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Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Demystifying HPV: Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment

Posted On: Mar 11, 2024

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Demystifying HPV It's Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of over 200 viruses which are believed to have a strong link with cervical cancer. Some HPV causes various health problems, primarily affecting the skin and mucous membranes. While often associated with genital warts, understanding HPV requires delving deeper into its diverse nature. Manipal Hospitals Kharadi offers immunization programmes and HPV vaccines for young and adolescent groups of people to prevent HPV infections.

What are some common HPV Symptoms?

  • Most HPV infections have no noticeable symptoms. This is especially true for low-risk HPV types, which typically clear up on their own without causing any health problems.

  • The most common symptom associated with HPV is the development of genital warts. These can appear as soft, cauliflower-shaped bumps in the genital area, including the vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, scrotum, and anus.

  • Certain HPV strains can lead to precancerous changes in cervical cells in women, which, if left untreated, can progress to cervical cancer. However, these precancerous changes typically don't cause any specific symptoms.

What are the diagnoses of HPV?

There is no single test to diagnose all HPV types. However, several tests can help detect the presence of HPV or identify potential health concerns associated with it:

  • Pap Test

This routine screening for women checks for abnormal cervical cells that could be precancerous. While not an HPV test itself, it can indicate potential HPV-related concerns.

  • HPV DNA Test

This test can detect the presence of specific HPV types, including high-risk types associated with cancer.

  • Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and colposcopy

These procedures involve visually examining the cervix for abnormalities, often following an abnormal Pap test result.

HPV Treatment Options

  • There is no cure for HPV itself, but the body's immune system can clear most infections naturally.

  • Treatment options focus on managing symptoms and addressing associated health concerns:

  • Genital Warts

Various methods can remove warts, including cryotherapy (freezing), electrocautery (burning), laser treatment, and topical medications.

  • Precancerous Cervical Changes

Depending on the severity, treatment options may involve removing abnormal cells through procedures like loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) or conization.

To get the finest treatment, visit the best gynaecology hospital in Kharadi, Pune.

Preventive Techniques

  • Vaccination

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent HPV infection and associated health problems. The HPV vaccine is recommended for both girls and boys at the age of 11 or 12 years and can be administered up to age 26.

  • Regular Check up

Regular screening, like Pap tests, is crucial for early detection and management of potential HPV-related concerns, particularly cervical cancer.

  • Stay Protected

HPV is a common virus, and most people who contract it never experience any health problems. However, practicing safe sex and getting vaccinated significantly reduce the risk of HPV-related complications.


It's important to consult a healthcare professional for any concerns or questions regarding HPV. At Manipal Hospitals Kharadi you will find the best obstetrics and gynecology doctors to meet your healthcare needs. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure appropriate testing and treatment based on your individual situation.

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