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Department of Neurology

Brain Stroke Symptoms and Treatment

Posted On: Jul 22, 2022

blogs read 4 Min Read

Brain stroke treatment in Kharadi

A brain stroke, also known as a cerebral stroke, causes most deaths in India after cardiovascular diseases. We have all heard of a brain stroke, and it is on the rise. The Indian Stroke Association has cited that more than 19 lakh cases of brain stroke happen in India annually. If you are seeking the best hospital for the treatment of brain stroke in Pune, book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals today for Brain stroke treatment in Kharadi.

What is a Brain Stroke?

A brain stroke is a medical emergency, where damage to the brain happens due to an interruption of blood supply or blood spill. Timely identification of brain stroke and effective treatments have reduced deaths drastically. The most straightforward identification is F.A.S.T.

  1. Face. Can a person smile?

  2. Arm. Can the person raise both arms?

  3. Speech. Can the person speak without slurring?

  4. Time. If any of the above symptoms are observed, immediately seek help.

Strokes happen in two ways:

  1. When a blocked artery cuts off blood supply to an area of the brain, it is known as an ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke is the cause of up to 85% of cerebral stroke cases.

  2. When a blood vessel leaks or bursts and spills in the brain tissue or surrounding the brain, known as a hemorrhagic stroke.

Who’s At Risk?

A brain stroke may happen to anyone. However, a few things may increase the risk of a brain stroke.  

  • Age more than 55.

  • Men are more prone to a brain stroke than women.

  • A family history of brain stroke or heart attack.

  • Obesity.

  • Physical inactivity.

  • Alcohol abuse.

  • Drug abuse.

  • Smoking.

  • High blood pressure. 

  • High Cholesterol.

  • Uncontrolled diabetes.

  • Sleep apnea.

  • Heart disease.

Symptoms of a Brain Stroke 

Some symptoms that can indicate a cerebral stroke are:

  • Sudden trouble in speaking and understanding.

  • Numbness on one side of the body.

  • A problem in vision in one or both eyes.

  • Trouble in walking.

  • Loss of balance.

  • A sudden and severe headache can sometimes be a symptom of a brain stroke.

If anyone has these symptoms even once, they need to seek immediate medical attention without waiting for a recurrence of any symptom.

Brain Stroke Diagnosis

Once the patient reaches the hospital, the diagnosis usually starts with a physical examination to determine the type of stroke the patient might have and the best treatment options. Doctors undertake triage management and an assessment of the extent of the damage. You should visit the Best Neurologist in Kharadi for a Physical diagnosis. A physical diagnosis may include:

  • Face: Does one side drop on smiling?

  • Arm: Does one arm drift down, or is it problematic to lift? 

  • Speech: Does the person have slurred speech?

The other diagnostic tests may include:

  • CT Scan or MRI Scan to observe pictures of the brain and arteries.

  • Carotid ultrasound to study blood flow to the front parts of the brain for diagnosis using a sound-based carotid artery test. 

  • Blood tests to study how quickly the blood clots and check for blood sugar levels and infections.

  • Angiogram to check blood vessels for any problems using a type of X-ray.

  • Echocardiogram to create detailed images of the heart using sound waves and detect any clots. 

Brain Stroke Treatment

Once neurologists determine if the patient has an ischemic or a hemorrhagic stroke, they plan the course of treatment that is right for the patient. In an ischemic stroke, restoring the blood flow to the brain at the earliest to provide the brain with oxygen and other nutrients needed for its functioning is essential. Doctors may use an intravenous clot-busting medicine to dissolve the clot restricting the blood flow. Doctors may also perform an emergency endovascular procedure involving inserting a tiny plastic tube called a catheter into the brain arteries to remove the blockage directly.

The hemorrhagic stroke treatment focuses on reducing the bleeding and pressure in the brain. Neurologists may use emergency medicines that lower blood pressure, prevent blood vessel spasms, stimulate clotting, and prevent seizures. A neurosurgeon may perform immediate surgery to remove the blood from the brain as a part of hemorrhagic stroke treatment.

Recovery from Brain Stroke

No two cerebral strokes have the same impact or location and therefore are unique in every patient. Depending upon the patient’s age, location of the clot and the extent of damage caused, doctors, have to plan a unique recovery plan for every patient. Manipal Hospitals is the best hospital for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke treatment in Pune. The Centre of Excellence in Neuro Sciences presents comprehensive examination and control for the entire range of neurological issues. At Manipal Hospitals, the recovery management process is taken care of by experts, including a neurologist, a general medicine expert, and a psychiatrist, depending upon the patient's requirement. 

A stroke is a medical emergency that may alter the course of life, emotionally and physically. What is essential to know is that brain stroke can be treated, hence you must not lose hope, stay close to friends, and family and get in touch with Manipal Hospitals, we are trusted as one of the best neurology hospitals in Pune. We have the best neurologists in Pune with vast experience in cerebral stroke and hemorrhagic stroke treatment, helping patients in their path to recovery from brain stroke. Our team invites you to listen to our podcast or bookmark our blog page to access reliable content on various topics related to health.

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