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Department of Nephrology

The Importance Of Kidney Health : 7 Tips For Maintaining Healthy Kidneys

Posted On: May 26, 2023

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Best Nephrology Hospital in Pune

Why is Kidney Health important?

Kidneys are the filtration units of the body which help clean out the fluid wastes from the body. This is important for a sound body and mind. Water balance or osmotic balance of organs is also maintained by the help of kidneys. Therefore, maintaining kidneys in good health is important for overall well being.

Multiple factors can lead to the dampening of kidney health. One of them being the formation of kidney stones. Kidney stones may affect any part of your urinary tract from the kidneys to the bladder.

Common risk factors for Kidney Stone formation are:

  • Obesity

  • Comorbidities

  • Lifestyle

  • Diet 

  • Consumption of specific supplements

  • Drugs.

Book an appointment with our expert urologists and kidney specialist in Kharadi, Pune at Manipal Hospitals. We have a center of excellence dedicated to nephrology and  urology where expert doctors are equipped with the latest medical technologies to diagnose and treat your condition in the best of your interest.

Causes of Kidney Stones 

Kidney stones are clumps of wastes or salts found in the body which stick together and form stone like hard deposits. When the presence of crystal-forming substances like uric acid, calcium, and oxalate increases in the urine the risk of stones increases. These stones may stick together and form large clumps which could cause rupture, or cause blockage of internal organs. 

Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Minor stones usually do not cause any noticeable symptoms. When a kidney stone moves around or enters one of the ureters (tubes), it causes noticeable symptoms. When a stone gets stuck in one of these tubes, it may restrict the flow of urine and cause inflammation, pain along with many other symptoms as listed below:

  • Severe pain below the ribcage on the side and back

  • Radiating discomfort in the groin and lower abdomen

  • Pain that is intermittent and varies in severity

  • Pain and burning sensation while urinating

  • Cloudy or fouls smelling urine

  • Urinating more frequently than normal, or urinating infrequently

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhea

  • Fever (In case of internal infection).

Types of Kidney Stones 

Calcium Stones: Calcium stones are made of calcium oxalate, they make up the majority of kidney stones. Our liver produces oxalate every day, but that is not the only source you can also get from food. Oxalate levels can also rise with the consumption of certain nuts, vegetables, fruits, and chocolate. 

  • Uric Acid Stones

Losing too much fluid due to any medical condition or consuming too little fluid may give rise to uric acid concentration in the body. This can lead to the formation of uric acid stones. Common risk factors being - Chronic diarrhea, a high-protein diet, comorbidities like diabetes, metabolic syndrome and genetic factors also increase the risk of uric acid stones. 

  • Cystine Stones

One of the amino acids that makes up protein and can be found in some foods is cysteine. When the kidneys fail to reabsorb cystine from the urine, we get cysteine deposits. Urine containing a lot of cystine might lead to the formation of kidney stones. 

  • Struvite Stones

Struvite Stones are also known as infection stones because they generally begin forming as a result of urinary tract infections. The bacteria that cause this infection make the urine more alkaline.

Tips for Kidney Health

  • Keep Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water and fluids such as coconut water, fresh fruit juice and eating fruits and vegetables rich in water content is a good way to keep hydrated.

  • Reduce Alcohol

If you are habitual of consumption, limit your intake of alcohol.

  • Reduce Caffeine and Sugary Drinks

Refined sugars, sugary drinks and caffeinated beverages lead to water loss from the body and hence should only be consumed in moderation.

  • Maintain a Schedule

Be it eating or sleeping, having a sense of schedule helps regulate body metabolism as well as well being.

  • Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

A healthy body weight is important, any massive shifts in body weight put the vital organs under excessive pressure.

  • Reduce Stress

Stress is unhealthy for kidney function as it directly impacts blood pressure. Exploring stress reducing activities will help improve kidney health.

  • Manage your Health

If you are a person experiencing other health conditions or are on medication/ treatment, you must take good care of your health and manage your condition so that it doesn’t impact your kidney. 

Kidney Stone Diagnosis

Kidney health is best diagnosed by a clinician after assessing your physical health and other medical reports. Your doctor would recommend a urine test, LFT, KFT and X-Ray or CT if they suspect you to be experiencing symptoms of Kidney stones.

Numerous imaging techniques help the medical professional find out the size and location of the stone. Invasive and non-invasive diagnostic procedures are performed in order to accurately assess the location and size of the stone and extract it with minimal impact to the body.

Treatment for Kidney Stones

The treatment for kidney stones remains the same in adults and children. Generally, the patient is instructed to increase the water intake as it has been observed that it helps the patient release them through the urine. Doctors prefer this method over surgery. Doctors might also prescribe some medicine to lessen the acidity of your urine. Surgery is recommended in cases where the stone is too large or is causing infection.

Consult our team of experienced urologists and nephrologists at the best nephrology hospital in Pune in case you observe any symptoms of kidney stones. Our experts can guide you around the latest surgery procedures around stone removal based on your clinical history and health needs.

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