to normal is the ultimate goal of any diabetes management plan. The following dietary and lifestyle adjustments will help ward off diabetes in the case of people who do not have any inherited factors of diabetes.
Eat Right
Choose healthy options like fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eliminate high-sugar foods and refined carbohydrates.
Skip Sugar
Similar to refined grains, sugary drinks have a high glycemic index, which increases the risk of developing diabetes. Add foods with lower glycemic index and opt for beverages like cold-pressed juices and unsweetened teas for better health.
Stay Active
Having an active lifestyle makes the body work better. An active body means better alertness, muscle control and overall relaxation of the mind. Opt for moderate physical activities which bring you joy. You may also indulge in some fun activities of your choice such as dancing, cycling, yoga, crossfit, swimming, playing, etc.
Walk the talk
The best activity for preventing and managing diabetes is walking. According to several studies, people that walk for at least 30 minutes every day had a nearly 30% lower risk of developing diabetes.
Quit Smoking
Sometimes quitting helps us win. Smokers have a nearly 50% increased chance of developing diabetes compared to non-smokers.
Check-up - It is important to get regular health checkups done for monitoring overall health.