Over the past few weeks, a steady rise in cases of influenza has been observed and recorded medically. Patients are coming in with symptoms and a sense of panic, owing to the uncertainty around the infection. The infection is communicable and spreads rapidly. Various symptoms have been found in patients which are rather common and akin to seasonal flu.
Symptoms of the New H3N2 Influenza Virus
The symptoms for H3N2 are rather common and have close similarities with viral infections in general, hence one must be mindful of their general health and well-being. Here are some of the common symptoms to look out for in case of the H3N2 Influenza virus:
High Fever
Throat Ache
Body Ache
Runny Nose
In addition to the above-listed symptoms, one must watch changes in overall comfort and rest conditions. If a person experiences discomfort or pain in the chest, difficulty in breathing, pain in the throat, or difficulty in gulping down food and water, then it is important to book a consultation at the infectious disease medicine hospital in Kharadi Pune immediately. Any unusual pains in the body can be warning signs and early diagnosis can help you avoid complications.
What is H3N2 Influenza Virus?
There are four types of influenza viruses that produce the contagious illness known as the flu. They are categorized into - A, B, C, and D. The H3N2 subtype of influenza A is one of several strains of influenza A. H3N2 is a strain of influenza virus and a subtype of H1N1.
Mode of Spread
The H3N2 virus is a communicable infection that can spread via droplets of the sneeze, by inhaling droplets released from coughing, or through sharing of contaminated articles such as handkerchiefs and linen.
The individuals at the highest risk of getting infected are young children, infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Patients undergoing chemotherapy or those living with immunocompromised conditions are also at high risk.
Treatment of H3N2 Influenza Virus
The H3N2 influenza virus typically causes symptoms of illness that last for five to seven days. While six to eight days are typically needed for recovery, some individuals may even need 10 to 12 days to fully recover. In some cases, it has been observed that the cough might persist longer even if there is only a small infection.
Antihistamines and Antivirals are prescribed by doctors in cases where the infection is severe. This help reduces the intensity of symptoms and eases the difficulties caused by the infection. The course of the treatment may also vary a bit for patients suffering from other comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and obesity.
Safety Measures to follow
H3N2 is a virus that infects the respiratory system. Keeping our learnings from Covid afresh, following covid behavior is helpful:
Mask Up
Whenever you step outside your home, especially in a crowded place or public space, you must wear a mask. Similar precautions may be followed at home, in case anyone in your family is affected.
Wash your hands properly
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap or handwash. Use an alcohol-based sanitizer if soap is not available.
Do not touch your face
Do not rub your eyes, touch your nose and in general avoid touching your face as the chances are that you might transfer the germs you unknowingly picked, to your body.
Keep your place clean
Clean the frequently touched surfaces like door handles, remotes, phones, fridge handles, lift buttons, railing at the stairs, and more with a surface disinfectant.
Ensure Respiratory Hygiene
While coughing and sneezing you must use a handkerchief, or face tissue or sneeze into a bent elbow. If possible please wash your hands after coughing or sneezing even if you have used tissues.
Extra Care Tips
Staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly are some of the most common tips that are advised by doctors as they strengthen our immunity which can help us recover faster and not fall ill in the first place.
Avoid self-medication, do not buy off-the-counter pills, and book an appointment at your nearest Manipal Hospitals to get the best treatment with the help of infectious disease specialists in Kharadi Pune immediately if you observe any irregularities in health. Bookmark our blog section to read credible information on various health topics by doctors.