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Department of Orthopaedics

Myths & Facts about Total Knee Replacement

Posted On: Jul 07, 2022

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Total Knee Replacement in Kharadi Pune

An active life, full of travel and adventure is desired by all. With the advancement of age and the onset of lifestyle-induced pains, we often tend to lose, this very mobility. An effective solution for age-induced joint pains in the leg, and especially knee pains is a total knee replacement. Book an appointment with the best orthopedic surgeon in Kharadi, Pune at Manipal Hospitals to know about the procedure and its cost. 

The knee is a joint in the legs which helps join the prominent bones of the upper and lower part of the limb. It is held together by muscles, ligaments, and tendons. A layer of specialized tissue called cartilage covering the bone ends absorbs shocks and keeps the knee protected. This complex arrangement of bones, muscles and specialized shock-absorbing tissues makes up the knee.

The essential elements of the knee are:

  • Tibia: The prominent bone at the lower part of the leg is also known as the shin bone.

  • Femur: The bone at the upper part of the leg around the thigh.

  • Patella: Also known as the kneecap.

  • Cartilage: Cartilage covers the bone's surface and reduces the joint's friction.

  • Synovial membrane: The tissue that secretes fluids and keeps the knee joint lubricated.

  • Ligament: The elastic tissues connect one bone to another, enabling the knee's stability, protection, and movement. 

  • Tendon: Sturdy tissue connects muscles to bones to handle knee movement.

  • Meniscus: Part of cartilage that absorbs shocks.

The elastic tissues connecting one bone to another are called ligaments. Ligaments help with stability, protection and movement of the knee. 

With the advancement of age, bones often wear and tear. Genetic factors or diseases might cause the bones to become brittle, this can lead to pain in movement. Osteoarthritis is one condition observed mostly in patients of advanced age where the movement of joints causes immense pain to the patient. Pain caused by osteoarthritis is why most patients undergo knee replacement surgery. Such patients often have a problem with regular movements like walking, getting up and sitting down or climbing stairs.

Another scenario is sports injuries, which could lead to tearing of the ligament, damage to any of the bones that form the joint, etc. In all such cases, the patient suffers immense pain and movement becomes restricted. Even routine activities of day-to-day life become painful tasks. One effective way out is of undergoing knee replacement surgery.

In case of a knee replacement, one or more parts of the knee as listed above are replaced by a prosthetic. A prosthetic is an artificially made replica (made from biocompatible, medical-grade and safe-to-use material) of the part of the knee needing replacement. Knee replacement surgery relieves chronic pain and restores the function of the knee joint. Thus, helping patients regain mobility and enjoy the pain-free movement of their limbs.

Manipal Hospitals is one of the best orthopedic hospitals in Kharadi, Pune equipped with advanced technologies and facilities that help patients recover from various conditions related to bones ranging from minor fractures to knee replacement and even spinal injuries.

Myth 1: We can self-assess the need for a Total Knee Replacement.

Fact: An orthopaedic surgeon takes a call on the total knee arthroplasty by considering the knee's range of motion, strength and stability. The doctors also conduct X-rays to determine the right course of treatment for you based on your age, health, lifestyle and fitness levels. 

Myth 2: I can start walking immediately after the surgery.

Fact: Recovering to normal knee functioning might take some time. As it takes up to 3 months to reduce swelling and engage muscles. The team of experts also consists of a physiotherapist who assists you with physiotherapy, assisting equipment like a walker to ease into everyday movement and activity.

Myth 3: Older patients can't have a Total Knee Replacement.

Fact: Senior citizens, even beyond 80, show encouraging signs of benefit from a total knee replacement. A knee replacement does not have a cut-off date, it is the overall health, fitness and lifestyle of a patient that helps determine the success of the procedure.

Myth 4: I am an athlete. Will doctors remove my Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) along with total knee replacement?

Fact: Conventional knee replacement used to require removal of the ACL, but with advancements in prosthetic design, this is no longer the case. Athletes and sportspersons can consult with their doctors on the best course of treatment so as to be able to resume their sports careers by undergoing total knee replacement without removing their ACL.

Myth 5: Knee implants have a short life.

Fact: The total knee replacement surgery lasts well beyond ten years and may last up to 20 years depending upon how well the patient takes care of them self and follows palliative care guidelines recommended by their doctor.

Myth 6: Any doctor can perform a Knee replacement Surgery!

Fact: Knee replacement surgery is a medical procedure which requires high precision medical technology and clinical expertise for a successful procedure outcome. Manipal Hospital is a multispecialty hospital equipped with advanced medical technologies and experienced orthopaedic surgeons, helping patients with total knee replacement and after-care therapy. We also have highly experienced knee replacement surgeons in Pune. 

Myth 7: Artificial knee never wears down.

Fact: Even the most sturdy metal or plastic wears down with regular use. Activities with a high impact on knee joints are known to wear the artificial knee sooner.

Myth 8: Total knee replacement needs an extended hospital stay.

Fact: The total knee replacement surgery is done by expert surgeons, and is usually completed in a matter of a few hours unless other complications are associated with the patient. Patients can leave the hospital on the same day of the surgery.

Myth 9: Only Osteoarthritis results in Knee Replacement Surgery.

Fact: Rheumatoid arthritis and arthritis that results from a knee injury are other forms of arthritis that may require knee replacement surgery. Doctors may consider other reasons before recommending surgery: fractures, sports injury, accident-related trauma leading to torn cartilage or ligaments.

Manipal Hospital is the best knee replacement hospital in Kharadi, Pune, with some of India's best doctors, state-of-the-art medical technologies and facilities. Are you looking for a Total knee replacement in Kharadi, Pune for yourself or your loved ones? Look no further than Manipal Hospitals, Kharadi, in Pune. 

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