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Department of Cardiology

Pacemaker Implantation And Benefits

Posted On: Apr 26, 2023

blogs read 4 Min Read

Best Heart Surgery Hospital in Kharadi Pune

What is a Pacemaker?

A pacemaker is a small electronic device which is implanted near the heart to regulate the heartbeat or heart rhythm. It is implanted below the collar bone and close to the heart to generate minute electrical impulses and regulate the heartbeat to normal values.

Why is a pacemaker important?

Heart rhythm is supposed to follow a routine or pattern, but many patients suffer from irregular heartbeats which are either too slow (Bradycardia) or a little too fast (Tachycardia). Both these conditions can have adverse effects on health in the long run and therefore, need to be monitored and remedied in a timely manner. 

When does one need a pacemaker?

There can be multiple reasons for getting a pacemaker implanted -

  • A weak heart

  • Prior Heart Attack History. 

  • Patients suffering from heart issues.

  • Patients with Tachy-Brady Syndrome.

  • Patients on Beta Blockers.

  • Patients are on medications which impact heart rate.

  • Patients of heart transplant (Recipients).

  • Patients with damaged SA and AV nodes.

Consult with the best heart specialist in Kharadi Pune if you notice any heart-related problems. 

The heart and its working

The heart is a muscular organ the size of a fist that pumps blood in the body. This is important for the maintenance of blood and oxygen supply to different parts of the body. It is divided into four chambers which are specialized to contain and pump blood without any mixing. These chambers are guarded by specialized muscular valves (Bicuspid and Tricuspid) which control the direction of blood flow in and out of the heart. There are specialized nodes called the Sinoatrial (SA) and AtrioVentricular (AV) nodes. These are specialized tissues which help generate electrical impulses and regulate heartbeat. This function may be impaired in some individuals due to various medical and or congenital conditions. Such issues or irregularities with the heart rhythm may cause serious issues and health concerns. When the heart is beating abnormally, it is unable to pump an adequate amount of blood to the body, which may hamper organ function. If the heart is too slow, the blood is pumped slowly. This can lead to lowered blood pressure, low oxygen supply to the organs and symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, fainting or chest pain may manifest.

If the heart rate is too fast, the chambers may not fill up completely before each pumping action. This again can be a problematic condition as the heart needs to work twice as hard to pump the blood, leading to extra strain on heart muscles, higher energy consumption and fatigue. Symptoms such as chest pain, tiredness and breathlessness may occur.

Benefits of Pacemaker Implantation

Now that we have understood the working of the heart and the health implications around irregular heart rhythm, we can appreciate the benefits of a pacemaker implantation better:

  • Maintain heart rhythm.

  • Improve the quality of life in patients with Bradycardia.

  • Improve the quality of life in patients with Tachycardia.

  • Takes away fear of heart problems.

  • Patients can live an active life.

  • Relieves fear of heart issues.

How do I know if I need a pacemaker?

If a person is experiencing recurrent chest pains, fainting episodes or dizziness without any extreme physical strain they must check with a doctor. Your doctor would recommend certain physical examinations for your heart health such as:

  • Treadmill test (TMT)

  •  Stress test 

  • Angiography ( to rule out possibilities of blockage) 

  • Additional blood tests (to check for clotting factors and cholesterol)

  • CT Scan

  • MRI 

The above tests may be recommended to ascertain the heart’s overall health and functioning. Only a certified doctor or experienced cardiologist can tell you if you need a pacemaker or some other form of treatment for your particular condition. Pacemaker installation is considered a minor surgery, but it has a major impact on your overall health.

Pacemaker Implantation enhances the quality of life

Pacemaker implantation has been observed to enhance the overall quality of life. Patients are able to lead an active life away from the fear of heartbeat irregularities. Patients, both young and old are able to do physical activities which they could not do earlier, due to irregular heart rates. If you have any queries about heart health or pacemaker implantation, consult a heart specialist at the best heart surgery hospital in Kharadi Pune today. Manipal Hospitals, Kharadi has some of the best cardiologists in the city to care for your heart health, so you can take care of those you keep close to your heart. Book an appointment today or consult our expert doctors online. 

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