When a child falls sick, the entire family becomes distressed. Sick and injured children often require special care as they are in the developing stage. This is why whenever there is a medical emergency, be it an injury or a sudden illness, their response will be different than that of an adult. This is where Paediatric Emergency Care comes into play. Dedicated paediatric emergency specialists are responsible for providing prompt attention for your kid, addressing those unique needs, and offering personalised care for your children.
Common Types of Paediatric Emergencies:
A paediatric emergency implies when a child suffers from a sudden illness or injury. These conditions call for immediate medical intervention by an experienced paediatric emergency specialist. If the treatment isn’t initiated on time, it can lead to life-threatening complications and poor quality of life, requiring extended medical care.
Below are the most common types of paediatric emergencies and their symptoms:
The playful attitude of children makes them prone to falls, accidents, or other blunt-force trauma. If the injury is seen from the outside, then you have your signs right in front.
If not, check if they are confused, vomiting, or tired – this can mean they have experienced head trauma. They can also break bones. Such conditions will show symptoms of severe pain, inability to carry weight/lift themselves up, deformity, etc.
Respiratory Emergencies
Situations like asthma attack or pneumonia can cause your child to experience breathing issues. The signs include rapid breathing, retractions, wheezing, skin turning bluish, etc.
Neurological Emergencies
Neurological issues in your child can manifest in seizures – which are uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain. This can result in unconsciousness or uncontrollable jerking movements of different body parts. Meningitis, stroke, and high fever with altered consciousness are all neurological emergencies.
It is not possible to know what food, medicines, or other factors can cause allergic reactions in your child. This sudden breakout of allergies will educate you about their body. If you notice them having breathing problems, experiencing rapid heart rate, redness, or swelled face and throat, take them to the emergency room as early as possible. You do not need to fret if you can identify the signs promptly.
Some severe infections can progress to sepsis – this can be life-threatening. We recommend you consult your doctor instantly if your child has an infection, especially accompanied by fever, rapid breathing, and confusion.
Children tend to pick up anything and everything on their way and swallow – this can sometimes lead to dangerous outcomes. Stay alert for signs like drowsiness, breathing difficulty, vomiting, etc.
Understand that even though adults often experience similar kinds of emergencies, the modes of treatment vary widely. The smaller airways and weak immune systems of children make them more vulnerable to end up at the ER. Besides, they may also be unable to express their discomfort, so you will need to stay more cautious. Furthermore, the prescribed dosage of their medications will also be less than adults.
Thus, no matter how common the situation is, do not be the doctor yourself. Always discuss the matter with your paediatrician to avoid risks.
Prepare Yourself for Paediatric Emergencies
It is crucial to keep yourself fully equipped for any emergency that your child may encounter. Your child’s paediatrician can help you keep calm and act accordingly when there is an emergency.
Apart from being familiar with the warning signs to quickly identify an emergency, you should also assemble an emergency kit.
Keep the following checklist handy for a swift move:
Age-appropriate bandages
Dressings of different sizes
Pain relievers recommended by the doctor
Tweezers for splinter removal
Oral solutions to treat mild dehydration prescribed by the doctor
Disposable gloves, not made of latex
Cooling compress
This list more or less covers the essentials. However, the more accessories you keep, the better it is. So, discuss with your doctor if you want to expand the kit.
Keep your child’s medical history ready, including information about allergic reactions. You can also buy a medical alert bracelet for your child to indicate the high-stakes situation.
Consult our paediatric hospital in Malleshwaram if you need services of emergency paediatrics
Prevention from Paediatric Emergencies: Is it Possible?
Yes, certain simple preventive measures can ensure safety from falls and infections. You can consider the below tips to prevent your child from emergency situations:
Childproof electrical outlets
Safety-proof furniture corners
Guarded stairs and fireplaces with gates
Child lock drawers and cabinets
Keep potentially choking hazards away from your children
Store toxins and chemicals safely
Be it emergency treatment or education, we at Manipal Hospital Malleshwaram, Bangalore, can cater to all your needs. Book an appointment with our best paediatricians here and set aside all your worries.
The signs of a paediatric emergency will vary depending on the type. However, keeping the most common emergencies in mind, the symptoms are:
Respiratory issues
High fever
Neurological issues
Pain in different body parts
Broken bones
Swelled face or throat, etc.
If you suspect any discomfort in your child, you can seek immediate medical advice at Manipal Hospital Malleshwaram.
The most apparent difference is the bodily structure and immune system. Moreover, children cannot express their pain effectively, which requires you always to stay alert. Also, the dosage of their medication will be less than that of an adult.
This comprehensive guide provides easy access to paediatric emergency education without a lot of jargon. Another very effective way out is to discuss the situation with your paediatrician. You can also learn basic first-aid skills, like giving CPR, for instant action during an emergency. The more you familiarise yourself, the better it is for your child and the society.