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Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

World Breastfeeding Week 2022: Step Up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support

Posted On: Aug 05, 2022

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World Breastfeeding Week 2022

Everyone is talking about breastfeeding these days and why not, it has immense benefits attached to it and do you know that it also has a significant impact on the child’s psychological and physical growth? Yes, you read it right, breast milk not only provides the needed nutrition to your child but develops immunity and it has been observed that breastfed babies grow up as smarter kids who are less likely to experience behavioural problems or learning difficulties. Besides being an overwhelming experience for a mother, breastfeeding is highly crucial for a baby’s health. 

Every year we celebrate Breastfeeding Week from the 1st to the 7th of August to educate and spread awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding. This year the theme for World Breastfeeding Week 2022 is ‘Step up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support’.  

Benefits of Breastfeeding 

The only food a baby needs

The Best Gynecologist-Obstetrician in Kharadi, Pune at Manipal Hospitals advise breastfeeding exclusively for a minimum of six months and thereafter continuing breastfeeding along with complementary feeding for a minimum of 2 years or longer. Breast milk contains all the nutrients a newborn needs in the right amounts for the first six months of life. Early after giving birth, your breasts produce colostrum, a thick, yellowish fluid. It is low in sugar, high in protein, and has a lot of healthful nutrients. The best first milk is colostrum, which supports the development of the newborn's developing digestive system. As the baby's tummy grows after the first few days, the breasts begin producing more milk.

Breast milk has Antibodies and reduces the risk of diseases

Breast milk contains antibodies that are essential for assisting your infant in warding off germs and viruses. This is true for colostrum, the first milk that a baby must consume. Colostrum contains a lot of antibodies, including immunoglobulin A (IgA). The milk contains antibodies that your body starts to make after being exposed to viruses or germs. Numerous studies have shown that infants who are not breastfed are more prone to infections, diarrhoea, and health issues like pneumonia.

Promotes Healthy Weight Gain 

Breastfeeding helps prevent obesity in childhood and encourages healthy weight gain. 

According to research, breastfeeding for more than 4 months significantly lowers the likelihood that a baby will become overweight or obese. Beneficial gut bacteria are more prevalent in breastfed babies, which may have an impact on how fat is stored. Compared to newborns who are fed formula-based milk, breastfed babies have higher levels of leptin in their bodies, which is an important hormone for controlling hunger and fat accumulation is leptin.

Babies that are breastfed self-regulate how much milk they consume. They are better at eating only until they are full, which aids in the development of wholesome eating habits.

Breastfeeding makes kids smarter and sharper

Some researchers state that formula-fed babies' brain development may differ from that of breastfeeding babies. This distinction might result from the nutrient composition of breastmilk as well as the bonding that a mother and a baby share due to closeness, touch, and eye contact during breastfeeding. According to some reliable studies breastfed infants score more highly on IQ tests and are less likely to experience behavioural issues or learning challenges as they age.

Breastfeeding helps a mother lose weight, lowers the risk of depression, and helps the uterus contract. 

Breastfeeding burns calories! It has been observed that breastfeeding mothers were able to shed their baby weight more effortlessly than the ones who opted for formula feed. Another benefit of breastfeeding is that it helps the uterus contract. Your uterus increases significantly throughout pregnancy. Your uterus undergoes a process known as involution after delivery wherein it grows back to its pre-pregnancy size. This process is aided by the pregnancy-related rise in the hormone oxytocin. During labour, your body produces large amounts of oxytocin to aid in delivery and lessen bleeding. Breastfeeding causes a rise in oxytocin as well. It promotes uterine contractions and lessens bleeding. In addition to this, breastfeeding also helps women escape from developing postpartum depression and reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer too. To know more about the risk of postpartum depression, consult with our Best Gynaecologist Obstetrician in Kharadi, Pune.

Breastfeeding is an overwhelming experience and could be painful in some cases, but a little guidance can make your breastfeeding journey more satisfying. Recently, we came across 2 stories wherein we observed how the right information and support can help new mothers get into this role comfortably. We came across cases like Archana’s who was unable to feed her son, due to a lack of awareness and support from the medical staff at the hospital where she delivered her baby, and today she feels guilty about it. On the other hand, there are mothers like Preeti who were able to attend a lactation antenatal session with her family wherein she received information on benefits and preparation for breastfeeding, early initiation, the importance of the initial yellow fluid, risks of prelacteal feeds, formula feeds, bottles and pacifiers. At Manipal Hospitals, we assist and educate new mothers on various aspects such as Kangaroo mother care, positioning, attachment and more.      

Lactation consultants at our Obstetrics and Gynaecology department encourage new moms to opt for breastfeeding as it's good for their and their baby’s health. Connect with the experts at Manipal Hospitals Kharadi, Pune to know more about breastfeeding or to discuss any problem you might be facing in feeding your newborn. We invite you to read our blog on nutrition during pregnancy to find out what you should eat and how mindful eating can help aid delivery and post-delivery recovery

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