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Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Birth Control Methods: Types, Risks and Effectiveness 

Posted On: Oct 11, 2022

Gynecology and obstetrics treatment in Kharadi

Contraception means family planning. It is important to use birth control (contraceptive) methods to avoid unwanted/unplanned pregnancies. In today's fast-paced life, planning a family is very important and there are a variety of options available. Contraceptive methods allow you to plan pregnancy when you want, achieve the gap you want between pregnancies, reduce the risk of ovarian cysts,  ectopic pregnancies and acute pelvic inflammation. 

Spacing out births gives the mother time to heal physically and mentally before she conceives again and has to deal with the rigours of childbirth, breastfeeding, and pregnancy. A family with fewer kids will have more resources available for each child and more time available for the parents to spend with each child. Planning a family can also assist couples who are in a sexual relationship by easing their concerns about the woman becoming pregnant. Another advantage of using contraception is that STIs, including HIV/AIDS, can be avoided by using condoms correctly and often. Consult with the gynecologist in Kharadi, Pune.

Continue reading till the end to find out about different types of birth control methods. You can get in touch with our renowned gynaecologists in Kharadi, Pune to gather more information about each of the birth control methods featured in this article. 

Female and Male Sterilisation

It is a kind of birth control method that ends pregnancy for the rest of the person's life through medical procedures such as male vasectomy or female tubal ligation. 

Long-acting Reversible Contraceptives

Known as "LARC" techniques, are hormonal implants or intrauterine devices that your doctor inserts once to prevent pregnancy. Depending on the procedure, LARCs have a lifespan of 3 to 10 years.

Copper -T is used as very effective contraception ( success rate 99 %). The advantage is that it's long-acting. Most women are very comfortable and satisfied with Copper T. It's not good for women who have heavy periods as it can make the period heavier and more painful. 

Short-acting Hormonal Methods

The birth control your doctor recommends that you remember to take every day or every month is a short-acting hormonal approach. It includes pills, mini pills, patches, injections, and vaginal rings. Oral contraceptive pills also have other uses like in the case of polycystic ovaries, and irregular and heavy periods to manage the periods.

The disadvantage is to remember to take them daily without missing any pills. There are a lot of misconceptions about oral pills, the most common being that they cause an increase in weight. That's a myth. Pills do not cause an increase in weight, it’s lifestyle changes like lack of exercise and unbalanced food that causes weight gain.

It's important to see a doctor before starting oral contraception to rule out medical conditions where it's not safe to use pills especially if women have conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, liver disorder, and migraines, to name a few. To know more about the methods, visit our obstetrics and gynaecology hospital in Kharadi, Pune.

Another method of contraception is to use injectable progesterone called Depo- Provera. This is an injection that is given intramuscular once every three months. It is a very effective means of family planning ( failure rate 0.5 - 1 %).

Barrier Methods

The commonly used male barrier contraceptives are diaphragms, sponge, cervical cap, and condoms. These are easily available and simple methods to use. One advantage is it protects also from sexually transmitted infections. 

There are certain birth control methods that are available over-the-counter at a drugstore such as: condoms for men, women's condoms, sponges\spermicides. On the other hand, there are various methods for which you need to visit the doctor such as diaphragms, shot/injection, IUDs, and sterilisation procedures. 

Connect with our highly experienced gynaecologists in Kharadi, Pune at Manipal Hospitals to discuss the best birth control method for yourself.  Book an appointment or visit us today and plan your parenthood journey when you are ready for it. We invite you to read our blogs for reliable content on numerous topics related to general well-being, diseases and treatment options available for them by qualified physicians.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Manipal Hospitals, Kharadi, Pune

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