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Department of Cardiology

What Is CPR? How Does It Work?

Posted On: Mar 22, 2024

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What Is CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) & Its Procedure

CPR what does it stand for?

CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It's a lifesaving technique used in emergencies when someone's heart stops beating or isn't beating effectively. The goal of CPR is to artificially pump blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen to vital organs until medical help arrives. To know more about CPR and what is it, consult with our team of experts.

When does one need CPR?

CPR is needed when someone is experiencing cardiac arrest or has stopped breathing normally. Here are some specific signs that CPR might be necessary:

  • Unconsciousness

The person is unresponsive and doesn't show any signs of awareness, even when stimulated (e.g., shaking, calling their name loudly).

  • No Breathing

You don't see the chest rising and falling, and you can't feel any breath on your cheek when placing your ear close to their mouth.

  • No Pulse

You can't feel a pulse in the major arteries (wrist, groin, neck) after checking for at least 10 seconds.

It's important to remember that these are just general guidelines, and not everyone who experiences these signs will necessarily need CPR. However, if you're unsure, it's always better to err on the side of caution and call emergency services immediately. They can guide you through the situation and determine if CPR is necessary. Cardiologists in Kharadi are some of the best doctors in Pune city.

Here's a breakdown of how CPR works

  • Chest Compressions

By firmly and rhythmically pressing down on the centre of the chest, CPR tries to mimic the pumping action of the heart. This helps maintain some blood circulation, especially to the brain and other critical organs.

  • Rescue Breaths (Optional)

In traditional CPR, rescue breaths were used to deliver oxygen to the lungs. However, current guidelines for bystanders prioritize chest compressions and only recommend rescue breaths if you're comfortable performing them.

So, what is CPR? It serves as a temporary solution to keep blood flowing and oxygen reaching vital organs until advanced medical care can take over. It's crucial to remember that early CPR is vital, as brain cells begin to die within minutes without oxygen. Getting the right medical help is of utmost importance. Manipal Hospitals Kharadi has some of the best emergency services and ambulances in Pune. Visit the best cardiology hospital in Pune to get the finest treatment.

While not everyone who receives CPR survives, it significantly increases their chances. If you're ever in a situation where someone needs CPR, remember:

  • Call emergency services immediately.

  • If you're trained in CPR, begin chest compressions.

  • Continue CPR until help arrives or the person starts breathing on their own.

Here are some additional points to remember:

  • Early intervention is crucial. The sooner CPR is started, the better the chances of survival.

  • You don't need to be formally trained in CPR to perform it. Even simple chest compressions can be lifesaving.

  • Many organizations offer CPR training courses. If you're interested in learning CPR, consider enrolling in one of these courses.


By being prepared and knowing the signs, you can potentially save someone's life in an emergency. It's important to learn CPR procedures to be prepared to act in an emergency. Many organizations offer CPR training courses, and learning this life-saving skill can empower you to help someone in need. Finding the right emergency services in time is also equally important. Visit Manipal Hospitals Kharadi to experience the best emergency services in Pune. 

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