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Department of Accident and Emergency Care

How To Handle Medical Emergencies: A Guide For Everyone

Posted On: Jan 16, 2024

blogs read 4 Min Read

How to Handle Medical Emergencies

India's diverse landscape and vibrant communities come with their own set of challenges. One crucial aspect is being equipped to handle medical emergencies, which can strike anyone, anywhere, anytime. But fear not! With a little knowledge and preparation, you can navigate these situations effectively and ensure timely help for yourself or someone in need.


The Golden Rule: Stay Calm and Assess

The first and most important step in any medical emergency is to stay calm. Panic can cloud your judgment and hinder your ability to make quick decisions. Take a deep breath, assess the situation, and identify the immediate threat. Is the person unconscious? Bleeding profusely? Having difficulty breathing? Recognizing the symptoms will guide your next actions.

Calling for Help: The Lifeline in an Emergency

There are dedicated emergency medical service helplines, available for every area of the city. If you are in an emergency do not hesitate to dial the number immediately. Be clear and concise when providing information about the emergency, including the location, the patient's condition, and any other relevant details.

Remember the ABCs: Basic Life Support

While waiting for medical assistance, you can provide basic life support, which can significantly improve the patient's chances of survival. Here's a quick breakdown:

A - Airway: Ensure the person's airway is clear and unobstructed. Tilt the head back and lift the chin if necessary.

B - Breathing: Check if the person is breathing normally. If not, perform rescue breaths (mouth-to-mouth or with a barrier device)

C - Circulation: Check for signs of pulse and bleeding. Apply pressure to control any severe bleeding.

To know more, consult with our team of accident and emergency doctors at Manipal Hospitals Kharadi.

Common Medical Emergencies 

  • Heart Attacks

India has one of the highest rates of heart disease globally, with heart attacks being a major concern. Sudden chest pain, radiating to the arm or jaw, breathlessness, sweating, and dizziness are key symptoms.

  • Stroke

Strokes, caused by interrupted blood flow to the brain, are another leading cause of mortality and morbidity. Slurred speech, facial drooping, weakness or numbness in limbs, and sudden severe headache are warning signs.

  •  In Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs)

These are common, especially during monsoon season, and include infections like pneumonia and influenza. Fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and chest pain are characteristic symptoms.

  • Diarrhoeal Diseases

Rotavirus and cholera are major concerns, particularly for children. Watery stools, vomiting, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance are key symptoms.

  • Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs)

India has one of the highest RTA rates globally, leading to severe injuries and trauma. Immediate medical attention is crucial for optimal outcomes.

First-Aid Essentials: Be Prepared for Anything

Having a well-stocked first-aid kit readily available is crucial. It should include basic items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and emergency medical services such as immediate medications (if prescribed). Regularly check the expiry dates and restock as needed.

Remember, every second counts in a medical emergency. By staying calm, knowing what to do, and being prepared, you can make a significant difference in someone's life. At Manipal Hospital Kharadi, Pune, we have a state-of-the-art facility that is well-equipped to manage any medical emergency. We have the best doctors and surgeons in the city who can provide the appropriate medical attention. In addition to the best technology and best doctors, we have a 24 / 7 Exclusive Command Center (Call 080 - 22 22 11 11) for ambulance service (MARS). MARS is Manipal Ambulance Response Services (MARS), provides 360-degree pre-hospital care during the golden hour in critical emergencies. Our ambulances come with critical life-saving equipment like ventilators/defibrillators, monitors, inbuilt ECG machines/syringe pumps and other equipment which helps to monitor critical patients. Book an appointment now at Manipal Hospitals to get the best accident and emergency care in Pune.

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