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Department of Gastrointestinal Science

Liver Health: With A Focus On Symptoms And Treatment Of Fatty Liver   

Posted On: May 24, 2022
blogs read 2 Min Read
Fatty Liver Treatment in Kharadi Pune

The liver is the largest internal organ performing over 700 different processes in the human body. It has the unique ability to repair itself. Over 90% of liver diseases are preventable. The most common causes of liver diseases are consumption of alcohol, fatty liver, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and some metabolic and immune-mediated problems. Of these alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver disease, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are preventable. Rely on Manipal Hospitals and consult the best liver doctor in Kharadi, Pune for fatty liver treatment.

What Causes Fatty Liver? 

Our lifestyles have changed enormously over the past few decades and this has led to an increase in liver diseases. Fatty liver disease forms a large chunk of the problem. Modern ‘on-the-go’ 21st-century lifestyle, quick fixes for everything and consumption of fast food have not been particularly conducive to good liver health. The effects of those are now starting to come through in the rapid emergence of liver diseases, especially fatty liver as a critical health issue. More and more people are getting diagnosed with fatty liver disease, and a fairly large number of people ignore it.

What Is NAFLD?

NAFLD is a medical condition wherein excess fat gets deposited in the liver. NAFLD means Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. This deposition of fat is not caused by heavy alcohol consumption. NAFLD affects about 25% of the global adult population ranging from 13.5% in Africa to 31.8% in the Middle East. NAFLD amounts to 9% to 32% of cases in India. Contrary to popular belief, alcohol only accounts for about one-third of all the cases of liver disease with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) emerging as the leading contributor in recent times.

An unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are the two most controllable factors responsible for fatty liver disease. Some of the patients with fatty liver may have a genetic predisposition to develop insulin resistance, which predisposes to the development of fatty liver disease. The good news is, that it can be corrected and controlled.

  • Abdominal fat

Those who are overweight are at an increased risk of NAFLD, especially those with abdominal fat or “central fat”. A BMI over 30 may indicate the prevalence of NAFLD.  

  • Raised cholesterol

An increase in unhealthy cholesterol levels is closely linked to fatty liver.

  • High blood pressure and sleep apnea

People who snore, and those who have a higher blood pressure are at an increased risk of fatty liver.

  • Constant fatigue

This is not a consistent symptom unless the liver disease is fairly advanced.

  • Binge eating

If you feel hungry most of the time or have a craving for sugar on a regular basis, it could be an early sign of liver damage.

NAFLD can progress to NASH (non-alcoholic steato[fat] hepatitis) – which is inflammation in the liver. NASH oftentimes progresses to fibrosis (scarring) which can eventually cause liver cirrhosis (irreversible liver damage).

How To Avoid And Correct Fatty Liver?


Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle? It's time to get active, for a healthy liver! Keeping an active lifestyle and exercising regularly can have a huge benefit to your overall health and your liver by reducing the build-up of fats and therefore helping to lessen the risk of obesity, and type 2 diabetes and prevent fatty liver disease.


The accumulation of abdominal fat is increasingly associated with excessively high consumption of carbohydrates, mainly the fast-absorbing sugars found in refined cereal products (white bread, more than one helping of rice, pasta made from refined flour, crackers without fibre, etc.), fizzy drinks, yoghurt with added sugar, fruit juice and desserts. Make sure that you read the nutrition labels and the list of ingredients before making the purchase to make the smart choice.  

A carbohydrate-restricted diet is widely recommended for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This means avoiding the consumption of all processed food, like biscuits, namkeen (snacks), sweets, noodles and all bakery products. Foods that advertise whole wheat or soya or multigrain; contain only a small fraction of the same, the main ingredient in them is refined flour (maida).

The fibres and nutrients found in fruits and vegetables help to limit inflammatory processes, among others, through their role as an energetic substrate for good intestinal bacteria. Similarly, probiotics like curds and buttermilk are helpful. Healthy gut bacteria limit inflammatory processes when they are present in large quantities in our intestines, and they are adequately nourished through the fibres and antioxidants contained in coloured plants.

Eat Like The Mediterranean 

  • Fishes such as trout, sardines, and salmon are some oily fishes that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is recommended to eat two portions of fish a week, one of which should be an oily fish.
  • Avoid salt and use herbs and other spices to season the dishes.
  • Consider adding wholegrain bread and cereal to your diet.
  • For snacks and munching in between meals, you can have unsalted nuts.   
  • Opt for low-fat cheese for instance mozzarella, feta or cottage over cheddar or cream cheese. This way you can reduce your saturated fat intake. 

Evidence suggests that we should eat at least 4-5 portions of fruits and vegetables per day. Consume more protein and fibre, and try to consume fats that are healthy. Eggs and pulses are great sources of protein.

Obesity which may also cause liver-related illnesses is an increased preference for, and consumption of, foods high in fat and sugar. Thus, it becomes more difficult to lose weight and avert liver diseases. 

Making positive changes to your diet and activity levels is essential to successful weight loss. You can achieve your weight goals simply by making some small and mindful choices in your routine. Get active, make healthier dietary choices and you are on your way to good health.

Show Some Love To Your Liver, Here’s How!

  • Store precut fruits or vegetables in the fridge, so they are easy to reach for a healthy snack.
  • Use smaller plates that are 9 or 10 inches in diameter and are dark in colour. 
  • Eat at a table with the TV turned off, and away from your cell phone.
  • Drink water along with a meal.

Keeping your liver healthy after all fatty liver can not only cause irreversible liver damage but also put you at risk of getting liver cancer and increase your chances of developing diabetes and heart diseases. Visit Manipal Hospitals for fatty liver treatment in Kharadi, Pune. We have the best liver doctors in Kharadi, Pune who can answer all your concerns related to fatty liver, its symptoms, treatment and post-treatment care.

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