Psoriasis is an immune-mediated skin disorder in which your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks your healthy skin cells. The skin cells multiply rapidly, which results in the formation of raised, scaly patches called plaques. In normal conditions, skin cells grow and shed off in a month, but with psoriasis, skin cells do this only in three to four days. Keep reading to know all about psoriasis causes and treatments.
Types of Psoriasis
Psoriasis is classified into five categories.
Plaque psoriasis
The most common type of psoriasis, Plaque psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disorder that causes rapid reproduction of skin cells.
Guttate psoriasis
Commonly seen in children, a streptococcal infection (pharyngitis or perianal) triggers this type of psoriasis.
Pustular psoriasis
This psoriasis type occurs commonly in adults and causes white pus-filled blisters.
Inverse psoriasis
Skin folds are affected, including around the genitals, armpits, breasts, etc. Red, shiny patches may also be formed.
Erythrodermic psoriasis
In this type, red rashes are formed over most of the body.
What are the Main Causes and Triggers of Psoriasis?
Common psoriasis triggers and causes include the following:
Throat infections
Skin injuries such as a bug bite or severe sunburn.
Alcohol consumption
Certain medicines for blood pressure and antimalarial drugs.
Weather conditions
Emotional stress
What are the Visible Symptoms of Psoriasis?
You may experience plaques or rash as the most common symptom of Psoriasis. Following are some other symptoms you may also have:
Skin discomfort.
Pitted or cracked nails.
Cracked and itchy skin.
Painful and swollen joints.
Small scaling spots - common in children.
How is the Diagnosis and Medical Evaluation of Psoriasis Done?
Your doctor will look at the affected area and take a small section of your skin for a microscopic examination (biopsy). This helps in determining the type of psoriasis. The doctor will also ask a few questions about your overall health and diet before starting any treatment.
Treatment & Management of Psoriasis
There isn’t any permanent cure for psoriasis. However, it can be managed through available treatments. These treatments target skin cells and slow down their growth. Creams, ointments, phototherapy, and oral or injected medications are available for psoriasis treatment in Bangalore.
In topical therapy, you may be prescribed to apply corticosteroids, vitamin D analogues, retinoids, calcineurin inhibitors, salicylic acid, and coal in the affected areas. In phototherapy, daily exposure to sunlight, Goeckerman therapy (coal tar treatment with light therapy), UVB broadband, UVB narrowband, Psoralen plus ultraviolet A (a light-sensitizing medication before the skin to UVA light), and excimer laser (a strong UVB light targets only the affected skin) are used. Steroids, retinoids, biologics, methotrexate, and cyclosporine are oral and injected medications that are also prescribed to control psoriasis symptoms.
Coping with Psoriasis: How to Do It?
The following measures can help you prevent psoriasis from worsening:
You should keep your skin moisturised.
Avoid touching and scratching affected areas.
Avoid triggers like stress, infections, cold weather, and certain medications.
Minimize skin irritation by wearing loose-fitting, comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Engage yourself in regular physical activity.
Take the medications prescribed by your skin specialist in Malleshwaram to manage your psoriasis symptoms.
Dispelling Myths About Psoriasis
You may hear several myths regarding psoriasis, but you should be aware of facts related to your problem. The most popular misconception is that psoriasis is a contagious disease. The truth is you cannot catch psoriasis from another person. People consider that psoriasis is caused by poor hygiene. However, being an immune-mediated skin disorder, its onset does not concern your hygiene. It should be known that psoriasis affects not only physically but also psychologically. You may experience feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and anger.
You should immediately visit a doctor when you suspect you have psoriasis. The disorder cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled at an initial stage. You should follow all the instructions provided by your doctor. Psoriasis awareness becomes important for its management, and you should be aware of all the facts related to this skin condition.
Visit a dermatology hospital if you require psoriasis treatment in Bangalore.
1. What are the most common symptoms of psoriasis?
The most common symptoms of psoriasis are raised, red, scaly patches of skin which are associated with itchiness, pain, and burning sensation. The skin may become dry due to which cracks or bleeds may occur.
2. What are the causes of psoriasis?
There isn’t any verified fact related to what causes it. However, a combination of genetic and environmental factors is considered the most probable reason.
3. How is psoriasis diagnosed?
A doctor can diagnose psoriasis based on a physical examination and medical history. Sometimes, a biopsy of the affected skin is necessary to confirm the diagnosis and type of psoriasis.