
Dr. Jayanthi T V

Consultant - ENT

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Reviewed by

Dr. Jayanthi T V

Consultant - ENT

Manipal Hospitals, Malleshwaram

Everything You Need to Know About Allergies: Symptoms & Treatment

Reviewed by:

Dr. Jayanthi T V

Posted On: Jun 17, 2024

blogs read 5 Min Read

Allergies: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Allergies are a common condition caused by your body's response to external substances. Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from allergies. Some allergies require treatment, and some subside on their own. The medical treatment for allergies includes identifying the main causes, examining symptoms, and advising customized treatments and therapies. This blog offers a thorough explanation of all aspects related to allergies, including common causes, symptoms of common allergies, and measures to treat and prevent allergies. 


Common Causes of Allergies

Allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to something typically harmless, called an allergen. This can trigger a range of symptoms, from mild sniffles to potentially life-threatening reactions.

Common allergens include:

  • Pollen: From trees, grasses, and weeds.

  • Dust mites: Tiny organisms found in household dust.

  • Animal dander: Skin flakes from pets.

  • Food: Such as peanuts, shellfish, milk, and eggs.

  • Insect stings: Bees, wasps, and other insects.

  • Medications: Penicillin and other antibiotics.

  • Mold: Spores from mold and mildew.

Key Symptoms of Allergies

Common allergy symptoms include the following:



Dust and pollen

Blocked/congested nose, itchy eyes/nose, runny nose, swollen/watery eyes, cough


Vomiting, swollen tongue, tingling in the mouth, swelling (lips, face, throat), stomach cramps, shortness of breath, itchiness in mouth, diarrhoea

Insect stings

Wheezing, significant swelling at the sting site, sudden drop in blood pressure, itchy skin, shortness of breath, restlessness, hives, dizziness, cough, chest tightness


Wheezing, swelling (tongue, lips, face), rash, itchiness


Types of Allergies

Different types of allergies  include:

  • Rashes: Common indicators are red, swollen, or itchy skin. 

  • Eczema: Eczema is a severe allergy in which skin patches get inflamed. In extreme conditions, it can bleed. 

  • Contact dermatitis: It triggers immediately after your skin contact with an allergen. The common signs include red, itchy patches, etc.

  • Sore throat: This type is led by irritation in the throat. 

  • Hives: Red, itchy, and raised welts of various sizes and shapes develop on the surface of the skin.

  • Swollen eyes: Eyes may be watery or itchy and look “puffy.”

  • Itching: There’s irritation or inflammation in the skin.

  • Burning: Skin inflammation leads to discomfort and stinging sensations on the skin.

  • Sneezing, running nose, nasal blockage, itching in the nose, wheezing & breathlessness

Diagnosis & Treatment of Allergies

ENT specialists may recommend a few medications for its effective management. These medications, along with therapies, may help in preventing these allergies from recurring. They may also advise a few tests for their precise diagnosis. 

Skin prick tests focus on identifying the allergens. In this test, an allergist uses a thin needle to prick affected skin with a tiny sample of different possible allergens. The next step is to examine if the allergen causes your skin to respond.

Blood (IgE) tests can detect allergies, depending on their causative. However, they’re comparatively less sensitive than skin prick tests. Blood tests assess your immune system's production of IgE antibodies against a particular protein.


Your doctor may recommend medications like antihistamines or nasal sprays to manage and prevent its symptoms from recurring. Depending on how severe your allergies are, the medical professional may suggest different things like skin prick tests or measurement of session IGF levels.


Many people are also suggested for immunotherapy. It involves sublingual administration of 2 to 4 drops of the medication. over some time to help your body adjust to the allergic reaction. Successful immunotherapy can stop the recurrence of allergy-related symptoms. Immunotherapy is the only disease-modifying modularity for the treatment of allergies.

For personalised allergy treatment, consult a top ENT specialist in Bangalore at Manipal Hospitals Malleshwaram.


Allergies are very common and can affect anyone. 

The most common types of allergies include:

  • Inhalant allergies 

  • Food allergies

  • Latex allergies 

  • Allergies caused by certain medications

  • Allergies triggered by Venoms/stinging insects

A few common symptoms of inhalant allergy include:

  • Runny or Stuffed nose

  • Sneezing

  • Itchiness inside the nose

  • Itchy and Watery eyes

There are many types of tests to detect allergies. Skin prick tests and blood tests are a few common tests ENT specialists may advise for a precise diagnosis. 

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