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Department of Nephrology

Managing Kidney Stones Through Diet: A Comprehensive Guide

Posted On: Dec 26, 2023

blogs read 4 Min Read

Kidney Stones Diet Plan and Prevention

Kidney stones, though small, can cause excruciating pain and discomfort. While medical intervention is crucial, dietary modifications play an important role in preventing the formation of kidney stones. Manipal Hospitals Kharadi emphasizes the significance of a customized diet plan  to suit the patient's needs in helping manage kidney stones effectively.


What are Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are solid, clumped crystalline deposits that form in the kidneys due to the accumulation of certain substances like calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. Dietary factors significantly influence the formation and prevention of these stones.

What to Eat for Kidney Stone Prevention?

  • Hydration

Adequate water intake is crucial. It helps dilute urine, preventing minerals from crystallizing and forming stones. Aim for at least 2-3 litres of water daily.

  • Citrus Fruits

Lemons, oranges, and grapefruits are rich in citrate, a compound that helps prevent stone formation by inhibiting crystal growth.

  • Calcium-rich Foods

Contrary to popular belief, adequate calcium intake from sources like milk, yoghurt, and cheese can reduce the risk of calcium oxalate stones by binding to oxalates in the gut.

  • Moderate Protein Intake

Limit excessive intake of animal proteins (meat, fish, poultry) as they can increase uric acid and calcium in the urine, contributing to stone formation.

  • Plant-based Diet

Incorporate more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. They are low in oxalates and high in nutrients that aid in preventing stone formation. Fibre from plants helps eliminate toxins and solid wastes too.

Consult with our best nephrologists in Pune to get the finest treatment at Manipal Hospitals Pune.

What foods should be avoided?

  • Oxalate-rich Foods

Spinach, beets, nuts, chocolate, and certain legumes contain high levels of oxalates. Limiting these foods can reduce oxalate accumulation in the kidneys.

  • Sodium and Processed Foods

Excessive salt intake can lead to higher calcium levels in the urine, contributing to stone formation. Avoid processed foods, canned soups, and fast foods high in sodium.

  • Animal Proteins

Reducing the intake of red meat, fish, and poultry can help lower the risk of uric acid stones.

  • Sugar and High-Fructose Corn Syrup

High sugar intake can increase the excretion of calcium and contribute to stone formation.

  • Limit Caffeine and Alcohol

These can dehydrate the body, leading to concentrated urine and potential stone formation.

Treatment Options

At Manipal Hospitals Kharadi, a specialized team of dieticians, nephrologists, and urologists work together to Surgeons are available to provide treatment options like nephrectomy and keyhole surgeries and provide lasting relief. In extreme cases, a kidney transplant may be required to help improve patient health.

  • Customized Kidney Stones Diet Plans

Our experts create tailored diet plans considering the patient's medical history, type of kidney stones, and specific dietary needs. These plans aim to prevent stone formation by regulating the intake of minerals and oxalates while promoting hydration and a balanced diet. To develop these personalized dietary plans for individuals prone to kidney stones; Our expert teams integrate the latest nutritional research and focus on patient education, empowering patients to make informed dietary choices. 


Managing kidney stones through diet is an essential aspect of prevention and treatment. If the diet and lifestyle modifications are made on time, patients can avoid major complications too. Getting regular health checkups helps identify minor issues before they become major health risks. Manipal Hospitals Kharadi believes in a holistic approach that integrates dietary modifications as a cornerstone in the management of kidney stones. By emphasizing the right foods and avoiding specific triggers, individuals can reduce the risk of kidney stone formation and lead healthier lives. Book an appointment now at the best nephrology hospital in Pune.

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