It is common for most of us to get tempted to clean our ears. But, do you have to clean your ears and remove this wax? The ideal answer is “NO”.
Ear wax acts as a lubricant that keeps your ears away from itching and drying. It also has antibacterial properties. This prevents dust and dirt from building up inside your ears. Ideally, you should not clean ear wax. However, this ear wax can sometimes accumulate inside your ears and cause unwanted symptoms like pain, discomfort in your ears, a feeling of the ear being blocked, partial hearing loss, itching, etc. Thus, a right ear care routine is very important even though you should not remove your wax every day.
If you suspect ear wax build-up and experience any of the above symptoms, consult an expert ENT specialist in Malleswaram and understand how to clear it. Meanwhile, below are a few tips for you to learn how to clean your ears well.
Tips for Healthy Ears
Tip: Avoid Cotton Swabs
When we feel the build-up of ear wax inside our ears, most of us first think of using a cotton swab. Stay away from this practice. Studies have shown that using swabs or any pointed object to remove ear wax is ineffective and can instead harm your ears and cause an injury.
Cotton swabs can push the wax further deep into the ears, i.e., into the ear canal. It can affect or injure your eardrums. The use of cotton swabs can slow down the process of the natural removal of ear wax. It can even get stuck in your ears. The best way to remove the excess ear wax is to see your doctor. They have dedicated devices to remove the excess ear wax without causing any harm to your ears.
Consult an ENT hospital in Bangalore if you need more information on ear care.
Tip: Use Earwax Softeners
Earwax softener though is an easy and safe solution to get rid of excess ear wax that has blocked the ear canal, it is not recommended. There are many over-the-counter ear drops available nowadays that can help you soften and loosen ear wax. But without a doctor’s advice, it is better not to use any of them. Because these should not be used in an ear with a recurrent infection, an ear with a perforation & in patients with allergic Dermatitis, etc.
Before using these products, you must read the instructions for the usage carefully as written in the package. Put the mentioned number of drops or sprays into your ears.
Tip: Regularly Rinse Your Ears
Generally, your body keeps the amount of ear wax regulated. The ear wax makes its way out of your ears during chewing and jaw movement. You are not advised to clean your ears every day as you do for your teeth. While taking a head bath, some amount of water does enter the ear canal and waters away the wax, so don’t rinse the ear.
If you have issues associated with ear wax build-up, your ENT doctor may confirm the cause of the symptoms. An otoscope is inserted into your ears to examine if there is excess wax build-up. If present, a syringe is used to flush water or a water plus saline solution into the ears to remove the excess wax.
Avoid using earphones & headphones; avoid loud music & noisy Environment.
Tip: Professional Check-Ups
Not every issue with your ears, such as pain, hearing problems, or itching, is related to earwax accumulation. Other conditions like the presence of an infection may be the reason behind your symptoms. Thus, do not self-medicate or consider home remedies. Visit your doctor and get your ears assessed thoroughly.
Ear hygiene is important. However, you don’t have to remove ear wax as part of your cleansing routine. Only when, there is excess wax production, causing discomfort or certain symptoms, should you see your doctor.
Visit an ent specialist in Malleswaram by scheduling an appointment at Manipal North Side Hospital, Malleswaram, Bengaluru.
1. How often should I clean my ear?
You should not clean your ears regularly and for no reason.
2. Is ear wax actually wax?
It is not wax in reality. It is made of dead skin cells and oils secreted by the glands present inside the ear canal.
3. Does ear wax repel bugs?
Ear wax acts as a repellent and prevents bugs from entering the ears.